Re: Registration - v4.x

2008-12-16 Thread Roman Mülchen
Hallo Christian,

I don't get the point why all the Beta Testers have to renew anything.
Ich read this E-Mail-List, I test and evaluate this software, I take 
some time to answer questions or to ask some... why do I have to pay?

Gruß Roman

Dipl.-Inform. Roman Mülchen
Fakultät II Informatik, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften
Institut für Rechtswissenschaften
C.v.O. Universität Oldenburg 
26111 Oldenburg 
Tel.: (+49) 441 798 4092 
Fax:  (+49) 441 798 4136 

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Access violation when creating Mass Mailing

2008-11-27 Thread Roman Mülchen
Hallo Marek Mikus,

am 26.11.2008, um 21:58 Uhr, schriebst Du:

MM> I have opened AddressBook, selected contacts, used menu "File | Mass
MM> mailing using template", checked template and when hit OK with selected
MM> "Put into Outbox" option, this AV appeared.

I don't get an AV but ist doesnt't function at all. Nothing happens! 
Neither opening with editor...

Help, I have to send a Mass Mailing tomorrow :-(

Gruß Roman

Dipl.-Inform. Roman Mülchen
Fakultät II Informatik, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften
Institut für Rechtswissenschaften
C.v.O. Universität Oldenburg 
26111 Oldenburg 
Tel.: (+49) 441 798 4092 
Fax:  (+49) 441 798 4136 

 Current beta is (ALPHA) | 'Using TBBETA' information:

"send-to" strange behavior

2008-11-24 Thread Roman Mülchen
Hi Tbbeta,

try  sending  an  zip-file from explorer with right-mouse button
send-to->E-Mail the chooser for the appropriate Accounts pops
"under"! ;-) I have to click the button from the task bar to put it in
front. After choosing the right account, there i can't see no
Attachment and all my templates for new message, won't work. If I try
to send another Attachment, before I close this particular message
window (without the attachment) - nothing happens. After sending the
E-Mail the new "Choose-Account-Dialog" pops "under"

Too many Bugs for my Gusto :0)

Can anyone confirm?

Using Windows XP SP3 and theBat! home

Gruß Roman

Dipl.-Inform. Roman Mülchen
Fakultät II Informatik, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften
Institut für Rechtswissenschaften
C.v.O. Universität Oldenburg 
26111 Oldenburg 
Tel.: (+49) 441 798 4092 
Fax:  (+49) 441 798 4136 

 Current beta is (ALPHA) | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Multi Monitor support lacking

2008-11-17 Thread Roman Mülchen
Hallo Christian Grams,

am 16.11.2008, um 17:44 Uhr, schriebst Du:

CG> Not sure if anyone else has these problems... but:

CG> Using Vista x64 Ultimate with TB!4.034.22 with 2 TFTs.

CG> I  find that TB! stays in front of all its own windows. When opening a
CG> mail to read TB! stay in front the mail window opens behind. I have to
CG> move  TB!  main window or minimize it in order to read the mail. Which
CG> is really annoying.

can't confirm using Windows XP SP3 and TB! Home 4.034.22 on Maxtor G550
with 2 TFT's (analog and digital)

Gruß Roman

Dipl.-Inform. Roman Mülchen
Fakultät II Informatik, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften
Institut für Rechtswissenschaften
C.v.O. Universität Oldenburg 
26111 Oldenburg 
Tel.: (+49) 441 798 4092 
Fax:  (+49) 441 798 4136 

 Current beta is (ALPHA) | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: printing problems again

2008-11-11 Thread Roman Mülchen
Hi Andrew Gurinov,

am 11.11.2008, um 13:24 Uhr, schriebst Du:

AG> Hello,
AG> Got a STOP 0x008e in a win32k.sys when tried to print using
AG> On any printer: USB, lan or even PDF.

AG> The Bat! + AntiSpamSniper
AG> Windows Vista SP1 32-bit

can't confirm printing via Remotedesktop from XP SP3 to a LPT-Printer
on Vista Business 32 also using The Bat! (Home) + AntiSpamSniper

Gruß Roman

Dipl.-Inform. Roman Mülchen
Fakultät II Informatik, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften
Institut für Rechtswissenschaften
C.v.O. Universität Oldenburg 
26111 Oldenburg 
Tel.: (+49) 441 798 4092 
Fax:  (+49) 441 798 4136 

 Current beta is (ALPHA) | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Printing Problem

2008-10-31 Thread Roman Mülchen
Hallo Ian A. White,

am 31.10.2008, um 01:46 Uhr, you wrote:

IAW> Could this be a Vista introduced issue? Not everyone posts their OS.

Blank Page using Lexmark 250d (LPT) on Windows XP SP3

still no problems printing via fineprint (6.04) on the same printer!

Gruß Roman

Dipl.-Inform. Roman Mülchen
Fakultät II Informatik, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften
Institut für Rechtswissenschaften
C.v.O. Universität Oldenburg 
26111 Oldenburg 
Tel.: (+49) 441 798 4092 
Fax:  (+49) 441 798 4136 

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: Printing Problem

2008-10-30 Thread Roman Mülchen

ST> The problem is - this bug cannot be reproduced on our printers, so we
ST> should find a "proper" printer first.

Blank page with HP Laserjet 1100 connected via LPT.

No Problems using Fineprint (bypass) and the same Printer :-)

Greetings Roman

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Dual-Display Problems

2008-08-06 Thread Roman Mülchen
Hello Tbbeta,

once again I have to complain that a dialog can't be accessed, if I
use Microsoft Remote Desktop to connect to a dual monitor environment.
First I have to close TheBat! to get it back from 'Display 2'. This
works! If I want to save an attachment with the "save as" dialog,
which appeared on 'Display 2' the time before, there is no way to get
a focus to this dialog and I have to shut down TheBat! because the
dialog has to be closed to continue to work. Shutting down the
application won't help saving the attachment and I can't move the
dialog, because it does not appear in the taskbar, as e.g. the

Any ideas?

I'm using Windows XP with Matrox G550 Dual Monitor

P.S.: I help myself using a smart programm which resets all open
windows to position 0.0!

Greetings Roman

Dipl.-Inform. Roman Mülchen
Fakultät II Informatik, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften
Institut für Rechtswissenschaften
C.v.O. Universität Oldenburg 
26111 Oldenburg 
Tel.: (+49) 441 798 4092 
Fax:  (+49) 441 798 4136 

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Dual monitor support - current status

2008-06-30 Thread Roman Mülchen
Hallo Marek Mikus,

am 30.06.2008, um 11:28 Uhr, schriebst Du:

MM> Hello,
MM> I have tested this with and here are results:

MM> address book - fixed, it is opened where was placed
MM> editor - not fixed, it is allways opened on monitor, where is main window
MM>  placed
MM> finder - same as editor, still opened on monitor where is main window

One of the major problems occur, if one connects via remote
desktopconnection to a dual monitor environment. It is really annoying
to get the focus of some dialog boxes back on the screen. I hope they
figure out a nice way, for both environments.

Gruß Roman

Dipl.-Inform. Roman Mülchen
Fakultät II Informatik, Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften
Institut für Rechtswissenschaften
C.v.O. Universität Oldenburg 
26111 Oldenburg 
Tel.: (+49) 441 798 4092 
Fax:  (+49) 441 798 4136 

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Lost ability to work with nested message in Preview Pane

2008-06-24 Thread Roman Mülchen
Hello Marek Mikus,

am 24.06.2008, um 11:38 Uhr, schriebst Du:

MM> ability to reply/forward/redirect nested messages in Preview Pane was lost,
MM> for now, only Undo/Redo/Copy/Paste/Cut functions are available in Preview
MM> pane, when is nested message selected.

If the nested message has any attachments, there is no ability to save
these files except double clicking. No right mouse menu at all :-(

Gruß Roman

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:


2008-06-24 Thread Roman Mülchen
Hallo Martin Sebald,

am 21.06.2008, um 13:02 Uhr, schriebst Du:

MS> I cannot move messages with the mouse (drag & drop) to other folders
MS> anymore. Can anybody confirm?

confirmed here! This bug was introduced some Betas before... I can't
remember exactly. I am working with the home Version of the Bat!

