Re: Sorting issue, more information

2005-07-30 Thread NetVicious
sábado, 30 jul 2005 at 10:52, it seems you wrote:

 You can see the screenshot that shows messages received in the same minute
 got   sorted  the  wrong way (oldest to newest). I don't know why, but the
 first  message  of  the  group that was fetched at 09:54 got sorted in the
 right   order (it's the highlighted one), while all the rest got sorted in
 the wrong order.

You  could do multiple sorting columns. Press CTRL key while yo select
the order of the columns clicking in the header of the message list.

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Re: Sorting issue, more information

2005-07-30 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Fabio!

On Saturday, July 30, 2005, 3:52 AM, you wrote:

 So,  the  issue  is  that  even if I sort in ascending order, where newest
 messages  should be on top, when messages are received from pop3 server in
 the same minute they get sorted in descending (wrong) order.

I can confirm your experience.

I was slow to catch on to what was happening to me, because, in TBOT,
Yahoogroups so frequently sends messages on to us out of the order of
their creation and randomly delayed, such that often we read replies
before originals.

I had been trying to attribute the out-of-order arrival from the TB!
lists to some such phenomenon, but only in my own mind without
discussing the issue with anyone.

My preference is to read in ascending order, just like you, sorting by
received time.

Additionally, I thread by None, preferring to read every message and
to read chronologically (flagging those of particular interest as I
go)--since I do have the time to read the mailing lists this way.

The bug is particularly annoying to me, however, in a rapid e-mail
exchange PM, where the conversation is functioning almost as if by

Finally, last night I caught on that the messages were arriving
chronologically but being sorted in descending order, contrary to my

 You can see the screenshot that shows messages received in the same minute
 got   sorted  the  wrong way (oldest to newest). I don't know why, but the
 first  message  of  the  group that was fetched at 09:54 got sorted in the
 right   order (it's the highlighted one), while all the rest got sorted in
 the wrong order.

Yes. Good example.

 I am sure that older versions (maybe 2.x?) did not show this behaviour.

I am sure, too, because I do a considerable amount of back-and-forth
PM e-mail conversation with relatives and friends.

But I'm not absolutely certain of the point at which the betas broke
it. Certainly somewhere in the later 3.51.xx series, I think.

If it had been broken in early 3.xx versions, I would most certainly
have become aware that I was being annoyed.

If you will write a BT issue report, I will confirm the problem as you
describe it.

I realize there are work-arounds, by giving up my preference and
establishing other habits. Still, it is a bug.

Best regards,
The Bat 3.51.10 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Sorting issue, more information

2005-07-30 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Fabio!

On Saturday, July 30, 2005, 7:31 AM, you wrote:

N You  could do multiple sorting columns. Press CTRL key while yo select
N the order of the columns clicking in the header of the message list.

 While this is a great feature that I did not know about, it does not solve
 my problem.

Exactly. I confirm that the problem exists and I will write a
supporting note to your BT report, if and when you make one--so please
post the link here on TBBETA.

Best regards,
The Bat 3.51.10 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Sorting issue, more information

2005-07-30 Thread Alexander S. Kunz
Hello Fabio Muzzi  everyone else,

on 30-Jul-2005 at 10:52 you (Fabio Muzzi) wrote:

 So,  the  issue  is  that  even if I sort in ascending order, where newest
 messages  should be on top, when messages are received from pop3 server in
 the same minute they get sorted in descending (wrong) order.

If I understood all of this correctly, it boils down to TB not being
precise enough in interpreting the received time - it uses the minutes as
the smallest unit, while it should really use the seconds, right?

Best regards,
 Alexander ( - ICQ 238153981)

I tell you that I can trace my ancestry back to a protoplasmic
primordial atomic globule. -- Gilbert  Sullivan

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Re: Sorting issue, more information

2005-07-30 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Fabio!

On Saturday, July 30, 2005, 8:13 AM, you wrote:

MB If you will write a BT issue report, I will confirm the problem as you
MB describe it.

