From what I know about sahana, it uses googlemaps api... here's a post
on another list I'm on that is asking for volunteers to get involved.
Maybe later on, someone who knows code can work on integrating
openstreetmap into sahana. It might be an interesting subproject.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: meric mara <>
Date: Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 7:01 PM
Subject: [plug] Volunteers for Sahana Project (IT Professionals or
Not), Stand Up, Rise UP!

Volunteers for Sahana Project (IT Professionals or Not), Stand Up, Rise UP!

With the help of the internet and media, we were able to pull
ourselves and carry on our modern day Bayanihan.

Today, IBM and KahelOS Team, met with NDCC. With that said, NDCC and
its coordinating agencies shall be adopting the system and will
require our help to make this happen.

Urgently, we need to jumpstart and organize ourselves. Then, drill
down our activities and planned work to ensue and pursue the initial
goals of the project.

For the new volunteers, the Sahana Project is a web-based Disaster
Management System that addresses the common coordination problems
during a disaster from finding missing people, managing aids and
reliefs, managing volunteers and tracking camps effectively between
Government groups, the civil society (NGOs), concerned/private
individuals and the victims themselves.

You, as a Volunteer, can greatly contribute in making this tool an
effective system.

First, please complete the form at this link.

For any other info, you can email or join the forum

Salamat at Mabuhay ang Bayanihan sa Modernong Panahon.

eric pareja ( LPIC-2 | PGP/GPG Key 0xB82E42D9
Coordinator for Technology / Senior Linux Trainer
National Telehealth Center, University of the Philippines Manila
International Open Source Network - ASEAN+3
"Ang mundo ay aklat, at iisang pahina lamang ang nababasa ng hindi naglalakbay."
わかよたれぞ つねならむ

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