On 30 January 2002 at 8:06 am Dierk wrote:

> Hello Marck!

> On Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 6:44:24 AM you wrote:

>> The list's ISP's routing got throttled yesterday and traffic was
>> slowed to a standstill. It was righted about 2 hours ago. So, the
>> answer is "down-ish".

> Nonetheless, the traffic at the moment is rather slow. Yesterday I
> closed my computer early off and thought that I'd have at least 50 or
> 60 messages today in the morning. Nope, only 19. And yesterday I had
> around 25 the whole day ...

> Maybe everything about the current version is written?

Well, I sent 2 messages to the list which haven't appeared (and, if it
doesn't, this is the third ;)


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