Feature requests and "bug" submission

2003-02-23 Thread James Olsen

I'd like to make some feature requests for the next "dev" version and
submit a bug; all hopefully relatively minor. I'll start with the bug
submission. If I chose the wrong forum for this, please let me know
and I'll resubmit them appropriately.

Some messages I receive have rather long subjects (generated by
programs). For example, here is an example subject header:

Subject: Proj: Planner Solution home page / 20030210135341 -> Approval
denied, needs more work

When I see the message in the list, it has multiple spaces between
"Approval" and "denied". Here's a copy-paste of the subject as

"Proj: Planner Solution home page / 20030210135341 -> Dev complete,need approval"

Other email clients seem to compensate for the wrapping of the subject
header and will reduce the multiple consecutive spaces into a single

What I'd ideally like to see is:

"Proj: Planner Solution home page / 20030210135341 -> Dev complete, need approval"

Feature requests:   (please don't hurt me) :)

FR #1) I know some people will frown on this feature request, but I'd
like to see it anyway. Some times people use poor subject lines for important
messages, which makes them harder to see in when browsing a folder. It
would be nice if one could alter the subject, like with an in-place

FR #2) In a similar vein, it would be very handy to have a function to
"add a reference id" to a message. As you already know, some email
clients don't support reference-id's like TB, which thwarts
'thread-by-references' message viewing. It would be sweet to take a
message that belongs in a thread (but isn't since it's missing the
references) and say "add message as reference" and then you get to
pick a message for it to grab a reference ID from. This would be
really nice for me since I'm trying to keep track of different projects by
threads. Using filters/folders for the projects isn't feasible. There
are way too many projects, and most are incredibly small in scope; some
lasting just an hour or two. I'd literally have thousands of folders,
which is why I use just one folder and then thread messages.

FR #3) It would be nice to have an option to have the latest (newest)
message in a thread be displayed in the message list when the thread
is collapsed. This would let me see the latest status of each project
thread without having to expand and collapse the threads all of the

FR #4) It would also be nice to have "entire thread" operators. I'm
not sure if there are key combinations for this or not, I haven' been
able to find any yet. I'd like to be able to select a message in a
thread and then issue a command (like set color group) on the ENTIRE
thread. It would also be nice to have a filter action to operate on
the entire thread a message is in, instead of just on that message.
For moving threads from one folder to another, or again setting the
color, etc. When a project stalls, I get an email and I would like to
mark the entire thread an orange color. When a project is complete,
I'd like to mark the entire thread on the project a gray color, etc.

FR #5) In a similar fashion maybe add thread options to pop-up menu.
If I have threading enabled, and the threads are collapsed, and I do a
"select all" and then drag the selection to another folder (to move
the messages), it doesn't copy any of the "hidden" messages in the
thread since the threads were collapsed. Would you add a right click
option for 'move threads' or a key modifier, like holding down ALT
while dragging, to move the entire thread even if it's collapsed?

Thank you very much for listening; I hope you'll consider some of
these requests :)

Take care,


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re: Bayesian SPAM filtering

2003-02-23 Thread James Olsen
Hello Stefan,

ST>   The thing stated in the subject can be supported if we provide some
ST>   additional features for plug-ins like adding menu commands, am I right?
That would make supporting it easier. I'm not sure how much you know
about Bayesian filtering, so forgive me if this sounds remedial.
Bayesian filters need to be fed spam and good email messages and it
begins to learn the difference between the two. So, a user needs a way
to submit large quantities of both. This could be implemented a number
of ways.. Perhaps two new "Delete" functions: "Delete as SPAM" or
"Delete as HAM" (a good email). For example, I'm now taking my "spam"
folder, saving it to mbox format, copying the mbox to my linux box,
and then running the "learn spam" function. Then I take my "good"
email from my inbox and follow the the same process, except I use the
"learn ham" function, of course :) I also have to do this for each TB
folder (where filtered mail goes for mailing lists, etc) since I can't
export multiple folders into a single "good email" MBOX file.

Ideally (and generically, not-Bayesian specific), plugins would be
able to operate on a single message or a list of selected messages.
They'd also need some kind of API to to tell TB what to do. Delete the
message, copy the message, mark it in some way. I'd also like to see
support for DLL plugins, not just EXE. I realize that might make
implementation a bit tougher, but when you start calling a filter or
plugin on thousands of messages, a DLL will take a fraction of the
time it's EXE counterpart to operate on all of them since the computer
doesn't need to set up a subprocess, run the program, and then clean
up and free up memory, for each message.

Anyhow, whatever you guys decide I'm sure will be a great help and I
appreciate that you are listening and asking for opinions.

Thank you!


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information: