Re: [Talk-us] What is people's experience with OSM import software?

2018-10-03 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 04.10.2018 00:20, Kevin Kenny wrote:
> The schema as given by 'osm2pgsql' has first-class relations only in the
> 'rels' table, which is one of the 'slim' tables. The maintainers
> deprecate using those in the strongest possible terms.

Well, "strongest possible terms" is perhaps not the most fitting summary
of as has been
said there, quite a few people "mis"use osm2pgsql in that fashion, and
if they ever were to introduce a breaking change you can simply stick
with the osm2pgsql that you have...

But answering your question about alternatives:

* I have successfully used imposm3 to populate planet-wide databases and
keep them current with diffs, and the overall performance was sligthly
better than osm2pgsql's (with imposm having some features that osm2pgsql
doesn't and vice versa), but what osm2pgsql does with its
planet_osm_rels table imposm does with a file-based database and I have
no idea how difficult it would be to establish your first-class relation

* The "PG Snapshot" schema used by Osmosis provides an interesting
concept of an "action" table which is filled upon the application of a
diff and allows you to run arbitrary code on newly-added or modified
things in the course of an update. The performance of Osmosis is,
however, far worse than osm2pgsql or imposm in my experience, and the PG
Snapshot schema is probably much too close to "raw OSM" for a mainly
rendering use case.

* If I wanted to achieve what you describe, I would likely either modify
osm2pgsql to do what I want, or run stock osm2pgsql and devise a
*separate* process, likely based on (py)osmium, that extracts the
information I need from a planet file or diff, and somehow adds that to
my PostGIS database. That way, I would continue to be able to use
osm2pgsql for what it does best, and I could still add my special
processing on top. Since my special processing is likely to only need a
fraction of the data, and osmium is quite efficient at filtering, the
risk of running into performance issues should be limited.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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[Talk-us] What is people's experience with OSM import software?

2018-10-03 Thread Kevin Kenny
I'm looking for people's experience on software that can take data
from OSM and get it into a PostGIS database for rendering and
analysis. For several years, I've been using 'osm2pgsql', but I've
recently 'bumped my head on the ceiling' in that I need the database
to be capable of querying relations as first-class entities. The
schema as given by 'osm2pgsql' has first-class relations only in the
'rels' table, which is one of the 'slim' tables. The maintainers
deprecate using those in the strongest possible terms.

My requirements are few, but apparently tough:

1. Able to import nodes, open ways and closed ways as
points-of-interest, lines, and polygons, respectively, with database
columns derived from the tags on those nodes and ways.

2. Able to import multipolygon relations as multipolygons in the database.

3. Able to import relations other than multipolygons in such a way
that an efficient SQL query can take a single PoI, line, polygon,
multipolygon or other relation, and identify all relations (or all
relations of a given type) of which it is a member - along with
position and role, and similarly, efficiently identify all members of
the relation (or all PoI's, lines, or areas) with their positions and
roles. In other words, it must be taken as given that the association
between relation and member is inherently many-to-many, and the
association must be traversable in either direction.

4. Able, as a current requirement, to handle continent-scale imports
from GeoFabrik with daily diffs from the same source.

5. Scalable, at least in principle, to full-planet imports with minutely diffs.

My current interim solution, which works well enough in the short
term, is to use 'osm2pgsql' with some auxiliary processing based on
the 'slim tables' to address requirement #3. I am given to understand
that there are no immediate plans to change the schema of the slim
tables in such a way that it would break my use case, but am warned in
no uncertain terms that such a use is entirely unsupported and I
should expect it to break at some time in the future.

I am, to say the least, not optimistic that it is possible to develop
an alternative within the osm2pgsql framework that will meet all the
other constraints, irrelevant to my application, that osm2pgsql's
developers face. It appears that osm2pgsql is simply the wrong tool
for the job.

What, then, are my alternatives? Do I, in fact, inhabit a "box with no
inside", or are there alternative data import paths that I ought to be
investigating? In particular, does anyone have actual experience with
using any of the alternatives, and the ability to report on
perfomance, scalability and stability?

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