Re: Template for Ebay auctions - RegEx? How?

2002-03-14 Thread Allie C Martin

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@ 23:14:17 +0100 [ Wed, 13 Mar 2002], Andreas Schwartmann [AS] wrote
these words of wisdom:
AS> I have a question regarding a template for Ebay auctions. Whenever
AS> an an auction is finished I receive a message by Ebay telling me
AS> about it. I have created an incoming filter for these mails. I also
AS> have created a folder template for using when writing a mail to the
AS> lucky winner of my auction, including all the details he needs to
AS> know, except the auction article itself. Is it possible to extract
AS> the information given by Ebay in its "endofauction" mail about the
AS> article and the final bidding and to automatically include this into
AS> the template, so I don't always have to manually cut & paste these
AS> lines into my mails? Is there some kind of regex syntax I might put
AS> into my template? If somebody could help me out with this, I would
AS> really appreciate it!

The key to extracting this information is to find a consistent pattern
to it that a regex could reliably detect and extract. We therefore need
an example of the text you wish to extract from the message so that we
can create a matching regex.

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Re[2]: Template for Ebay auctions - RegEx? How?

2002-03-14 Thread Andreas Schwartmann

Hello, Allie,

on  Thu, 14 Mar 2002 at 03:42:51 GMT -0500 (which was 14.03.2002,
09:42 where I live) you wrote the following lines regarding "Template
for Ebay auctions -  RegEx? How?":

ACM> The key to extracting this information is to find a consistent pattern
ACM> to it that a regex could reliably detect and extract. We therefore need
ACM> an example of the text you wish to extract from the message so that we
ACM> can create a matching regex.

Thank you, but the people in the general bat user list already helped
me out on this.

Take care,

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