[talk-ph] Restarting discussion on road classifications (part 2)

2020-11-07 Thread Jherome Miguel
(Continuing my previous post since it got stuck)

Some important concerns we need to address are:

- The definition of trunk. It is intended for the primary highway network
(those with 1-2 digit highway numbers) plus roads that close the gaps, but
it also has been adopted to mean the likes of Commonwealth, C-5, and CSCR,
and it also has been used to mean critical highway links between provinces,
basing on the tree trunk analogy
-There is the need to narrow the definition of primary and extend the
meaning of secondary in rural/provincial contexts. Existing definition of
primary is any road linking all other towns outside the trunk network, but
that led to its overuse, and so, the existing definition is increasingly
being ignored especially if the road in question links small towns, or it's
an unnumbered highway or provincial road with lower traffic volumes (and
both factors). My proposed redefinitions again for those classifications
--- primary: major highways with regions or provinces. Common indicators:
3-digit highway number, at least 2 lanes with shoulders, major destinations
being large towns and small cities
--- secondary: other highways connecting cities and towns without
traversing primary or trunk roads. Common indicators: unnumbered national
road or provincial road, lower traffic volumes, primary destinations being
a small town or a large rural barangay along the way, unpaved or no
-The tagging of narrow residential streets, alleyways/"eskinita".

I'm thinking also of creating a newbies' guide on tagging roads, which will
be based on any further discussion here.

talk-ph mailing list

[talk-ph] Restarting discussion on road classifications

2020-11-02 Thread Jherome Miguel
In light of some suspicious edits by a "tongkho" who have been upgrading
road classes without providing reasons (usually in edits with the comment
"Modified"), I think we should continue discussions on classifying PH roads
once again and come up with a consensus.

Again, here is my proposed definitions of each road class, since the last
discussions plus my additional suggestions:

-Motorway: expressway
-Trunk: highways between cities with population of 100,000+, usually 1 to
2-digit national roads; major roads resembling expressways (with U-turns,
overpasses/underpasses at major junctions, intersection closures, or
service roads for business/residential/local access)
-Primary: highways between small cities and large towns, usually 3-digit
national roads; major arteries
-Secondary: highways between smaller towns, usually being unnumbered
national roads and provincial roads; minor arteries
-Tertiary: roads between barangays; collector roads
-Unclassified: minor non-residential local roads
-Residential: residential streets
-Service: driveways, drive-thru lanes, parking lot roads, eskinitas/alleys/
residential streets with width <2.5 m.
-Footway: walkways, sidewalks, "eskinita" not passable to cars or tricycles
-Path: most unpaved trails (hiking trails, mixed-use trails in rural areas)

In this proposal, living_street is to be deprecated. It was adapted in
2015, but contentions have been raised on its use in developing-world

In the 2015 scheme, trunk was intended to be used on 1 to 2-dight national
roads (i.e. the North-South Backbone or Rte 1 (N1), East-West Laterals, and
Other Roads of Strategic Importance) but some mappers use it for roads that
resemble expressways to some degree (e.g. Commonwealth Ave, C5, CSCR) or
any roads seen as major highways popularly even where it should be tagged
lower. The alternative definition of "expressway-like road" is included in
the proposal, but may or may not be included in the final definition.

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