Re: [Talk-us] Get your early bird ticket to State of the Map US!

2015-02-03 Thread Lars Ahlzen

On 01/28/2015 02:39 PM, Alex Barth wrote:

Hello everyone!

Early bird ticket sales for State of the Map US are open, find out all 
the details on our web site:

Looking forward to the conference!

A minor detail, but is there a reason why "Company/Organization" is 
mandatory on the registration page? I'm sure plenty of people are 
planning to participate as a private individuals.

- Lars

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging addresses on area's

2015-02-03 Thread John F. Eldredge
On February 3, 2015 2:39:42 PM CST, Clifford Snow  
> On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 12:37 PM, Paul Johnson 
> wrote:
> > Wonder if we could get this added to the address presets, as this
> (at
> > least for the US) is a pretty big deal between office towers,
> apartment
> > buildings, trailer parks, and almost every other situation where you
> have
> > multiple tenants on the same cadastre lot...
> +1
> -- 
> @osm_seattle
> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Sounds like a good idea to me.

John F. Eldredge --
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive 
out hate: only love can do that." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging addresses on area's

2015-02-03 Thread Hans De Kryger
I use the same tag (addr:unit) been using it mostly for retail areas with
suite numbers. Haven't used it anywhere else yet.
On Feb 3, 2015 1:40 PM, "Clifford Snow"  wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 12:37 PM, Paul Johnson  wrote:
>> Wonder if we could get this added to the address presets, as this (at
>> least for the US) is a pretty big deal between office towers, apartment
>> buildings, trailer parks, and almost every other situation where you have
>> multiple tenants on the same cadastre lot...
> +1
> --
> @osm_seattle
> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Updating tagging of public transport

2015-02-03 Thread Mike N

On 2/3/2015 3:31 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:

Is the new style backwards compatible with the old style?

The new Public Transport style is backward compatible and offers a more 
uniform tagging style with some additional capabilities (in my opinion).

Especially in

regards to potentially having OSM as being the dataset for the official
GTFS feed in an area where the official data presently sucks, it'd be a
travesty if the new style makes going to and from GTFS /more/ difficult
for marginal (and primarily German micromapping) gains.

Generally, it is not feasible to use OSM as a dataset backing an 
official GTFS feed.   This is because the probability of the GTFS 
dataset being uploaded to Google and thereby violating the license if 
the street centerlines or stops were derived from OSM.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging addresses on area's

2015-02-03 Thread Clifford Snow
On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 12:37 PM, Paul Johnson  wrote:

> Wonder if we could get this added to the address presets, as this (at
> least for the US) is a pretty big deal between office towers, apartment
> buildings, trailer parks, and almost every other situation where you have
> multiple tenants on the same cadastre lot...


OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging addresses on area's

2015-02-03 Thread Paul Johnson
Wonder if we could get this added to the address presets, as this (at least
for the US) is a pretty big deal between office towers, apartment
buildings, trailer parks, and almost every other situation where you have
multiple tenants on the same cadastre lot...

On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 2:33 PM, Darrell Fuhriman  wrote:

> It seems to be addr:unit, though it’s not widely used. It’s what I’ve been
> using, though.
> d.
> On Feb 3, 2015, at 12:28, Paul Johnson  wrote:
> What's the correct tag for unit number, anyway?  This is driving me insane
> since it's making it impossible to complete mapping the caravan site I live
> in to a level of completeness that you can navigate by without trying to
> find the unit numbers (which, stupidly, are all on the utility pedestals at
> the *back* of the space, instead of by the roadside where they're not
> blocked by slideouts routinely)
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging addresses on area's

2015-02-03 Thread Darrell Fuhriman
It seems to be addr:unit, though it’s not widely used. It’s what I’ve been 
using, though.


On Feb 3, 2015, at 12:28, Paul Johnson  wrote:

> What's the correct tag for unit number, anyway?  This is driving me insane 
> since it's making it impossible to complete mapping the caravan site I live 
> in to a level of completeness that you can navigate by without trying to find 
> the unit numbers (which, stupidly, are all on the utility pedestals at the 
> back of the space, instead of by the roadside where they're not blocked by 
> slideouts routinely)

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Updating tagging of public transport

2015-02-03 Thread Paul Johnson
Is the new style backwards compatible with the old style?  Especially in
regards to potentially having OSM as being the dataset for the official
GTFS feed in an area where the official data presently sucks, it'd be a
travesty if the new style makes going to and from GTFS *more* difficult for
marginal (and primarily German micromapping) gains.

