[talk-ph] Microsoft building footprints are now available in the Philippines

2022-02-05 Thread Erwin Olario
In case you missed it, Microsoft released [0] their AI-detected buildings
in the Philippines -- all 17.4M of them! , along with detections from
Indonesia and Malaysia.

It should now be available for your use when you use the RapiD editor [1],
or the MapWithAI plugin [2] in JOSM. The quality appears to be very good,
especially in rural areas. The quality of the building traces themselves
are much higher when compared to inexperienced mappers.

Mapping neighborhoods can now take a fraction of the time it used to be,
but validation is still crucial. I've personally noted some quality issues,
but most are detectable when reviewing the detections.

Check it out, and share to the community what you find out. You can use
RapiD without logging in to see the available detections, like this
settlement in Alcisiras Island [3].

[0]: https://github.com/microsoft/IdMyPhBuildingFootprints
[1]: https://mapwith.ai/rapid
[2]: https://github.com/KaartGroup/JOSM_MapWIthAI_plugin

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» email: erwin@ *n**gnu**it**y**.xyz*

» mobile: https://t.me/GOwin
» OpenPGP key: 3A93D56B | 5D42 7CCB 8827 9046 1ACB 0B94 63A4 81CE 3A93 D56B
talk-ph mailing list

[talk-ph] Request for feedback: Mapping bridges on national highways

2022-02-05 Thread Erwin Olario
Hello everyone.

Last month, through a Freedom-of-Information request, the local OSM
community was granted permission [0] by the DPWH to use their RBI dataset
to validate bridges, and publish the same on OpenStreetMap.

A copy of the retrieved dataset is available in the OSMph Github repo [1].

Some people has indicated their support and/or interest [2] about the idea,
and are keen to join future discussions or meetings on the subject. We hope
that there are more folks in the talk-ph mailing list who are interested in
participating, or providing more feedback, too.

A rough outline/draft of initial notes and comments are available on the
OSM-PH hackmd workspace [3], and feedback is very welcome. Feel free to add
your thoughts on HackMD, or file a ticket on Github [4].


[0]: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Contributors#Philippines
[1]: https://github.com/OSMPH/dpwh_bridges
[2]: https://t.me/OSMph/22084
[3]: https://hackmd.io/@osmph/rk8s1BLTK
[4]: https://github.com/OSMPH/dpwh_bridges/issues

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» email: erwin@ *n**gnu**it**y**.xyz*

» mobile: https://t.me/GOwin
» OpenPGP key: 3A93D56B | 5D42 7CCB 8827 9046 1ACB 0B94 63A4 81CE 3A93 D56B
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