Re: [Talk-us] Tiger Fixup - name_1, name_2, etc

2009-09-25 Thread Joseph Scanlan
On Fri, 2009-09-25 at 12:01 -0400, Mike N. wrote:

> Often Tiger data contains an additional name_1, name_2, name_3, etc. 
> These often occur in different order on different adjoining ways.   How to 
> handle those names?  Should they be converted to alt_name , int_name, 
> nat_name, loc_name, old_name , etc, with the name= being assigned to 
> whatever is on the most prominent road signs? 

It depends (YMMV, etc).

Sometimes changing the tag name_1 to old_name, etc. is the right answer.

Sometimes name_1 is a variation of name (Street vs Avenue; E vs East;
etc).  Make name as accurate as you can and delete the others.

Other times the way should be split; each name is valid for a different

When I find combinations like "State Route 3" and "Center Street", I
make sure the ref tag is correct and delete the "State Route 3" name.

When more than one name is appropriate, use one name tag and separate
the names with semicolons (;).

I have to admit, sometimes I have no clue and just leave the name_* tags
alone.  That leaves some hints for anyone with local knowledge that
works in that part of the map later.

Joseph Scanlan 

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Editing_Standards_and_Conventions for US Interstate highways

2009-07-27 Thread Joseph Scanlan

Have a look at:

Joseph Scanlan
+1-702-455-3679 (work)   (not work)

So he went inside there to take on what he found.
But he never escaped them, for who can escape what he desires?
   --Tony Banks of Genesis
in "The Lady Lies"

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Re: [Talk-us] Source for State or regional parks?

2009-07-06 Thread Joseph Scanlan
On Sat, 4 Jul 2009, Mike N. wrote:

>   My county sells a DVD of GIS data; exactly what I'm looking for - 
> but I'm sure the copyright would not allow inclusion into 
> OpenStreetMap though.

Ask.  It's quite possible your county places the data in the public 
domain and still sells DVDs.

Joseph Scanlan
+1-702-455-3679 (work)   (not work)

So he went inside there to take on what he found.
But he never escaped them, for who can escape what he desires?
   --Tony Banks of Genesis
in "The Lady Lies"

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] NHD status?

2009-01-12 Thread Joseph Scanlan
On Mon, 12 Jan 2009, Ian Dees wrote:

> Can you point to an example of a wash in the NHD data? I haven't seen one
> yet.

Sorry, no.  I saw wash referred to in
and jumped to the conclusion that data existed.

Joseph Scanlan
+1-702-455-3679 (work)   (not work)

Never mind. --Emily Litella

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] NHD status?

2009-01-12 Thread Joseph Scanlan
On Fri, 9 Jan 2009, Ian Dees wrote:

> I'm starting to look at this (NHD import) again. Check out:

I would like to see 48400 (WASH) included, perhaps tagged as 

Joseph Scanlan
+1-702-455-3679 (work)   (not work)

So he went inside there to take on what he found.
But he never escaped them, for who can escape what he desires?
   --Tony Banks of Genesis
in "The Lady Lies"

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Road classification

2008-12-17 Thread Joseph Scanlan

I would also be happy to tag rural US 95 and US 93 as highway=primary. 
How close are we to having a consensus?

Joseph Scanlan
+1-702-455-3679 (work)   (not work)

So he went inside there to take on what he found.
But he never escaped them, for who can escape what he desires?
   --Tony Banks of Genesis
in "The Lady Lies"

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Road classification

2008-12-17 Thread Joseph Scanlan

On Tue, 16 Dec 2008, Alan Brown wrote:

This is the way I like to think about it - if you're zoomed way out, a 
map of motorways and trunk roads alone is best: plenty of useful 
information, but not cluttered.

This philosophy helps justify what you'll find here in the desert south 
west.  For example, US 93 is pretty much the route one takes from Ely, 
through Caliente, to Las Vegas, Nevada.  About 260 miles of that is two 
lane road.  It's marked as highway=trunk not because its some grand 
highway along the eastern edge of the state but because it is *the* 
highway along the eastern edge of the state.

US 95 through California (about 100 miles) is another example. 
Traveling from Las Vegas to Quartszite or Yuma, Arizona state route 95 
is a good alternative but if a routing program insisted on Interstates 
one would find oneself going through Phoenix or Los Angeles.  Kind of a 
long way to go.

I should defend both highways by pointing out they don't see much cross 
traffic.  ;-)

Joseph Scanlan
+1-702-455-3679 (work)   (not work)

So he went inside there to take on what he found.
But he never escaped them, for who can escape what he desires?
  --Tony Banks of Genesis
   in "The Lady Lies"___
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] tiger:review=yes

2008-11-28 Thread Joseph Scanlan
On Thu, 27 Nov 2008, Russ Nelson wrote:

> Presumably, hopefully, nobody is making changes that they
> think make the feature worse.

Uh, err, um, I do.  *blush*

Sometimes I have a good track on an Interstate and I can see 
interchanges, bridges, etc on the Yahoo images.  Combined with the TIGER 
data this should give us an accurate motorway and I delete the 
"tiger:review" tag.  So far, so good.

What do I do with the minor ways that cross?  Sometimes I delete a 
portion and sometimes I move the way off the Interstate, hoping I left 
enough for the next mapper to work with.  I can't claim I reviewed the 
minor way, not traveling down the Interstate at 75 mph.

So, yes, I will risk making a feature worse if I can improve the map 

Joseph Scanlan

So he went inside there to take on what he found.
But he never escaped them, for who can escape what he desires?
   --Tony Banks of Genesis
in "The Lady Lies"

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Railway spur

2008-11-07 Thread Joseph Scanlan

Last week I was tracing around the Cedar City Regional Airport and added 
a short piece of railway while I was there.  The railways I added 
connect to existing ways tagged railway=spur so I tagged "mine" the 

The airport runways, taxiways, and aprons now show on the slippy map but 
the railways are missing.  I admit I fall firmly in the "don't tag for 
the renderer" camp but I did get curious and checked the wiki.  Sure 
enough, I found "railway=rail" and "service=spur" but no "railway=spur". 
I suspect this is an artifact of the TIGER conversion but wanted to 
check on this list before I started changing "railway=spur" tags when I 
occasionally come across them.

Joseph Scanlan

So he went inside there to take on what he found.
But he never escaped them, for who can escape what he desires?
   --Tony Banks of Genesis
in "The Lady Lies"

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] hydrology tags

2008-10-01 Thread Joseph Scanlan
On Wed, 1 Oct 2008, David Carmean wrote:

> I'm currently wishing we had an entire new set of 
> "hydrology=something" feature tags :)

I've often wondered how to tag dry washes here in the desert southwest. 
I suppose they could be tagged as waterway=drain in town when they have 
a man made channel.  That just doesn't feel right when we have a natural 

Joseph Scanlan

So he went inside there to take on what he found.
But he never escaped them, for who can escape what he desires?
   --Tony Banks of Genesis
in "The Lady Lies"

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Excess TIGER nodes in a way

2008-08-21 Thread Joseph Scanlan
There's a question at the end but I'll start with a little background.

Last weekend I took a drive that included US 93 in Arizona.

Naturally, I wanted to compare my GPS trace, the Yahoo images, and my 
memory to the OSM data.  Much of this piece of US 93 is divided highway 
(is this also called a double carriage way?) but the TIGER data in OSM 
shows a single primary way.  I moved the existing way to the northbound 
side of the highway and drew a fresh southbound way.  They are both 
tagged "highway=primary", "oneway=yes", "ref=US 93", and "name=United 
States Highway 93".  The TIGER tags remain on the northbound side but 
are not duplicated southbound.  So far I'm happy with this.

Parts of this highway are quit straight:

The northbound way has (mostly) all the nodes from the TIGER data. 
Southbound only has as many as I needed to connect to other ways, copy 
the shape of the northbound way, and a few more where a northbound node 
might have marked something in the image but there wasn't a way in the 
data.  This part bothers me.

