Paul Johnson <> writes:

> Again, I'm still not hearing a suggestion that would keep this valuable
> information in OSM, or a compelling reason not to keep it.

It's not clear that it's valuable.   If you want to propose a scheme for
desired corridors by only-slightly-authoritative organizations, feel
free.  The compelling reason is that there is information in the
database which is incorrect.  That's always a good reason to simply
outright remove it.

> We do map proposed routes, we don't map for the renderer.  It still
> sounds like the core issue is some proposals are mapped more
> specifically than they are on paper.

The present issue is that there is are specific routes in the db as
proposed when there is no actual proposal, but instead merely a desired
corridor by a only-slightly-authoritative organization.

> I don't think this is an insurmountable problem to fix within the
> boundaries of not tagging for the renderer.

It's straightfoward: delete the bogus data.

> With that in mind, I would love to hear ideas how to tackle the
> proposed corridor issue so that they may be more properly mapped, not
> outright excluded over cyclemap rendering issues.

It's not about cyclemap rendering issues.  The problem is that the
database has incorrect information.   If someone added polygons that
said "aca_desired_corridor", and that was checkable because they
published that desire, I don't think there'd be any issues, other than
the larger issue of "X wants Y - so what?  Who is X and why does anybody

It sounds like you are conflating "how to (and whether) should we
represent desired corridor by only-slightly-authoritative organizations"
and "fixing the database by removing items that are incorrect".  It's
not reasonable to ask anyone to refrain from fixing the database without
solving some other problem.

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