Re: [Talk-us] School districts

2016-08-09 Thread Mike Dupont
I have been thinking about it and the best I can come up with is a relation
of type collection that contains either the areas, streets or houses
associated with the school district cachement area.

On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 10:07 AM, Mike Dupont  wrote:

> Hi guys,
> Need advice on how to setup a OSM searchable school district lookup system
> using a static js driven site.
> Can we start adding the school districts for the map in the usa?
> For Lawrence Township they assign individual houses or streets.
> Here is the best map I have come up with for lawrence so far :
> Basically the question is, can we store the school district information
> attached to a house number or street as needed or do we have to store it
> externally?
> I would like to add this information to the house or street level in osm
> or find a way to link a customer layer to osm. Basically I want to have the
> user search and find the location in osm, I have added all the house
> numbers to osm where the streets are split. So we would find a street or a
> house number, and for that number I need to return the custom data.
> I have setup and cleaned all the data for Lawrence Township, NJ.  We have
> a project page for mercer county here :
> I am making progress on this topic, the way I am planning on doing it now
> is to have a geojson file with all the district areas borders for the
> township and then use a leaflet slippy map to display it on top of osm, and
> nominatim to search for house numbers, and then take the coordinates found
> at a give point to lookup the bounding parcel.
> The problem that I see is that the id might change over time, otherwise I
> would use the osm id. I guess I could take the streetname and house number
> and add it to a look up table.
> mike
> --
> James Michael DuPont
> Kansas Linux Fest
> Free/Libre Open Source and Open Knowledge Association of Kansas
> Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova
> Saving Wikipedia(tm) articles from deletion
> m
> --
> James Michael DuPont
> Kansas Linux Fest
> Free/Libre Open Source and Open Knowledge Association of Kansas
> Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova
> Saving Wikipedia(tm) articles from deletion http://SpeedyDeletion.wikia.
> com

James Michael DuPont
Kansas Linux Fest
Free/Libre Open Source and Open Knowledge Association of Kansas
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova
Saving Wikipedia(tm) articles from deletion
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Mappers in Idaho!

2016-08-09 Thread OSM Volunteer stevea
I wanted to chime in my great enthusiasm for Greg Morgan helping or leading a 
good, chunky data effort in OSM like this.  Greg took on the USBR 90 effort in 
Arizona, hundreds and hundreds of miles of bicycle route, now very well entered 
in OSM and AASHTO-approved.  It took him weeks, but it would take anybody weeks 
or months, and he did a fantastic job.

Greg was like a co-pilot, taking his responsibilities very seriously, using 
Mapillary to super effect, asking excellent questions, taking the small amount 
of direction required very well and just being all-around a top-notch 
communicator and team member.  If you have any interest in this Idaho project, 
notice that below, Greg offers to lead the effort!  So, listen up and throw 
your shoulder in with him and watch wonderful things happen in OSM with Greg at 
the helm.  Collaborating with him is like an enjoyable adventure!


> Ha! Ha!  I looked at the data last night because I drove through the
> area on I-15 in early February...well it was near by Teton Idaho.
> Then in May of this year I drove through Wyoming...well it was near by
> Teton Wyoming.  I am familiar with both areas.  I left a Mapillary
> trail in both cases. There are only 11K addresses in the dbf file.  I
> don't know how many foot prints are in the data, yet.  What I thought
> about is that the US community could use the data as an example of how
> to process the data for an import.  There are a number of questions in
> the data and a template can be developed with a project like this. Oh!
> I won't be standing in line.  I will would be happy to lead the
> effort.  I wanted to make sure that no one else had called dibs yet.
(et cetera)

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Imports] Proposing import of sidewalk data Seattle, WA, USA

2016-08-09 Thread Paul Johnson
On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 10:59 AM, Clifford Snow 

> On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 6:01 AM, Frederik Ramm  wrote:
>>sidewalk tagging in OSM is a complex issue. The fact that sidewalks
>> are not tagged as individual geometries is not purely a shortcoming,  it
>> is a compromise that keeps OSM data editable. Having individual
>> geometries for every single sidewalk on the planet will not only
>> massively increase the data volume but also require new and better tools
>> for editing, e.g. moving the geometry of a street without having to move
>> three parallel lines manually and so on.
> Frederik, I thought you were for only add objects that can be surveyed on
> the ground? Isn't that what they are proposing?
> We tell people not to map for the renderer. In the same spirit shouldn't
> we tell people not to let the limitations of the editor stop them from
> mapping?

I tend to agree, particularly for pedestrian modes.  Sidewalks and
pedestrian crossings are pretty easy to verify even from the air and this
will be at least rational for most automated routing systems and a good
starting point (even if it means multiple ways per street, short of some
form of lanes type tagging, which I think gets messy for things like
sidewalks that have a curb (or more severe) barrier).   It does give the
most reasonable routing assumption (that is, you can't just freerun
midblock from sidewalk to sidewalk).  Most routing engines will figure it
out fairly quickly if you do this anyway, however (and any highly-tuned
routing engine should be able to make an educated guess by context anyway).
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Bike lanes tagging

2016-08-09 Thread Paul Johnson
On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 9:26 AM, Martijn van Exel 

> Let me know if MapRoulette can help here. We did a similar challenge with
> NYC bike lanes before with some success.

For this sort of thing, I really think more attention needs to be paid to
lane-tagging in general, especially since it's not a given that the bike
lane will be the outside curb lane.  Not sure how it was done in Seattle,
though in general I think it's a good idea to include these in the lane
counts with the appropriate lanes:bicycle=*designated* and
lanes:motor_vehicle=*no* tags in addition to cycleway=lane.
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