Re: Suggestion: HTML templates

2005-06-01 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hello Liz,

Wednesday, June 1, 2005, 6:07:15 PM, you wrote:

MB>> Sarcasm is a subet of irony, as I found out when we had a long thread
MB>> on TBOT about making these ironic style modes clear to all readers of
MB>> our lists.

> It  is? Ok.. Normally Im used to irony being events, and sarcasm being
> words

1 the expression of one's meaning by saying the direct opposite
of what one is thinking but using tone and voice to indicate one's
real meaning. Irony is used in order to be amusing or to give sth
emphasis: 'That's really lovely, that is!' he said with heavy irony.
2 a situation, an event, etc that seems deliberately contrary to what
one expects, and is often amusing as a result: the irony of fate - one
of life's little ironies.

remarks that imply the opposite of what they appear to mean and are
intended to upset or mock sb: heavy/bitter sarcasm - 'And is that free
and fair trade?' she asked, with more than a hint of sarcasm in her

-- Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 5th edition

Best regards,

The Bat! v2.12.00 on Windows 98 4.10. A 

 Current beta is 3.5.25 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Some more thoughts on Customisation

2005-05-29 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hello Liz,

Sunday, May 29, 2005, 8:53:00 AM, you wrote:

MB>> Have you been subscribed to TBBETA for two years? This monthly mail is
MB>> not from RitLabs, but from the TBBETA Moderators.

> Ah! no..

> But  Ive been here a good few months, I think just after v3 came out..
> so, Id have thought Id have seen it, maybe I skimmed?

Look for mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Marck D Pearlstone
Subject: TBBETA Mission Statement
Date: Sun, 1 May 2005 10:03:18 +0100

Or watch out on 1 June. It's just a regular list message.

Best regards,

The Bat! v2.12.00 on Windows 98 4.10. A 

 Current beta is 3.5.21 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Some more thoughts on Customisation

2005-05-29 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hello Mary,

Saturday, May 28, 2005, 9:26:43 PM, you wrote:

>> Dont  get  me  wrong, I dont disagree, but as its not a ritlabs URL, I
>> wonder how many TB users would see it?

> Well, I learned about the lists word of mouth (or word-of-e-mail), the
> same way I learned about The Bat!

> I seem to remember something in my Welcome letter from RitLabs that
> mentioned TBUDL, also, or something that used to be on its website,
> but I couldn't find it just now.

In my tb! welcome letter tbudl was mentioned along with a link to what
was at the time the support site.

> However, once you got to TBBETA, your welcome letter from the TBBETA
> Moderators did tell you about all the lists, as well as a bunch of
> other useful stuff.

> Most people apparently don't read that letter :( , or the monthly
> Mission Statement. :woe: Their loss. Lots of good stuff in it, also.

> I wish RitLabs would put the TB! Lists info and the Silverstones URL
> back on the front page of its website!! :pointmade:

It's not on the frontpage but here:

Best regards,

The Bat! v2.12.00 on Windows 98 4.10. A 

 Current beta is 3.5.21 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Spam on the increase

2004-12-17 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hello Greg,

Friday, December 17, 2004, 5:08:31 AM, you wrote:

>  Now I must admit I do not receive a
> lot of spam which is probably due to my actions, but I recall Popfile
> learning much faster, but like I said maybe the spammers are smarter
> now. I'm about to give up on BayesIt.

I have 99.91% accuracy with popfile and rising. Didn't make a mistake
for quite a wile, not beeing fooled by all the so called clever tricks
the spammers use.

Best regards,

The Bat! v2.12.00 on Suse Linux 9.1 (wine 20041201)

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Re: OT, typo Marry for Mary, and Elizabethan English usage [was Re: Cannot Close the Bat...]

2004-10-18 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hello Mary,

Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 12:08:28 AM, you wrote:

> 1) In parts of the U.S. South, "marry," "Mary," and "merry" are
> pronounced the same.

That must be one of the cases where people confuse me by emphasizing
that they pronounce words in a certain manner while the normal way
would be different they claim. How else could you pronounce it? Ah,
well, I'm a Southern USler then. Howdy!

Best regards,

The Bat! v2.12.00 on Suse Linux 9.1

A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way
that you will look forward to the trip.

 Current beta is Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: BayesIt 0.6.10

2004-09-30 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hello Roelof,

Wednesday, September 29, 2004, 11:31:59 AM, you wrote:

> Furthermore as I've only recently started to use BayesIt, I've got
> this question. I understand that I've got to mark whatever I consider
> unwanted as Junk, that's the easy part. While BayesIt is learning it
> lets everything pass,

Not really. It filters to the best of it's ability. It will make many
mistakes due to unsufficiant data but tends to create much more false
negatives than false positives.

>  does this mean that I've got to mark everything
> that's okay (and not marked as junk by BayesIt) explicitly as 'not
> junk' or is that done by the plug-in since I don't mark it as junk?