On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Saikrishna Arcot 

> Part of the problem between the tagging schemes and the rendering is that
> it's a chicken-and-egg problem; a new tagging scheme is created, but
> rendering support isn't there yet (partly because it's a somewhat complex
> structure), so people might not use that scheme. However, if there were
> many instances of using the newer scheme, then it would be justified for
> the renderers to add support for that scheme.
> (On the rendering topic, though, I can confirm that OSM's transport map
> does support the newer scheme, as does Öpnvkarte, OpenStreetBrowser,
> OsmAnd, so it's not lacking.)
> A slightly bigger issue I see is that there are two formats for tagging
> transportation routes, which will not only require data consumers to code
> for both formats, but will also make it harder to link a bus route tagged
> using the newer format be "connected" to another bus route using the older
> format. I feel that this should be resolved quickly.
> On Saturday, November 29, 2014 02:02:01 stevea wrote:
> > >it is not clear if the new way is actually better, at least the
> > >current data stats show that mappers still prefer the "old" method,
> > >at least for bus stops, as it is simpler (you need just one tag
> > >highway=bus_stop instead of two: public_transport=platform and
> > >bus=yes, for the same information content), and the new style cannot
> > >be rendered on the main map, because of the lack of the bus-key (the
> > >rendering db only "knows" that there is some kind of stop, but it
> > >cannot determine if it is a tram stop, a bus stop or whatelse).
> > >
> > >I wouldn't "re-tag", ie. won't remove tags, but you can add the
> > >public_transport=* tags if you want to support also this scheme.
> >
> > Is what I hear Martin saying here is that tagging with an old style
> > because it renders AND tagging with a newer syntax that doesn't is
> > OK?  (As in, "doing two things at once, even if they achieve
> > different, but good and worthy goals, is right"?)  If so, part of
> > what it says is that syntax is rather distantly connected to
> > rendering.  Read that again, as I think it is important.  It is about
> > what might be called OSM's "transmission."
> >
> > Not everybody understands the full process of how changes in syntax
> > (e.g. voted upon tagging) turn into "what we see mapped."  There are
> > human consensus processes there, there are coding processes there
> > (including bug fixes, actual writing of render code..) there is quite
> > much more than just that there.  It is a complicated moving set of
> > parts.  It is "let's map bus routes, OK, let's describe better syntax
> > for bus routes, OK (but we don't render that today").  Now what?
> > That's a real "hit the brakes and think about how to do it better, so
> > discuss" moment.
> >
> > As we recognize distance between what people want to see represented
> > in the map (how they tag) with the syntax of doing so (actual tags
> > that get into OSM's data) can we better discuss this?  We can and
> > should, I say.  Deep, I know.  My point is that a person wanting to
> > understand how to influence this is very much helped by understanding
> > it (as much of it as possible, as much of it as we can describe as
> > what we intend...) in the first place.  How might one see such moving
> > parts of OSM and how they a) work today? and b) work better in the
> > future as we intend them?  It goes deeper than public transport
> > tagging, but that is a good example through this transmission.
> >
> > Look, I know:  some of us work on our transmission, and they must.  A
> > lot more of us -- and there are many -- are only quite vaguely aware
> > of how it works, or how we might best induce positive change into its
> > workings.  We can do better.  Good discussion so far, but it seems we
> > are only scratching this surface.
> >
> > SteveA
> > California
> --
> Saikrishna Arcot
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging addresses on area's

2015-02-03 Thread Paul Johnson
What's the correct tag for unit number, anyway?  This is driving me insane
since it's making it impossible to complete mapping the caravan site I live
in to a level of completeness that you can navigate by without trying to
find the unit numbers (which, stupidly, are all on the utility pedestals at
the *back* of the space, instead of by the roadside where they're not
blocked by slideouts routinely)

On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 6:40 AM, Richard Weait  wrote:

> That would depend on the navigation app in question, wouldn't it?  If
> we mappers include more data, well structured, complete and up to
> date, app developers will be more inclined / motivated to make their
> apps work with it, I would think.
> I think, based on your email, that you and I are mapping malls in a
> similar fashion.
> Add the whole building with address, name, etc, then add nodes for
> each shop or other amenity.  Include the unit number on the node if
> that is also available.
> This approach seems to work well with hotels (with internal
> restaurant) condo residences with ground floor retail, etc.
> Best regards and happy mapping,
> Richard
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Help with the SCALE 13x "HOT Booth"

2015-02-03 Thread Kate Chapman
Hi All,

The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)(1) is putting together a booth at
the Southern California Linux Expo. We are looking for volunteers and I
thought the OSM-US community might be interested in helping us. Volunteers
get a ticket to the expo and to spread the joy of OpenStreetMap to the

If you are interested please contact me directly.



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