Hello Anne,

Thursday, September 4, 2003, 7:59:56 AM, you wrote:

A> Thursday, September 4, 2003, 1:00:49 AM,Allen wrote:

A>> Agreed  .  .  .  and the fact that, to me, it just seems more relevant
A>> discussing  a  mail client via a closed mailing list rather than a web
A>> forum.   And it's rather convenient to be able to discuss and view the
A>> topic of discussion all in the same program.

A> I think that the users of the forums tend to be those who don't want
A> or who don't have the time to read through seemingly endless mails to
A> find the answers they need. It's for those people that we need to
A> offer the forums as an alternative and complementary method of
A> support.

It takes a lot mor time to read anything via the web and I sure havent
got the time for them except for particular problems if I am NOT
subscibed to a list like about Mac features...

A> One of the things I felt as a newcomer to these mailing lists was that
A> the sheer volume of messages could be overwhelming. This is were being
A> able to pop into a board and ask a question without having to receive
A> that mail traffic in order to get a response is what some users want
A> or need.

Subscribe to a linux newsletter and you will realise that whats send
about the bat is nil...

A> I don't think that the forums will ever replace these lists, nor would
A> I wish to see that happen! - but forums do serve a need for some users
A> and should be an offered alternative. After all it's about what sort
A> of support suits each best isn't it?

I think you will find that the programmers and those who are busy will
not have the time to checd the web...

Best regards,

2.0 RC1
Windows 98

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