Train only on mistakes. Mark as junk spam that doesn't make it into
the junk folder. Mark as not junk ham that appears in the junk folder.

> During the 48 hours that I got BayesIt installed, I got 7 spams and
> 940 good mails, is that a ratio the plug-in can improve upon?

You'll need much more spam. I'd recommend at least 500 spams to train
it. That's why it's good to keep a certain amount of spam mails if the
neccessity appears to retrain bayesit or train a new bayesian filter.

Best regards,

 Current beta is 3.01 RC/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Releasing tension about NSF

2004-09-18 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hello Paul,

On 17 Sep 2004 at 17:02:14 -0400 GMT [23:02 CEST] you wrote:

PC> On Friday, September 17, 2004, 4:48 PM, you wrote:

DH>>> Thought it was due to the Spelling Reform. ;-)

PP>> "Potato guy"?  & shutting up :-)

PC> get it RIGHT!!! it's POTATOE 

Not according to my dictionary.

singular: potato
plural: potatoes

Cheers, The Bat! 2.12.00 on
 Andre  Windows XP Service Pack 2

"1. If it's green or it wiggles, it's biology. 2. If it stinks, it's
chemistry. 3. If it doesn't work, it's physics."  

 Current beta is 3.00.15 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Tenure as List Moderator Ends

2004-09-01 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hello Allie,

On 1 Sep 2004 at 07:05:32 -0500 GMT [14:05 CEST] you wrote:

AM> I'll be stepping down as one of the moderators of the lists (TBUDL,
AM> TBBETA and TBTECH), effective as of now.

Sad to hear that. You did a fine job as a moderator (as do Leif and
Marck). Good luck in you life as a mere user.

Cheers, The Bat! 2.12.00 on
 Andre  Windows XP Service Pack 2

"The world is only as big
 as the window you open to it."  

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Re: Mail dispatcher wish

2004-08-31 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hello Peter,

On 30 Aug 2004 at 20:58:38 +0200 GMT [20:58 CEST] you wrote:

PM> The message was already marked as read by the notification, so I had to
PM> select all headers. I wish I could have chosen to D/L only those of
PM> today, because I don't delete messages on server with this computer (to
PM> have them available for my machine at home). Now I had to download 950
PM> mail headers, which took about ten minutes, much more than the actual
PM> message would have needed (I downloaded it afterwards... ;-) ).

That's why I repeatedly upped the value to now 250kb. I keep messages
on the server for two days.

PM> So my wish is to have the mail dispatcher offer not only "all" or "new"
PM> messages, but also "received within X days/hours".

Good idea.

PM> I don't know, if this is easy or hard to implement. Neither do I know if
PM> other users would find it useful. Do you?

Yes. Definitely.

Cheers, The Bat! 2.12.00 on
 Andre  Windows XP Service Pack 2

"Bleib Menschen fern,
 die deine Ambitionen belächeln.
 Kleine Menschen tun das immer,
 aber die wirklich Großen
 geben dir das Gefühl,
 dass auch du groß werden kannst."  

 Current beta is 3.00 Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Repeated Download of Duplicate Messages (was: Re: The Bat! 2.12 RC/1 is now available)

2004-07-10 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hello Januk,

On 9 Jul 2004 at 11:46:19 -0700 GMT [20:46 CEST] you wrote:

JA> On Friday, July 9, 2004 at 20:40 GMT +0300, earthworms were
JA> entertained when 9val exposed:

love it! :)

JA> Thanks very much.  One POP usability issue that persists is:

JA> I often get server side duplicates, and having all but the first one
JA> download every time gets rather annoying.  The only work-around is to
JA> use the mail dispatcher to remove the duplicates from the server
JA> manually.

Completely agree. It's really anoying when you arealize you have
downloaded a spam twenty times already. And then you need to delete it
via maildispatcher. It really needs to get fixed.

"All truth passes through three stages.
 First, it is ridiculed.
 Second, it is violently opposed.
 Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."  

 Current beta is v2.12 RC/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: The Bat! v2.12 Beta/1 is now available

2004-06-16 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hello Allie,

On 16 Jun 2004 at 04:58:07 -0500 GMT [11:58 CEST] you wrote:

AM> I've been asking for this for a long time. The CC gives important
AM> information, but it's not information that I'd want to see all the
AM> time, especially when the CC tends to come to the foreground when I'm
AM> sending messages. A quick way of summoning it as needed is far better
AM> than the current all or none method since summoning/getting rid of it
AM> requires a preferences panel visit.

In the mean time you can assign keyboard shortcuts for hide and show.


"Love is the feeling that you feel
 when you feel the feeling
 that you never felt before."  

 Current beta is 2.12 Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Copying text from source window (f9) not correct.

