Re[2]: vampire 002 now ready

2003-03-02 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que David en su momento posteó:

DvZ> One quick question: in the previous versions there was a log file.
DvZ> That was a great way to test the plug-in. But now it's gone. Can you
DvZ> please re-introduce it?
It is here, i do not change this. Well, if you close and reopen the
bat, the log file will erased.

DvZ> P.S.: the plug-in now catches almost 90% of all the spam I get.
Thanks for the information.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information:

Re[2]: vampire 002 now ready

2003-02-28 Thread Task Control
Estimados seguidores del tbdev arroba

En relación a lo que Marck en su momento posteó:

MDP> Yes.

MDP> 1) Only scan the first 50kb.
MDP> 2) Don't scan binary attachments.
When i recibed the parts of the mail, in the raw message, i recibed
the "complete mail", i'm seeking how we can recibed only a part of the
raw message.

Se despide,
 Task Control 
   mail: TaskControl at SoftHome dot net
 correo: TaskControl arroba SoftHome punto net

- Windows 98 4.10.1998 
- AVG 6.0 Free Edition
- The Bat! 1.63 Beta/7
- Trillian PRO 1.0 B

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBDEV" information: