Hi Bas,
thanks for the quick response!
The admin_level=8-areas in Curacao have a source-tag that says
"basiskaart.gobiernu.cw" which is actually a URL [1]. I couldn't open
the map viewer nor could I find any information about the license. Maybe
we should re-post our discussion in my newly opened thread in the forum
(like you recommended) [2].
[1] http://basiskaart.gobiernu.cw/
[2] https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=775719
Am 30.01.2020 um 11:48 schrieb Bas Couwenberg:
On 2020-01-30 11:29, dktue wrote:
I'm looking at Curaçao and was checking the boundaries finding that
admin_level=8 seems to be pretty nicely tagged. But how can I find the
boundary of Willemstadt? Is there a consensus of how to use
admin_level=* in Curaçao?
Have you checked the history of boundary relations to see who edits
them most frequently in recent years? This person is probably a good
candidate to contact.
I only maintain the administrative boundaries (admin_level 10 and
lower) within continental NL, I don't know anyone who does so for the
overseas territories.
Looking at the enclosing features (via Query features on osm.org) it
seems that there is no administrative boundary relation for
Willemstadt, only a place node.
I'm not aware of any open data for Curaçao that could be used to add
the city boundaries like the BAG in the Netherlands.
If such a dataset exists I'll consider also maintaining the boundaries
of the overseas territories if they don't have a maintainer already.
For further discussion the forum is a better option as most active
mappers are not on this list.
Kind Regards,
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