Dears Milis ....
saya sedang bikin MRTG,... sehingga akhirnya...dibuka di browser ada pesan seperti dibawah ini:
Ada kekeliruan atau kesalahan pada proses apa yach,... tadinya sich keluar grafik,... Minta bantuannya dan masukannya.


Usage: indexmaker [options] regexp mrtg.cfg [other.cfg ...] Options: --output=filename set output filename (default: stdout) --filter title=~regexp select targets by matching regexp against titles --filter pagetop=~regexp select targets by matching regexp against pagetop --filter name=~regexp select targets by matchin regexp against name --title=text set title of generated index file --bodyopt=text set body tag options --pagetop=text insert this text between and
--columns=number show graphs in a table with x columns (default: 2) --sort=title sort graphs by title --sort=name sort graphs by their name --sort=descr sort graphs by their description --sort=original leave as is (default) --enumerate add a sequence number to the title of each graph --width=number set width of graphs (default: not set) --height=number --show=day pick which graph to show in the index (default) --show=week --show=month --show=year --show=none --section=h1 h1 tag from pagetop as section heading (default) --section=title title as section headings for graphs --section=name graph name as section heading --section=descr graph description as section heading --section=portname port name entry in pagetop as section heading --rrdviewer=path path to rrdviewer (default: /cgi-bin/14all.cgi) --prefix=path path from the location of the index.html to the graphs



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