
I started adding local bus route relations some time ago[1] (just the ways, not 
yet the stop locations etc) and named them according to the official names as 
listed on the UTA (agency) web site. I discussed this at one of our local map 
events. An example:

* UTA bus route 6 —> 
 name: “6th Avenue”. 
* OSM relation —> https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/8338140 

As you can see `njtbusfan` has gone in and changed the name to something more 
descriptive but also something that doesn’t match either the official name *or* 
the suggested tagging[2] that suggests "<type of transport><reference number>: 
<from> → <to>”. I chose to use the official name but would be happy to conform 
to this convention if that’s what people tend to use in the U.S. as well. That 
is my first question.

What’s more, njtbusfan seems to have created new relations for the same route 
without adding them to the master relation. For example here is my master 
relation for UTA route 6: 8338141 
<https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/8338141> which has the eastbound / 
westbound children 8338140 <https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/8338140> and 
8338139 <https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/8338139>. He added 9485804, 
9485805, 9485806, 9485807, 9485808, 9485809 which are not part of that master. 
Some of these routes contain new information (weekend routes) but some overlap 
with what was already there. Frankly I didn’t know how to map weekend / weekday 
variants of routes so I just stuck with the weekday route initially.

Finally, njbusfan did not check the OSM wiki for existing organized effort 
around adding bus routes in my area[1] or existing local conventions which 
suggested a naming convention that diverged from what’s on the wiki 
(appropriate or not).

So it’s a bit of a mess, and part of it may very well be me being a relative 
novice at this, but there are a few things that are demonstrably sloppy / 
wrong. But what concerns me is that this mapper seems to have been going around 
the country adding / changing bus route relations. I have initiated a 
discussion with them here[3] and would like it if others can weigh in here as 
well. Njtbusfan, if you’re on this list, thanks for reading and let us know 
your plans, please.


[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Utah/Transit 
[2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Public_transport#Service_routes 
[3] https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/69327505 
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