Re: Rethreading ?

2005-09-20 Thread Oliver Wolfram

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - [Dienstag, 20. September 2005, 12:11:11]:

RvdH> Wouldn't it be nice if the help file was up to date?

Oh yes!


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Re: The Bat! 3.51.9 is now available

2005-07-23 Thread Oliver Wolfram

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - [Samstag, 23. Juli 2005, 13:57:49]:

M> On keywords with german layout you cannot press [Ctrl]+[=] as [=] is
M> only available by pressing the shift-key. Instead pressing [Ctrl]+[+]
M> seems to work.

Thanks to both of you, Melanie, Alexander. Esc/Ctrl-+ did it.
Sometimes it seems so easy... ;)

Best regards,

PGP, S/MIME verfügbar. Bitte hier [ ] 

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Re: The Bat! 3.51.9 is now available

2005-07-23 Thread Oliver Wolfram

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - [Freitag, 22. Juli 2005, 15:20:50]:

MM> The Bat! 3.51.9 is now available from:

I still seem to be having a problem with the QuickSearch (message
list) box that is quite annoying. The search itself works well, but
sometimes the message list is not reset after the search (nomally
invoked by pressing Enter on an empty QuickSearch field), i.e. it is
impossible to return to the original message list containing all
elements of that folder (only restarting TB seems to resolve this).



(TB 3.5.91, Win XP 5.1.2600)

PGP, S/MIME verfügbar. Bitte hier [ ] 

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Re: 3.5.30

2005-06-20 Thread Oliver Wolfram

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - [Montag, 20. Juni 2005, 00:39:14]:

>> Start it does, but ... I can't seem to be able to attach files to
>> messages. TB freezes when I do this. Can anybody confirm?
HO> Works well here. How do you attach files? Drag and Drop? In message
HO> editor? In TB! main window? by mean of "Add" button? By the menue
HO> item? By Send to? from Win-Explorer (wich choise?). All this
HO> possibilitys work fine for me.

I seem to have to correct myself. It does work (I was referring to
clicking on the paper clip icon in the message editor), it just takes
forever for the Explorer window to appear.

HO> Di you have some AV-Plugin installed? I have the Kaspersky plugin.

Yes, I do, the AVG plugin. Are there known problems with AV plugins
that I should know of?


PGP, S/MIME verfügbar. Bitte hier [ ] 

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Re: 3.5.30

2005-06-19 Thread Oliver Wolfram
Hey betas,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - [Sonntag, 19. Juni 2005, 17:54:01]:

MM> If the beta .26-.29 didn't start normally, please confirm that it now 
starts OK.

Start it does, but ... I can't seem to be able to attach files to
messages. TB freezes when I do this. Can anybody confirm?


PGP, S/MIME verfügbar. Bitte hier [ ] 

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Re: [The Bat!] Quick Search does not work properly

2005-05-26 Thread Oliver Wolfram


VA> I have got some problems with the Quick Search:



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Re: Bat 3.0 Sync with IPAQ Pocket PC

2005-04-17 Thread Oliver Wolfram


TC> Same here I could not get it to work, and I don't read Russian.

Good news - I just found out that it does in fact work, the reason why
I hadn't noticed anything happening was that the messages appear in
the draft folder. For the whole thing to do anything, TB must be
registered to handle simple MAPI (Settings-Applications). Then a
window appears asking for the account to copy the *unread* messages
from, you just click OK (the password query can be ignored, up to now
I was unable to find out where a password would have to be set to
become relevant). The only problem remaining seems to be sending
messages out. At the moment I use Outlook for SMTP, but maybe this
nifty tool can somehow also be used to do this. I'll keep the list


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Re: Bat 3.0 Sync with IPAQ Pocket PC

2005-03-08 Thread Oliver Wolfram


VY> This program syncs your e-mail account in The Bat! with Pocket PC..

This happens to be exactly what I need... but I can't get it to work.
After I press PPC Mail The Bat comes up and asks me for the account to
synchronize, at the same time it asks for a password (which one?).
When I click OK a russian message comes up on my PPC that I don't
understand, but no mail is synchronized really.

How is this supposed to work? Any help appreciated. And...

VY> Attention:
VY> Only unread messages on Inbox folder is synchronized :(... The messages
VY> in another folder (read or unread) isn't synchronized.

... the messages I wanted to synchronize had been set as unread.


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Re: Voyager

2005-02-21 Thread Oliver Wolfram


TC> I got the following email today about it, but can't find a link to
TC> download it.

So, is it safe to conclude that the announcement was premature and
that there in fact is no way to download it yet?


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rss2pop3 question

2005-02-17 Thread Oliver Wolfram
Just two quick questions about this very useful plugin

- is it possible to store and have queried several feeds from within one 
account? For the
moment I have maybe 6 extra accounts that have the mere purpose of
querying one feed, then a filter takes over and moves them all to my
RSS folder.

- German special characters are not displayed correctly in the subject
line which makes everything somewhat difficult to read (unless you
don't stick to the English speaking world).


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Re: Bayesit! 0.5.2

2004-04-19 Thread Oliver Wolfram

[ Gian Matteo ] - [ mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]:

G> In filter options:number of `juding` tokens i`ve find `0`, and
G> plug-in doesn`t let me close the window whitout specify a value from 1
G> to 1000... what is the old `default`? and for other options in this
G> window? tnx.

Yeah, that has bugged me, too. I put a 1 in there, not really knowing
what I was doing.

