Hi folks! Are you interested in (or already) mapping bikeways and cycling
elements in OSM?

The local community channel on Telegram [0] is organizing an
(approximately) hour-long online meeting next week, 22nd May, Saturday,

The meeting [1] is public and recorded --  we hope you can join us, and
feel free to invite like-minded friends or people from your network.

The tentative agenda is here [2]. Please modify (or comment) the pad if you
are keen to join the meeting with specific topics in mind.


[0]: https://t.me/OSMph
[1]: https://8x8.vc/mapatime/wemap.OSMxPadyak
[2]: https://hackmd.io/sEpo_3cGTvKi1ehHWC7BVw?view

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» email: erwin@ <er...@ngnuity.net>*n**gnu**it**y**.xyz*
» mobile: https://t.me/GOwin
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