Hi Everyone,

I hope you're all enjoying your Independence Day celebrations! I'm thinking
toward another upcoming anniversary-- OpenStreetMap's 9th birthday! I know
that folks are planning various celebrations in cities around the world,
and I thought that it might be a good idea to plan a Birthday Sprint to
continue the work from the SOTMUS Sprint Days.

So, I propose that on the weekend of August 10-11 we hold a remote Birthday
Sprint on any and all OSM projects. What this means is that whoever has a
project they are working on can rally their community to do a dedicated
push over those two days. I'm thinking MapRoulette, new osm.org features,
iD updates-- whatever. Then, we just do it! If people want to host
in-person sprint day events, that's fantastic, but even though being in the
same room is vastly beneficial, it's not always feasible on a project like
this, so the assumption is that this will be a predominantly remote event.

It's been great to see all of the enthusiasm and momentum coming out of
SOTMUS, so let's keep that going with the Birthday Sprint!

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