> On 14 January 2002 at 17:24 Anton wrote:

>> In a good program, especially such as a mail client, every notorious
>> question (simply put - every) should be carrying "don't ask this
>> again" ckeckbox. Look at OE, for example, they realize that, and they
>> are Microsoft!

>> By the way, OE interface looks much smoother and cleaner than The
>> Bat!'s.

> "In a good program" has an ... interesting implication ;)

Why so? There are GOOD programs, and there are BAD programs :-)

> I agree, though; I hope that this sort of thing is coming up in
> version 2. Apart from that issue (warn once, then turn off if needed)
> there are some gross inconsistencies with warning and information
> popups. My favourite is Options | Preferences | Applications; the
> Associate ... button has no "yes, I've done it" popup but the ...
> Simple MAPI ... button below it has a "yes, I've done it" popup.

> Getting rid of this sort of inconsistency really requires someone to
> spend a long time going through the program systematically testing
> every control; it takes ages and is very boring ... but necessary.

It takes much less time to project everything beforehand. Look at The
Bat! developers. They are fixing numerous bugs which came from their
projection mistaker. For example, there was a bug that message list
settings were automatically saved in main window and were not saved in
a separate window. If they'll invent some new message list somewhere -
there'll be bugs and bugs again. They'll have to check everything.
That's only a question of planning and projecting.

> OE looks and feels better because Microsoft has graphics artists and
> user interface designers everywhere and _pours_ money into usability
> testing. In addition, it controls the user interface standards so can
> always deem what's "right" with everyone rushing to catch up.

Of course. But The Bat!'s usability suffers. Look suffers. It could be
improved, and it should be improved. But it seems to me that
developers think about implementing different notepads, expression
calculations, they decided to develop yet another HTML control - a
good time waste, and I'll not be surprised when I'll see clock and mp3
player in TB. I'm dissappointed.

Anton I. Danilov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ #18759663

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