2004-06-15 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hello Dierk,

On 14 Jun 2004 at 21:07:20 +0200 GMT [21:07 CEST] you wrote:

DH> I highlighted the Return-Path address *without* the angle brackets and
DH> copied it over. The copied version showed the opening bracket and the
DH> address sans the last letter ("m").

The problem with copying urls from source view was reported by Allie


"If it's raining, a cute thing to tell a child is 'God is crying.'
 If they ask why, another cute thing to say is,
 'Probably something you did.'"  

 Current beta is 2.11.04 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: X-Chat header in mass mailings

2004-06-06 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hello Peter,

On 6 Jun 2004 at 17:23:10 +0200 GMT [17:23 CEST] you wrote:

PM> when I use the mass mailing feature, the "X-Mail-Chat: Yes" header is
PM> always included, no matter which chat mode I select in account
PM> properties. Brought up on a German list by a Win2K user and confirmed
PM> here. Anyone else?



"I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you
 because someone has printed gibberish all over it
 and put your name at the top."  

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Re: Folder View Modes

2004-02-24 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hello Anne,

On 24 Feb 2004 at 23:06:57 + GMT [00:06 CET] you wrote:

C>> I STILL think, given the number of questions asked here by people who
C>> are enthusiasts and beta testing the app, it is obvious that View Modes
C>> usage is FAR from intuitive, and someone coming to TB as a new user will
C>> have serious problems with them. 

A> Agree wholeheartedly Chris... I think their complexity will scare
A> off some new TB! users. As I said, I was ready to give up and go
A> back a version to be able to see things the way I want to. A
A> rethink of some of the options (there seems to be far too many
A> ways to invoke them!) might be a sensible idea?

I disagree. The intuitiveness of the bat's view mode implentation has
increased a good deal since the feature turned up the first time in a
beta. I don't think that's the problem. I don't think the various places
where you can apply them is the problem either. You can set them from
within preferences, folder properties, the message list, and folder and
view menus. all of these places are logical. All of them make sense.
Somebody wants to apply a view mode so (s)he goes to any of these places
and does it. (S)he doesn't need to woryy about the other places. Think
the opposite: Somewhere you can't set it where you would expect it. You
would need to search elsewhere desperately trying to find it.

The implementation is not the problem. It's inuitive in my opinion.
Changes have been made since 2.02 but now it should stay that way. It'd
certainly confuses people if view modes changed with every new version
just because people still have problemes with it. Most of the time when
somebody has problems with view modes somebody on the lists explains the
concept to her/him, especially the difference betrween folder and global
view modes. Normaly the person is then able to solve the problems. So
the interface is not the difficult thing but the underlying concept.
There needs to be a chapter in the help file which extensively explains
viewmodes, how to apply them, how to spread them across folders and the
differences folder versus global.

Complex features are nothing new to the bat users. The reason the bat is
so powerful is because of it's complex features. The downside of this is
that some things just need explaination. How many users have posted on
tbudl that they learn so much just from reading the list. That they
learn new things even after a quite long usage of the program. View
modes is one of these features that at first may be a bit difficult to
master but as soon as you do all their power is at your disposal.


"If fifty million people
 say a foolish thing,
 it is still a foolish thing."  

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: POP not stable anymore?

2003-12-26 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hello Dimitry,

On 26 Dec 2003 at 18:11:45 +0100 GMT [18:11 CET] you wrote:

DA> Well, I've *always* seen this behaviour in The Bat, even since the
DA> oldest versions.  I can't say that I see or notice any difference in
DA> the POP handling now.  I've gotten so used to terminating TheBat.exe
DA> that I'm not even surprised anymore when it hangs...

Ditto. I'm on dial-up. When I happen to disconnect while the regular
mail collecting is taking place the connection never times out. It's not
so much of a problem. I just have to remeber to restart the bat before
connecting the next time. And this behaviour isn't new at all either.

DA> When the timeout options were introduced I was happy for about 10
DA> minutes, until I found out that they don't seem to work at all. Does
DA> anybody ever test these new features before they are released?

All accounts here are set to timeout after 60 seconds (the default).
They never do, at least not when I disconnect from the net.


"I told you I was sick."
 ~ From a tombstone in the U.K.  

 Current beta is 2.03 Beta/24 | "Using TBBETA" information:

Re: Is this possible using pgp 8 plugin?

2003-08-14 Thread Andre Wichartz
Hash: SHA1

Hello Krister,

On 10 Aug 2003 at 20:57:54 +0200 GMT [20:57 CEST] you wrote:

KE> but ... well... The reason i didn't install Gnupg, is that i'm
KE> unsure whether it will work at all under Xp Pro

Does this answer your question? ;)

- --

"If it's raining, a cute thing to tell a child is 'God is crying.'
 If they ask why, another cute thing to say is,
 'Probably something you did.'"
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2-nr1 (Windows XP)


 Current beta is 2.0b1 | "Using TBBETA" information: