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Terima Kasih,

Marketing Database Support Center
PT. IBM Indonesia


Take the IBM Linux Scholars Challenge 
New challenges and new chances to participate in a Linux Contest

College and university students can make improvements to Linux, 
create usability tools or enhancements, or design Linux 

The goals of the contest are to: 

Promote student use of Linux worldwide 
Solve real-world Linux issues-make Linux better! 
Design or develop an application using Linux 
Prizes will be awarded to the top 20 entries, judged by IBM Linux 
personnel. These 20 students will receive an IBM ThinkPad with Linux 
and will also have the opportunity to qualify for one of three 
summer 2005 Internships at our Linux Technology Center. There will 
also be a University Award, one (1) Linux 16-node "start-up" 
cluster, given to the university who has the highest overall average 
from their students' entries.

The Linux Scholar Challenge 2004 is subject to official rules and 
regulations, along with examples of "challenges."

University students must register for this contest. Students are 
welcome to select one of the "challenge options" provided or may 
work on their own Linux project. 

Register now! 

Key dates:
August 2, 2004 - Announce at LinuxWorld San Francisco 2004
August 2, 2004 - Registrations will be open
October 31, 2004 - Registrations close
December 13, 2004 - Projects must be submitted for all registered 

Judging will take place between January 3 through January 14, 2005. 
The winners will be announced on or about January 21, 2005. 

You may also download and print the contest flyer. 

Unsubscribe: kirim email kosong ke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arsip, FAQ, dan info milis di http://linux.or.id/milis.php
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