Vào lúc 03:01 2020-12-04, Frederik Ramm đã viết:

when reverting an edit this morning I noticed that the node for
Washington (https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/158368533) has myriad
name:xx tags, many of which seem to be some variant of "Washington D.C."
(with or without commas or dots), whereas the "local" name seems to be
just Washington, without the D.C.

As a native speaker of German I can assure you that we don't call the US
capital "Washington D.C." as the name:de tag claims; I would assume that
it is similar for most other languages. The German-language OSM map at
has a mechanism where it displays the German name and then, if the local
name is different, the local name below; since the German name
"Washington D.C." and the local name "Washington" are different, this
leads to a somewhat funny display (whereas the logic works ok for other
US cities).

I could of course fix the German name but I think that it might need a
more thorough review and I don't feel competent for that.

Two name tags (and this is checking only those that use Roman letters)
look like they might be entirely wrong and refer to the District of
Columbia only:

name:lfn=Distrito de Columbia
name:mi=Takiwā o Columbia

Most of these localized names were added in changeset 76520412 [1] based on labels on the associated Wikidata item. [2] So this time it was not a case of promoting a particular minority language. In fact, I don't think much attention was paid to the names being added, or perhaps the Tajik name would've remained to the effect of "Washington District of Columbia" instead of being changed to "Washington (city)".

This same changeset changed the name of the District of Columbia relation to "Washington, D.C." in many languages, including English. [3] This results in Nominatim returning results like "Washington, D.C., Washington, D.C." I think it was inappropriate to rename the district this way. I think it was another oversight on the part of the changeset's author, because Wikidata has a distinct entity for the district. [4]

[1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/76520412
[2] https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q61
[3] https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/162069
[4] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3551781

Then again, I've heard people say "I was in D.C." and mean the city, so
perhaps that *is* a legitimate name for the city? Maybe someone in the
US community wants to have a look and do this right.

It is a bit of a conundrum in OSM - we usually say that local knowledge
tops everything, but then again for many of the languages there might
not even *be* a local Washington mapper in OSM ;)

As others have pointed out, a local would refer to the city as "D.C." even while acknowledging that the city's formal written name is "Washington" or "Washington, D.C." I think common sense would require us to relegate "D.C." to loc_name or short_name, just as a general-purpose, global map would only shorten San Francisco to the local shorthand "S.F." and Salt Lake City to "SLC" when space is at a premium.

Thanks in part to the D.C.-based Voice of America, I'm sure you could find a local to get the translated name of Washington, D.C., for many languages, but I'm not confident they would choose the same names as Wikidata.

For example, both VOA and the local Vietnamese media still generally call the city "Hoa Thịnh Đốn", a relic of the early 20th century when Vietnamese still borrowed Chinese characters for world-class cities. "Hoa Thịnh Đốn" is easy for a Vietnamese speaker to pronounce, but it only kind of sounds like "Washington" in the way that an eggcorn sounds like its original phrase. It's archaic and probably unknown to the younger generation in Vietnam. The Vietnamese government prefers the phonetic respelling "Oa-sinh-tơn", which conversely is unknown to older Vietnamese Americans.

When I originally tagged the D.C. node with Vietnamese names in changeset 5439052, I intended for the fallback to be "Washington", as a compromise between the traditional and more modern names. But I hesitated to explicitly tag name:vi=Washington because it's incompatible with the Vietnamese alphabet. I guess I should've added it as a bulwark against armchair linguistics. Changeset 76520412 set name:vi to "Washington, D.C.", which to a Vietnamese speaker is rather like labeling New Orleans as "New Orleans, LA" on a map.

Long story short, I find changeset 76520412 to be problematic in the languages I know, let alone the many languages I don't. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.


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