[Talk-us] Semi-import of TIGER 2011 in a small area

2012-01-10 Thread Phil! Gold
I realized after doing this that I should probably solicit some feedback
on it.  While doing some ODbL readiness cleanup, I came across a
neighborhood (Clarksville, MD) where an anonymous user had added a bunch
of footpaths in 2007, but their editor appears to have effected changes to
TIGER-imported ways by deleting the original ways and adding new ones with
(presumably) the same nodes and tags.  That left me with nothing to roll
back to and no way to tell what had actually been changed, so I decided to
just replace the affected ways with a new TIGER import and then fix the
topology by hand.  While I was at it, I figured I'd use TIGER 2011 data.

Here's what I did:
* Download the 2011 TIGER/Line files for the surrounding county (Howard
* Run ogr2osm on the shapefile with the following parameters:
  * Add the following tags to every way:
* tiger:mtfcc=
* tiger:linearid=
* tiger:source="TIGER 2011 ogr2osm import by asciiphil"
* tiger:reviewed=no
  * If the line has a FULLNAME attribute, add the tag:
* name=
  * Add additional tags based on the line's MTFCC attribute, with the
following mapping:
* S1100 => highway=motorway
* S1200 => highway=primary
* S1300 => highway=tertiary
* S1400 => highway=residential
* S1500 => highway=track
* S1630 => highway=service, oneway=yes
* S1640 => highway=service
* S1710 => highway=footway
* S1720 => highway=steps
* S1730 => highway=service, service=alley
* S1740 => highway=service, access=private
* S1780 => highway=service, service=parking_aisle
* S1820 => highway=cycleway
* S1830 => highway=bridleway
* Open the resulting .osm file in JOSM and delete everything I didn't
  want.  This was accomplished by selecting all the roads I did want and
  then inverting the selection.  Also, the deletion took a really long
  time.  If I need to do this again, I'll probably use osmosis to cut out
  a bbox first and then just use JOSM to do the final paring.
* Upload the .osm file with JOSM.  This created a lot of duplication in
  the main database, but I wanted the first version of the ways to be
  pristine from import.
* Fix the data:
  * Download the entire area in JOSM.
  * Examine each duplicate way:
* If there are tag edits by CT-accepting users, apply those edits to
  the TIGER 2011 way.
* Delete the non-ODbL-clean way.
  * Ensure that all ways are connected appropriately to the rest of the
road network.
* Upload the data fixes.
* Add ways as needed (in my case, the footpaths that the anonymous user
  had added; they're not in TIGER, but can easily be traced from aerial
* Upload the additions.

Are there any comments on my process or suggestions for things I should
have done differently?  (It's a small enough area that I can go back and
manually change things if needed.)

...computer contrarian of the first order... / http://aperiodic.net/phil/
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Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Semi-import of TIGER 2011 in a small area

2012-01-11 Thread Paul Norman
> From: Phil! Gold [mailto:phi...@pobox.com]
> Subject: [Talk-us] Semi-import of TIGER 2011 in a small area
> * Open the resulting .osm file in JOSM and delete everything I didn't
>   want.  This was accomplished by selecting all the roads I did want and
>   then inverting the selection.  Also, the deletion took a really long
>   time.  If I need to do this again, I'll probably use osmosis to cut
> out
>   a bbox first and then just use JOSM to do the final paring.

Giving JOSM substantially more RAM can help with this.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Semi-import of TIGER 2011 in a small area

2012-01-11 Thread Toby Murray
Thanks for sharing the details. I have done some limited mapping based
on TIGER 2010 and 2011 data. But so far I've done it by hand. Drawing
ways from bing and then copying the name from TIGER. This works for
the few small neighborhoods I've done it with but assuming no one has
any improvements to suggest, I will likely adopt it as well for when I
come across new neighborhoods.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Semi-import of TIGER 2011 in a small area

2012-01-11 Thread Josh Doe
On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 10:22 AM, Phil! Gold  wrote:
> Are there any comments on my process or suggestions for things I should
> have done differently?  (It's a small enough area that I can go back and
> manually change things if needed.)

I've been doing something similar in my region (Fairfax County, VA),
but with the county's road data which has better attribution
(maxspeed, ref, weight/height limits). I've got a few comments:
1) Please consider comparing your tagging scheme to the wiki
(http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/TIGER_2010). I created that table
semi-blindly, i.e. only reviewing documentation and not checking how
things are tagged in the real world. Your experience would be a
valuable addition (e.g. I see we differ on S1630 among others).
2) I don't see value in keeping any of the TIGER tags (e.g. linearid,
mtfcc, even source), except maybe the tiger:reviewed if you're doing
large imports without much checking. If you're checking for
connectivity, and spatial accuracy, I would leave the tag out.
3) I don't like to upload data that puts the database in an invalid
state, so I always do small chunks at a time so that I can correct
topology, add turning circles, etc.
4) I think we should compile a list of suggestions for manual
conflation. I edited http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Conflation and
created a new page with some tips on manual conflation with JOSM.
Please add your tips:

Of course our primary goals are to retain history whenever possible
(don't delete, but modify, unless non-CT clean).

Thanks for your contributions; lets get this information into the wiki!


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Semi-import of TIGER 2011 in a small area

2012-01-11 Thread Paul Johnson
On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 11:39:50AM -0600, Toby Murray wrote:
> Thanks for sharing the details. I have done some limited mapping based
> on TIGER 2010 and 2011 data.

I wonder if this is available as a WMS layer somehwere.

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