Happy new year everyone.

In case some of you are wondering about some of my recent changeset
comments with the phrase,  "Better PH data with #Kaart", I've recently
linked up with Kaart [0], and their initiative to improve OSM data in the

One of the things we'd like to tackle is road network improvement,
initially in Metro Manila, and later (maybe soon?), expanding to other

Improvements that are intended to be addressed include the following:
* Adding missing roads
* Improving road attributes (names, lanes, restrictions, etc.)
* Correcting road connectivity issues
* Improving road classification consistency according to OSM guidelines and
local convention
* Correcting road alignment issues
* Other one-off fixes

Of course, we intend to work closely with the community, and other
stakeholders, especially at the local level.

We also hope to organize, or lead, activities for developing technical
skills, and enhancing collaboration, and community mapa-thons.  Think of
this as an extension of my earlier MapAmore [1] initiatives.

The tasking for Metro Manila [2] is now up, and is hosted by HOT Tasking
Manager instance, and open to all interested contributors.

In tomorrow's meet-up, I'll take the opportunity to elaborate on this
initiative tomorrow. I'm looking forward to hear your feedback, and to
answer any questions here, or directly by email.

I also hope for your usual helpful collaboration, and support.

Kind regards,

[0]: http://kaartgroup.com/
[1]: https://github.com/mapamore
[2]: https://tasks.hotosm.org/project/3997


/Erwin Olario

e: er...@ngnuity.xyz | v/m: https://t.me/GOwin | s: https://mstdn.io/@GOwin
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