Which really leads me to another question: is there some sort of
usable documentation for BayesIT? doesn't seem to be


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Re: 2.05 Beta/14: Selecting folders for VF

2004-04-05 Thread Oliver Wolfram


ST> [-] Sometimes VF lost its folders

Well, now it doesn't seem to find them. ;) Try selecting only a few
from the list when creating a new Virtual (Common) Folder. Clicking on
single folders doesn't work, only "Select All". Anybody else?


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Re: Bug? Access Violation on closing beta12

2004-03-28 Thread Oliver Wolfram


> It happened to me yesterday. I got tones of AVs doing sort of everything
> (invoking search, moving to next unread message across folders, etc.).

I had one just now sending a message (with the focus being on a newly
renamed common folder). Maybe the whole folder structure got messed up
a bit?


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Re: The Bat! v2.05 Beta/12 is now available (Virtual Folders)

2004-03-26 Thread Oliver Wolfram

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - [Freitag, 26. März 2004, 23:29:26]:

> The virtual folders are like links to the messages as such.

Thanks, that did it for me.

Also I happened to come across the checkbox "Use filter". ;) On the
other hand the question arises: why a checkbox? If the filter is off,
is there any other purpose for the virtual folder?

Cheers, Oliver

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Re: Birthday

2004-03-19 Thread Oliver Wolfram

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - [Freitag, 19. März 2004, 10:16:29]:

> It looks like TB! only checks for birthdays on the first start of the
> day. I had to add a birthday entry today and on restarting TB!, there
> was no further prompt to cerate a message.

It seems to check several times. However you don't get a reminder if
you enter the birthday for the same day (as you described above). Enter
a birthday reminder for tomorrow and it will then keep on nagging you on
every restart until you press "Yes". (One could argue that TB
shouldn't remind you of a birthday on the day you entered it, but one
year later. Speaking of which: are the birthdays renewed for the next


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Re: Birthday

2004-03-18 Thread Oliver Wolfram

DH>> What I meant was that TB did remind me more than once per day in the
DH>> past, as long as I a) did not write a message upon reminding and b)
DH>> did start TB more than once a day.

> I don't believe it does. If I remember correctly, when I have declined
> to create one in the past (because I know the recipient rarely checks
> her e-mail), I did not get a fresh reminder even after restarting TB!

Dierk is correct. Just tried it for myself. You have to restart TB to
get the reminder. This is feasible, one just has to know it. Still,
a more frequent birthday check would be desirable, e.g. when you
rarely shut down TB and use Standby or Hibernate most of the time.
Maybe this could be put on some kind of wishlist for upcoming
versions. With a low priority of course, there are more important
things to fix really. ;)

Best regards,
(who, from now on, will not forget about birthdays anymore)

PGP welcome.  Click [ ] for my public key. 
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Re: [Bugtraq-ID: 0001786] TLS-SMTP issue

2004-02-15 Thread Oliver Wolfram
Hi Uwe,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] - [Sonntag, 15. Februar 2004, 18:38:53]:

> looks like I figured out, when and why the tls-smtp issue occurs,
> Oliver Wolfram (and some other users) mentioned [Bugtraq-ID: 0001786].

Thanks for pointing out to me that this was already listed on the
bugtrack system. I could have checked that myself of course.

> Everytime the last part exceeds 2048 bytes, I get the following error:

Strange thing is, for me it seems to occur when the message size exceeds
1024 kb. Anything below that works perfectly.


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Re: SMTP-S issue

2004-01-30 Thread Oliver Wolfram
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - [Freitag, 30. Januar 2004, 18:24:10]:

>> I should add that I found out that said error doesn't occur with
>> "very short" messages, i.e. when I just put a few words into Subject
>> and Body.
> Do you notice any special characters in the emails, like a . appearing
> on it's own line?

No, regular text. You're thinking of the email providing an EOF or
something like that?

> Do you know if it happens past a certain number of
> lines?

It does happen after about 1024 bytes, 1019 bytes pass, anything above
that fails. The number of lines do not seem to be an issue.

> Have you tried testing from another client to see if the same
> behaviour is exhibited?

I have tested it with OE. Worked perfectly.

I also have tried stunnel now. When I do a telnet through stunnel I
can send messages of any size without problems. When I use TheBat
through stunnel, 1024 is the limit again.

To put it in a nutshell, anything from TheBat to port 465 over SSL
must not be larger than about 1024 bytes to be transmitted.

I also tried to simulate what was happening through the Bat. I thought
that maybe TheBat just failed to transmit the EOF (.), so I logged on
to the server waiting for a timeout, which didn't occur (at least not
as fast as it does when using TB). I then simply closed the connection
hoping that the server would still transmit the message (assuming the
Bat would simply cut the connection). But the message didn't get sent.
So where we get stuck here is past the EOF and for some reason TB
assumes the message couldn't be sent while it did get transmitted.
Anybody know what TB needs to assume a message has been transmitted

One can also look at this from a different point of view, but I have
avoided this as I don't know enough about it. ;)

I had exactly the same problem a while ago with regular SMTP while
being connected to the net through a software router (Winroute).
Setting the MTU to 1300 fixed the problem, somebody just recommended
this to me and I never pondered why the MTU wasn't supposed to be

But this is happening on a direct connection now. Nothing in between.
Still, it might point to the underlying reason for the problem.
However, that's yet out of my league. As I have come to understand it,
some routers will simply drop packets that are above a certain limit.
Now if I lower the MTU, the packets do not exceed the allowed size and
do pass. But packets are packets, whether they are encrypted or not,
idependent of the port they're transmitted over. So I really don't see
how the MTU problem and the SMTPS issue could be other than that they
bring up the exact same error message.

I'm somewhat confused.

Thanks for following my train of thought. ;)


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