The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue #305, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:


*Among others:*

   - How can new mappers help HOT with the validation process? Read more
   - Have you had your OpenStreetMap account verified in HDYC? If not, read
   in here to get it verified.
   - The HOT team announced that the 2016 HOT Summit takes place in
   Brussels, just one day before State of the Map. Registration for the summit
   is open.
   - Sri Lanka has been hit hard in the past few days by flooding.
      - see all tasks, please help!
      - pay special attention to task #1915.
   - Mapbox has redesigned their outdoor style of maps


Jinal Foflia <>
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