Ian is right that not all private airports are recognized by the FAA.
The two examples you gave appear to be examples of that.
The second example *is* shown on FAA's VFR Sectional Chart (that pilots
use to navigate in visual conditions) as an "unverified" airport
(circled U) but with no additional info:
As far as I know, FAA's "Airport/Facility Directory" is the official
list of airports in the United States, and it has a lot of useful
information. Of course, that doesn't help in this case since these
airports are not in it.
- Lars
On 3/7/2016 10:53 AM, Ian Dees wrote:
Keep in mind that it's perfectly acceptable to set up a private
runway/airfield that isn't listed on any FAA or official source. The
two examples you give are pretty clearly airfields with runways (you
can see where the runway lights are, they have support buildings, and
the first link has a turnaround on the far end of the runway to let
planes taxi back to the hangar).
On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 7:32 AM, Wolfgang Zenker
<wolfg...@lyxys.ka.sub.org <mailto:wolfg...@lyxys.ka.sub.org>> wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have recently come across a few runways in Montana that I could not
find any information about except the imagery. I tried to search for
these airfields on the FAA website, but without success (maybe I did
it wrong).
Any idea where to find out more?
Two examples would be here:
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