I have been asked by a friend involved with Washington State nonprofit
organizations with OSM could be used for a searchable gis database like the
one in Colorado.  You can find the Colorado database at
http://www.coloradononprofits.org/gisportal.cfm.  Are there similar OSM
applications available?  Can you point me to them?

The data for Washington State is available.  It would seem that it could be
entered with tags that could be searched by a from a web site.  But rather
than reinvent the wheel, I thought I'd ask first.

I have promised to cut down on my swearing and drinking, which I have.
 Unfortunately, this has left me dim-witted and nearly speechless. Adapted
from *The Lion* by Nelson DeMille


If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.  Albert
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