Now the question.  Should I 1) delete the (what I believe are) extra 
TIGER nodes from the northbound way, 2) add a bunch of nodes to the 
southbound way to make it match northbound, or 3) call it done and learn 
to be happy?

Joseph Scanlan

So he went inside there to take on what he found.
But he never escaped them, for who can escape what he desires?
   --Tony Banks of Genesis
in "The Lady Lies"

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Clark County, Nevada Street Center Line data

2008-07-25 Thread Joseph Scanlan
On Thu, 24 Jul 2008, Ian Dees wrote:

> make sure that the data is better than the data that was already 
> imported from TIGER.

The data is quite good and gets updated weekly.  So...  I don't want to 
treat this as a one shot conversion.  Updates should be part of my plan.

I've downloaded the SCL and converted it to lat/lon to use in xastir
My current copy is a little old.  I'll find my notes and get a fresh 

> I can help you with the convert shapefile to .osm step, as I am slowly
> working on the SHP -> OSM script mentioned previously on this list.

Thanks.  I'm an old Fortran programmer who's learned to hack together 
Java, PERL. etc. but I've never tried reading/writing shapefiles or XML. 
Should be fun to learn.

Initial import:

STRCLASS is the street class as defined by Clark County GIS (CCGIS).

1   for each STRCLASS in county shapefile
2   create scl.osm preserving attributes as ccgis: tags
3   extract working.osm from planet.osm with the same
bounding box as scl.osm
4   remove ways from scl.osm that are already in working.osm
(by comparing ccgis: tags)
5   use JOSM to replace TIGER ways with ways from scl.osm
6   upload changes
7   relax until planet.osm is updated
8   next STRCLASS

Step 1 may not be as simple as iterating through STRCLASS.  The CCGIS 
data doesn't clearly identify motorways.  I plan to do these in the 
first iteration by selecting on STRNAME.  (That's what inspired step 4.)

Steps 2, 3, and 4 should be automated with a script.


1   create scl.osm preserving attributes as ccgis: tags
2   extract working.osm from planet.osm with the same
bounding box as scl.osm
3   create add.osm, delete.osm, and change.osm by comparing
ccgis: tags in scl.osm and working.osm
4   review changes.osm with JOSM and upload
5   review add.osm with JOSM and upload
6   process delete.osm (but how?)

Joseph Scanlan

So he went inside there to take on what he found.
But he never escaped them, for who can escape what he desires?
   --Tony Banks of Genesis
in "The Lady Lies"

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Clark County, Nevada Street Center Line data

2008-07-24 Thread Joseph Scanlan
On Thu, 24 Jul 2008, I wrote:

> Would someone like to give me some guidance and help with this?

A little quality time with Google and the FAQ led me to this:

   - Download SCL shapefiles from

   - Convert the data from State Plane Feet to Lon/Lat (WGS-84).

   - Convert the shapefiles to .osm format.

   - Use JOSM to compare and upload the county data.

That last step is going to take some time.  I guess I'd better get 

Joseph Scanlan

So he went inside there to take on what he found.
But he never escaped them, for who can escape what he desires?
   --Tony Banks of Genesis
in "The Lady Lies"

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Clark County, Nevada Street Center Line data

2008-07-24 Thread Joseph Scanlan

Clark County, Nevada GIS has public domain street center line (SCL) data 
for the entire county.  This data is available as shape files and 
Arc/INFO source (all in state plain feet).

Access and usage for the SCL is found in the meta data.  (Select the 
"BROWSE" tab, select "Street Center Line" under categories, then "View 
Details" for Street Centerline.)

I'm quite enthusiastic about adding this data to OSM but...  I'm new to 
the project and this list.

Would someone like to give me some guidance and help with this?

Joseph Scanlan

So he went inside there to take on what he found.
But he never escaped them, for who can escape what he desires?
   --Tony Banks of Genesis
in "The Lady Lies"

Talk-us mailing list