 Here is it:

Done. Thanks for the careful write-up. :thankyou:

Best regards,
The Bat 3.51.10 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Sorting issue, more information

2005-07-30 Thread Alexander S. Kunz
Hello Fabio.

On Sat, 2005-07-30 at 15:40 +0200, Fabio Muzzi wrote:

 ASK If I understood all of this correctly, it boils down to TB not being
 ASK precise enough in interpreting the received time - it uses the minutes as
 ASK the smallest unit, while it should really use the seconds, right?

 The  tenth of second, er even a shorter time, should be better. I get more
 than 10 messages/second from my pop3 server.

...Thats one of the reasons why I prefer to sort by created, rather
than by received date. :-)

Alexander S. Kunz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Sorting issue, more information

2005-07-30 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Fabio!

On Saturday, July 30, 2005, 8:41 AM, you wrote:

 Here is it:
MB Done. Thanks for the careful write-up. :thankyou:

 Thanks, but I can tell you that the issue did show up before 3.5.50,
 not in the 51 beta series, because my 3.5.50 shows the same issue.
 (talking about your comment in the BT system)

OK. So maybe one of us should put a modifying comment to my note. I'm
getting to be notorious for my inaccurate memory. :)

 Maybe someone that runs older versions can help us determine when
 did the problem show up.

Yes. I hope so. And can also put further confirmation on BT.

Sorry for my inaccurate speculation in my BT support, about which
version this first appeared in.

Best regards,
The Bat 3.51.10 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Sorting issue, more information

2005-07-30 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Alexander!

On Saturday, July 30, 2005, 8:50 AM, you wrote:

 The  tenth of second, er even a shorter time, should be better. I get more
 than 10 messages/second from my pop3 server.

 ...Thats one of the reasons why I prefer to sort by created, rather
 than by received date. :-)

But occasionally--especially with Yahoogroups transmissions, which
have been experienced as delayed by as much as 2 days--that will
result in the message being buried a hundred messages or more down
when viewing chronologically, as I greatly prefer to do.

And, therefore, occasionally result in a missed post. To my sorrow.

And, don't tell me, please, to start threading by Reference, or other
view mode, or to stop reading TBOT! ;) SCNR

Seriously, I appreciate your contribution here. It *is* a bug, despite
the creation time work-around. :)

Best regards,
The Bat 3.51.10 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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Re: Sorting issue, more information

2005-07-30 Thread Alexander S. Kunz
Hello Fabio Muzzi  everyone else,

on 30-Jul-2005 at 15:41 you (Fabio Muzzi) wrote:

 Maybe  someone  that runs older versions can help us determine when did the
 problem show up.

You can still run (or the last 3.0 beta, yourself to
check this.

Versions v3 however have the old filtering system and backwards
compatibility is limited.

Best regards,
 Alexander ( - ICQ 238153981)

Under tension, a chain will break at its weakest link. That much is
predictable. What is difficult is to identify the weakest link before
it breaks. -- Gregory Bateson

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Re: Sorting issue?

2005-07-27 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Stuart,

On Wed, 27 Jul 2005 07:06:09 -0500 GMT (27/07/2005, 19:06 +0700 GMT),
Stuart Cuddy wrote:

SC Unless you have a specific reason for sorting by Received time you may
SC want  to  switch  by Created time. This way replies are usually after
SC the original message.

I have a specific reason to sort by received time instead of created
time, and that is that many people don't seem to have their computer
clocks set correctly. Like years or centuries wrong, but sometimes
exactly 12 hours (I figure those people are not sure about the meaning
of am and pm). I received message from Germans in Thailand who have
set their computer clocks to Thai time but the time zone stills shows
+0200 GMT. Oh well.

But I have not experienced the problem that Fabio describes. Over
here, it looks like TB is sorting the messages in the same order it
receives them from the server.



To really annoy people, stand on a street corner, pointing a hair
drier at passing traffic, and watch it slow down.

Message reply created with The Bat! 3.51.10
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

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