[v5] HTML Message Example No 3

2011-04-06 Thread Dierk Haasis
This is a forwarded message
From: t r u t h o u t messen...@truthout.org
To: dhaa...@gmail.com dhaa...@gmail.com
Date: Mittwoch, 6. April 2011, 04:28:01
Subject: William Rivers Pitt | The Nowhere Man

Hello Maxim,

   here's another one coming up correct - text justified left, it also
   uses another font [serif, while TB show sans-serif] - in Opera but
   wrong in TB.

Dierk Haasis
[DH² Publishing]

The Bat BETA on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Chat info upon request

Second Marriage: Another instance of the triumph of hope over
experience. [Samuel Johnson]---BeginMessage---
t r u t h o u t | 04.05

William Rivers Pitt | The Nowhere Man
William Rivers Pitt, Truthout: So, yeah, Obama is in. The President of the 
United States officially threw his hat into the 2012 election ring on Monday 
morning, and the nation reacted with a resounding, 'Oh.' What a mess. It wasn't 
even two and a half years ago. Can you believe it? Two and a half years ago, 
there was a detonation of optimism that echoed across the country once the 
returns were in on that November night. People took to the streets here in 
Boston, literally banging pots and pans together as they danced and shouted in 
celebration ... Hindsight, however, tells us today that much of that optimism 
was wildly misplaced. The long shadow of George W. Bush still hung low and dark 
over the land, as it does even now. 

Thom Hartmann | The Boston Tea Party Revealed
Thom Hartmann, Berrett-Koehler Publishers: The East India Company set a 
precedent that multinational corporations follow to this day: it lobbied for 
laws that would enable it to easily put its small-business competitors out of 
business. By 1681 most of the members of the British government and royalty 
were stockholders in the East India Company, so it was easy that year to pass 
'An Act for the restraining and punishing Privateers and Pirates.' This law 
required a license to import anything into the Americas (among other 
British-controlled parts of the world), and the licenses were only rarely 
granted except to the East India Company and other large British corporations. 

Henry A. Giroux | American Militarism and the End(s) of Higher Education
Henry A. Giroux, Truthout: As the spirit of a hypermilitarized America bleeds 
into everyday life, politics increasingly becomes an extension of war, and 
right-wing, liberal and conservative politicians eagerly embrace a militaristic 
approach to policy and the need to cleanse the social order of any institution, 
mode of dissent, social group and public sphere willing to question its state 
of permanent war and its militarized and unchecked embrace of economic 
Darwinism. These foreign and domestic wars are not unrelated, given that they 
are waged in the interests of right-wing militarists, neoconservatives, 
liberals and corporate moguls - all of whom have a political and economic stake 
in such military incursions abroad and wars at home. 

News in Brief: Ivory Coast President May Surrender, and More ...
Nadia Prupis, Truthout: Ivory Coast president may surrender power; 9/11 suspect 
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will be tried at Guantanamo; Ryan's budget bill would 
make drastic cuts to Medicare and Medicaid while lowering tax rates for 
businesses and corporations; and more ... 

Robert Naiman | Conyers: Congress Should Bar US Ground Troops From Libya
Robert Naiman, Truthout: Michigan Rep. John Conyers has put forward an 
initiative that has a very strong claim to majority support. Conyers plans to 
introduce an amendment to the next government funding bill - the Continuing 
Resolution - that would prevent appropriated funds from being used to fund any 
type of ground troop presence on Libyan territory. Together with 
Representatives Honda, Stark, and Woolsey, Representative Conyers is 
circulating a letter to his colleagues in support of this amendment. This 
position has strong majority support from Americans. Seven out of ten Americans 
oppose the use of US ground troops in Libya, according to a CNN poll. A recent 
Quinnipiac University poll found that by a margin of 61-30, voters say regime 
change in Libya is not worth having American troops 'fight and possibly die' 

Republicans' Budget Declares War on Medicare
Lindsay Beyerstein, The Media Consortium: The Republicans are poised to unveil 
a model budget on Tuesday that would effectively end Medicare by privatizing 
it, Steve Benen reports in the Washington Monthly. House Budget Committee Chair 
Paul Ryan (R-WI) is touting the budget as a strategy to reduce the 

[v5] HTML Message Example

2011-04-05 Thread Dierk Haasis
This is a forwarded message
From: XING n...@xing.com
To: Dierk Haasis dierk.haa...@dh2publishing.info
Date: Montag, 4. April 2011, 15:34:03
Subject: In wenigen Minuten zur eigenen Profi-Homepage


   attached a message in HTML, which looks wrong in TB [centred] but
   perfectly all right in Opera [see http://screencast.com/t/3i5R4O8Rc

Dierk Haasis
[DH² Publishing]

The Bat 5.0.6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Chat info upon request

One missed photographic opportunity creates a desire to purchase two
additional pieces of equipment. [Dowling's Law of Photography]---BeginMessage---

Liebes Mitglied Dierk Haasis,

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(C) XING AG---End Message---

 Current beta is 5.0.5 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: HTML Message Example

2011-04-05 Thread Mark Partous
Hello Dierk,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011, 9:56:07 AM, you wrote:

DH Hello,

DHattached a message in HTML, which looks wrong in TB [centred] but
DHperfectly all right in Opera [see http://screencast.com/t/3i5R4O8Rc

Confirmed (saving the attached html and opening it in Opera).

Best Wishes,
The Bat! Version 
MyMacros 1.11a

zOmbie's Macros Version 0.7 
Windows XP Professional/5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 3 (1 days 0:41:33) on Dual 
Intel Pentium III

 Current beta is 5.0.5 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

[v5] HTML Message Example No 2

2011-04-05 Thread Dierk Haasis
This is a forwarded message
From: Encyclopaedia Britannica (UK) Ltd n...@subscribe-britannica.co.uk
To: dierk.haa...@dh2publishing.info dierk.haa...@dh2publishing.info
Date: Dienstag, 5. April 2011, 14:47:08
Subject: Britannica's Kid's Learning Package + 2 for 1 Eden Project entry


   here's another HTML example which comes up correctly [text
   justified left] in Opera v11.10 but not TB [text centred].

Dierk Haasis
[DH² Publishing]

The Bat 5.0.6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Chat info upon request

Niemand sollte aus seiner Mördergrube ein Herzen machen. [Aleks Papst]---BeginMessage---
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Registered office: One Fleet Place, London EC4M 7WS 
---End Message---

 Current beta is 5.0.5 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [v5] HTML Message Example No 2

2011-04-05 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Dierk,

On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 15:05:58 +0200 GMT (05/Apr/11, 20:05 PM +0700 GMT),
Dierk Haasis wrote:

DHhere's another HTML example which comes up correctly [text
DHjustified left] in Opera v11.10 but not TB [text centred].

Confirmed too for TB! 4.2.44 and IE8.




Message reply created with The Bat! 4.2.44
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3

 Current beta is 5.0.5 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: [v5] HTML Message Example

2011-04-05 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Dierk,

On Tue, 5 Apr 2011 09:56:07 +0200 GMT (05/Apr/11, 14:56 PM +0700 GMT),
Dierk Haasis wrote:

DHattached a message in HTML, which looks wrong in TB [centred] but
DHperfectly all right in Opera [see http://screencast.com/t/3i5R4O8Rc

Confirmed with TB! 4.2.44 and IE8.




Message reply created with The Bat! 4.2.44
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3

 Current beta is 5.0.5 | 'Using TBBETA' information: