Re: [OSM-Talk-ZA] Number of lanes and traffic simulation

2011-02-02 Thread David Richfield
Thanks for the feedback, Nic - this kind of thing helps to motivate
volunteers like me!

David Richfield

Talk-ZA mailing list

[OSM-Talk-ZA] Number of lanes and traffic simulation

2011-02-01 Thread Nic Roets
I met Professor Johan Joubert at the University of Pretoria today. He
explained that they're using OSM to predict traffic flows in Gauteng.
They can then use the simulator to predict the impact that the
Gautrain and the new toll roads will have. The simulator can also help
to predict the feasibility of new public transport initiatives. And
although they do not make the decisions, their results have some

So they find our data quite useful especially when a new road is added
within days after opening. But they do however need multilane roads to
be tagged as such. So I showed them that they can use Josm to find all
the 'M' roads without 'lane' tags. Configuring Bing under Josm took a
little bit of effort (WMS url := bing:bing). I think what will speed
up the process even further is if they could select a road and hit a
key combination like 2 to set the number of lanes to two. Is
that possible in Josm ?

Their simulations are also being used in town planing, e.g. where to
zone what landuse areas. So there is a growing demand to improve OSM,
particularly in the smaller municipalities.

So, although you don't hear it every day, your efforts are being
appreciated. Johan says he impressed a lot of people with how well
open source and open data is working together.


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