On Fri, Aug 07, 2009 at 12:37:11PM +0100, Peter Miller wrote:
> We need a decision on the 'Public Transport' vs 'Transit' question.  
> Which term should we use on the wiki because I don't want a muddle.
> I note that the article on Wikipedia is called 'Public transport',  
> with 'mass transit' and 'public transportation' as alternatives. I  
> propose that we mirror Wikipedia and use the same term.


> I will therefore move Transit -> Public Transport, convert  
> 'category:Transit' to 'category:Public transport',  If I don't hear  
> voices against this proposal I will get on with it soon.
> If we do this then I suggest that we deprecate use of the term  
> 'transit' in general on the wiki.

And we'll have to rename this mailing list. :-)

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.remote.org/jochen/  +49-721-388298

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