Gruß Roman

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Ticker lost on second monitor

2008-02-12 Thread Roman Mülchen
Hallo Maggie Meister,

am 12.02.2008, um 03:02 Uhr, schriebst Du:

MM>  Dual monitor setup on laptop with the ticker running on the
MM>  second monitor is the setup. The ticker disappears when the aux
MM>  monitor is unplugged. Reboot of TB! does not retrieve it to the
MM>  main monitor, nor does a reboot of the laptop.

I've been using TB! for a long time and I have similar Problems with
Remote Desktop Connections. TB! starts on second Display and if I
connect from a different computer via Remote Desktop Connection I
can't see a way to get acces to my TB! windows. Closing doesn't help.

A friend of mine wrote an useful tool to reset all windows to 0.0 on
first Display. This tool has helped me for the last years :-)

A "reset window position" on rightclick in multi monitor environments
would be nice, maybe a wish!?

Gruß Roman

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:


2008-01-14 Thread Roman Mülchen

I'm getting AV while I have the new search window open and switching
from Text-Mail to HTML-Mail :-(

Gruß Roman

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: Address book issue

2006-08-22 Thread Roman Mülchen
Hello Roelof,

18.08.2006, 19:04h you wrote:

RO> On Fri, 18 Aug 2006 14:51:40 +0200GMT (18-8-2006, 14:51 , where I
RO> live), you wrote:

RM>> Nice weekend,

RO> Not very likely if you continue skipping your signature delimiter,
RO> then I'll have to get my moderator uniform out of the closet. :-(


but at least you guys got the same Problem and maybe they will fix it
in the future. I would appreciate it!

Greetings Roman

 Current beta is 3.81.14 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Address book issue

2006-08-18 Thread Roman Mülchen
Hello Roelof Otten,

18.08.2006, at 09:33 h, you wrote:

RO> As I'm using OTFE and you're using the home version I'm wondering what
RO> Roman is using. It might be related, though I can't fathom why.

I am using the Home Version 3.81.14. Anyhow it doesn't matter which
Version I use it never worked for me, even not with Version 1.X and 2.X.

Nice weekend,


 Current beta is 3.81.14 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re[3]: Address book issue

2006-08-17 Thread Roman Mülchen
Hello Roger,

17.08.2006, at 04:50h, you wrote:

RM>> I have a second thing to complain. It is not possible to open an
RM>> adressbookentry by doubleclicking on the icon in front of the
RM>> Adressbook name.
RP> A double click works OK here!

If you double click on an icon of an entry that is not marked, thebat!
will open the content of the entry that is marked.

Gruß Roman

 Current beta is 3.81.14 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Address book issue

2006-08-16 Thread Roman Mülchen
Hallo Ian A. White,

am 09.08.2006, um 00:25 Uhr, schriebst Du:

IAW> I just had to enter an address into my address book and this time I
IAW> needed to enter the person's prefix (the person being a Senator). I
IAW> thought this would be the best time to use the pre-defined format as
IAW> Prefix First Middle Last, Suffix. Well, there is no place to enter the
IAW> Prefix in the General tab of an address book entry. As this all
IAW> relates to the general entry of the person, it should be there. It is
IAW> actually in the personal tab of the address book entry, so to use that
IAW> display format, you have to make just one entry in the Personal tab.

IAW> I feel that because this is to do with the General tab, the prefix and
IAW> suffix should be entered in the General tab and not elsewhere.

Hopefully this will be changed/fixed soon. I have a lot of professors
and phd's in my addresslist.

I have a second thing to complain. It is not possible to open an
adressbookentry by doubleclicking on the icon in front of the
Adressbook name. It will always open the highlighted entry. I have not
checked if this is a known bug, but i happens to me all the time. So
please let me click on the icon to open an adressbookentry ;-)

Greetings Roman

 Current beta is 3.81.14 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -