Re: [Talk-transit] Proposal for a new transport tag

2012-03-01 Thread Bryce McKinlay
On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 6:45 AM, Andre Joost wrote:
 Am 29.02.2012 18:18, schrieb Paul Johnson:

 On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 8:03 AM, Bryce

 Secondly, GTFS is already a good, widely used, open format for transit
 schedules. Introducing a new set of tags for this stuff in OSM would
 be like reinventing the wheel. In many cases GTFS data is provided and
 kept up-to-date by the transit providers themselves.  How about tags
 that link public transport relations to the appropriate GTFS URL

 I agree; IIRC, GTFS data is available on the agency's website in a

 Could you please discuss Google Transport things on Google Groups?

 This is openstreetmap, not Google.

GTFS is an open data format for public transport schedules. Just
because it was invented by Google does not mean that it's only
relevant to them.

Many projects use GTFS data and have nothing to do with Google
Transit. Example:


Talk-transit mailing list

Re: [Talk-transit] Proposal for a new transport tag

2012-02-29 Thread Bryce McKinlay
Personally, I think adding transit schedule data to OSM is not a good idea.

Firstly, in many areas, schedules are highly variable over time, so
this sort of information tends to become obsolete soon after it is

Secondly, GTFS is already a good, widely used, open format for transit
schedules. Introducing a new set of tags for this stuff in OSM would
be like reinventing the wheel. In many cases GTFS data is provided and
kept up-to-date by the transit providers themselves.  How about tags
that link public transport relations to the appropriate GTFS URL

If its just having a service frequency hint for renderers that is
required, then I'd suggest keeping it very simple. For example,
transport_frequency=occasional,no_weekend_service or similar.


On Wed, Feb 29, 2012 at 3:07 PM, Janko Mihelić wrote:

 The problem with rendering transit lines right now is that the busy lines
 are rendered the same as the lines that go a few times a day. Those
 differences between lines should be seen right away, but we don't have that
 information in the database right now.

 I agree that the best solution would be to have the whole timetable for
 different transit lines, but this is often not possible and very hard to
 maintain. Transiki gave us some hope that this could be manageable, but
 unfortunately the project was shut down.

 I propose a temporary middle solution. Every bus route relation could have a
 tag similar to the opening_hours tag. This way we could know if a line is
 only active on weekends, or if it is a night line. Or maybe it only runs in
 the morning and in the evening.

 We could upgrade this tag, and put a number of trips in each time period.
 This can be an estimate, a trip more or less a day is not much.

 It would look like this:

 Only ferquency:
 this means that a bus route has 5 trips a day.

 Only days:
 this bus route only goes on weekends

 Only time:
 Night line

 A little more information:
 transport_frequency=Mo-Fr 08:00-23:00 t30; Sa 08:00-22:00 t25
 30 trips a day from Monday till Friday, first trip at 8 in the morning, last
 at 10 in the evening. Similar for Saturday.

 And so on. I added a t in front of the number of trips so it is easier to
 see, maybe it is not needed. Or maybe this could be done in a completely
 different way.

 This tag could be added in the route master or in the route
 direction/variant. Renderers could draw the lines dashed if they are not
 very frequent, or black if they are night lines.

 Even rough public transport routers could be made using this information.

 What do you guys think? (Should I have put this in the wiki first?)

 Janko Mihelić

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Re: [Talk-transit] NaPTAN - Time for the rest?

2010-03-13 Thread Bryce McKinlay
That certainly sounds good to me.

Along those lines, what are the chances of importing updated data from
a newer edition of NaPTAN for the existing regions? In London I know
of several areas where bus stops have been relocated/reconfigured
recently (Camden Town, South Kensington) so OSM is already out of

I've mentioned this before, but the other thing I'd really like to see
imported from NapTAN is the pedestrian entry/exit locations for rail
and tube stations!


On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Thomas Wood wrote:
 Hello all,
 It's now been more than a year since we got permission to import the
 NaPTAN dataset, so far only 53 of the 143 counties that we have the
 data for have been imported.

 So, in short, is it time for the rest to be dumped in?

 Discussion please.


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Re: [Talk-transit] London stops missing naptan:indicator tags

2009-12-31 Thread Bryce McKinlay
On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 8:56 AM, Peter J Stoner wrote:

 I am not sure why the indicator field does not appear in the OSM
 editor.  The indicator letters are showing in the latest NaPTAN.
 Perhaps TfL have only recently added them.

That's possible, and it's good to know NaPTAN already has the correct data.

This leads me to a follow up question: Are there any plans to update
OSM with the latest NaPTAN data? As I recall, DfT/Traveline have made
ongoing updates NaPTAN available to OSM - so I suppose this is a
matter of time and resources on the part of the OSM contributors who
have access to NaPTAN?


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Re: [Talk-transit] Abbreviations in naptan:indicator

2009-11-04 Thread Bryce McKinlay
2009/11/4 Christoph Böhme

 I am trying to make sense of the abbrevations used in the
 naptan:indicator tag. adj and opp are clear but I cannot work out what
 bey and bef are supposed to mean.

Beyond / Before ?


Talk-transit mailing list

Re: [Talk-transit] Abbreviations in naptan:indicator

2009-11-04 Thread Bryce McKinlay
2009/11/4 Christoph Böhme

 Yes, that sounds likely. But then beyond or before what? I tried to
 work out the meaning of the indicators on the stops shown here [1],
 but to me both are beyond or before Princethorpe Road.

Think about the direction the bus is traveling. Remember, traffic is
on the left side in the UK, so in this case the westbound service
stops beyond Princethorpe road, and the eastbound service before it.

Talk-transit mailing list

Re: [Talk-transit] NaPTAN Merging Guidelines

2009-08-17 Thread Bryce McKinlay
Thank you very much for your efforts on this, Thomas, and everyone
else involved - I've been waiting for the London import for a while,
and it's fantastic to see this data in OSM!

I have one bug to report: Is it possible that special characters are
being dropped from the stop names during the import? For example:

 node id=469789137 lat=51.5122005 lon=-0.1420652 version=1
changeset=2177128 user=NaPTAN uid=104459 visible=true
tag k=name v=Conduit Street  Saville Row/
tag k=naptan:CommonName v=Conduit Street  Saville Row/

TfL refers to this as Conduit Street / Saville Row, so it seems the
/ characters are going missing somewhere?

Also, I'm curious whether, in addition to the bus stop data, NaPTAN
contains precise locations for Underground station exits, and if so,
whether there is any plan to import these? OSM often contains only one
node for stations that have multiple exits, and in some cases the node
is ambiguously placed such that it isn't clear which street (or which
side of the street) an exit is on. This level of precision does become
significant when producing walking maps/directions...


On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 3:50 PM, Thomas wrote:
 I've only just realised that my previous message regarding the imports
 beginning only went to talk-gb and talk-gb-london.

 Greater London is now imported as changeset 2177128.
 I was planning to import Hull and Suffolk also this week.

 Now that we're importing the data, we really need to get our
 guidelines on how to merge and tidy the data sorted. I've pulled out
 the relevant pieces from the Birmingham wikipage out to
 It really needs to be tidied and beaten into a useful document before
 we let more people loose with the data.

 Thomas Wood

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