Hi all, I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone on the ZA list.

I recently discovered OSM and think it is a wonderful initiative. I am 
on the KZN south coast, and have started mapping the areas I travel 
frequently. I have also enlisted the help of friends and colleagues with 
GPS units whereby they email me their tracks when they can, and I can 
then map them.

One of the areas I have difficulty with is obtaining the street names. 
Many of the streets are not marked, or the signs are badly deteriorated 
(I have resorted to asking residents what the street name is!). There 
are also many back roads (both dirt and tar) which I assume would be 
district roads (D???), but again no markings. Is there any reliable 
source (perhaps government archives or something) that I am allowed to use?

The other difficulty is with road classifications. At present, I am 
tagging all roads in urban areas as highway:tertiary except for roads in 
residential areas, which are highway:residential. I am tagging dirt 
roads that are main roads (Dxxx) as highway:secondary and 
surface:unpaved, while farm roads are highway:track with 
tracktype:gradex. National routes (N2) as either highway:motorway or 
highway:trunk depending on whether there is a median present. Other main 
routes (R102, R620 etc) as highway:primary, and other named main roads 
(not Rxxx routes) linking towns as highway:secondary. Does this make sense?

Also, what is the convention regarding ref:* and name:* tags? What I 
have done is use the ref tag for the Nx, Rxxx or Dxxx name, and the name 
tag for the descriptive name. For example, the R620 is called Marine 
Drive along most of the south coast, so then that is ref:R620 and 
name:Marine Drive, but for a section around Margate it splits into 2 
roads, where one is name:Marine Drive running through town, and ref:R620 
goes around.

I'm pleased to be able to help, but want to make sure I am doing this 

How many mappers do we have in SA?

Kind regards,


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