Re: Tab handling in newer betas (was: Odd characters with 1.63beta9)

2003-06-12 Thread Lars Geiger
Hi Matt,
On Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 15:56:59 [GMT -0700], you wrote:


 Apologies in advance if this has been addressed. I was unable to find
 it in an archive search...

I don't think it has.

 I just upgraded to 1.63 beta 9. I read and preview all of my e-mail in
 plain text. For some reason, since the upgrade, I'm now seeing a little
 square before some of the words in various e-mails. I'm wondering if
 there's a new setting in this upgrade that I didn't catch or something.

I see this as well. It seems that the preview window handles tabs
differently now. Looking at the source of an affected message (via F9)
shows *no* characters where the squares are displayed in the preview
window. But after exporting such a message into an mbox file, there were
tabs where the squares had been in TB.

So it seems that TB does no longer convert tabs in incoming mails into
spaces but it doesn't display tabs properly either.

 Oh, by the way, any e-mails from a The Bat! user don't seem to have this

That's because Tabs in TB are automatically converted into spaces before
sending, IIRC.


The Bat! 1.63 Beta/8 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600

Re: a question about New Message button

2002-07-01 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Roy,
On Tuesday, July 2, 2002 at 11:32:58 [GMT +0800], you wrote:

RC I see there is a small arrow on the right of the New Message
RC button in the toolbar, the same case as the Send Messages button
RC and Receive Messages button. But when I push the small arrow part,
RC it will not show a menu list as the Send... and Receive  It
RC seems the arrow has no use. Who know the reason?

Try to define some of the contacts in your address book as Favourite
and try again to see the difference.


The Bat! 1.60q on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 
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Re: Fwd: Re[2]: has text in message

2002-04-26 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Miles,
On Friday, April 26, 2002 at 13:38:16 [GMT -0700], you wrote:

MA [Offensive language which expressed the wish to be unsubscribed.]

No need to be rude.

I think that

 Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

is what you are looking for. But I'm sure that one of the moderators
took appropriate action right after he received your message. :-)

I just don't understand why you subscribed in the first place, but that
doesn't matter anyway, I guess.


The Bat! 1.60h on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 
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Re: has text in message

2002-04-26 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Marck,
On Friday, April 26, 2002 at 20:53:03 [GMT +0100], you wrote:

MDP They spoil all of my fun :-(((. He'd been unsubscribed before I got
MDP there :-((.

Yes, things like that can really ruin one's day, can't they? ;-)


The Bat! 1.60c on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 
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Re: Freeze subject on replies

2002-04-09 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Miguel,
On Tuesday, April 9, 2002 at 23:17:40 [GMT +0200], you wrote:

MAU I wish TB! (and all other mail clients) would not allow editing the
MAU subject on a Reply.

But that would also make subjects like Re: Freeze subject on replies
(was: Starting of a new thread) impossible.

This takes away too much flexibility.


The Bat! 1.60d on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 
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Re: Regexp help - appending data

2002-04-03 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Jon,
On Wednesday, April 3, 2002 at 11:14:39 [GMT +0100], you wrote:

JL Currently, I have the following regexp:

JL %SETPATTREGEXP=(?is)(^Name:.*?\nCity.*?\nProduct.*?\nAmount:?.*?\n).*%-
JL %Subpatt=1  

JL This is not the format that I seek.

Try this one:

%Subpatt=2, %Subpatt=3, %Subpatt=4, %Subpatt=5


The Bat! 1.60c on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 
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Re: Regexp help - appending data

2002-04-03 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Jon,
On Wednesday, April 3, 2002 at 11:45:39 [GMT +0100], you wrote:

JL That did the trick!

JL Can I ask...

JL [Questions snipped]

OK, I'll try my first RegExp introduction. My knowledge about this topic
is rather basic, but it'll be enough for that RegExp:

Let's have a look at the RegExp:

%Subpatt=2, %Subpatt=3, %Subpatt=4, %Subpatt=5

First of all, notice how it consists of three parts, which correspond to
the three lines.

The first part tells TB what pattern to look for (SETPATTernREGEXP).

The second part tells TB to look for the previously specified pattern in
the %TEXT.

And the last part places the found subpatterns into your text file,
separated by , . More on subpatterns will follow, when explaining the
construction of the search pattern.

The first two lines end with a newline (this may seem strange at first
but there *is* a newline and it would be present in the output as well),
which is not what we want, so we must suppress the newlines with %- at
the end of the lines.

Now, let's have a closer look at the RegExp pattern:


This pattern consists of two parts. The first part (between (? and
)) sets the options for the RegExp. i means case-insensitive
searches, s makes the . metacharacter match newlines, too (without
it, the . wouldn't match newlines).

This leads us to the next important thing, the meaning of the .. This
character inside a RegExp matches any character except newline by

This is the pattern we defined:


First thing we notice are the number of parentheses. Parentheses in a
RegExp group things together as subpatterns (remember that word?). These
subpatterns are enumerated with their opening parenthesis, starting from

We have these subpatterns (use the PTV to see the ^ markings at the
correct place!):

^  |   |  |   | |   |  |   |  ^   subpattern 1
   ^   ^  |   | |   |  |   |  subpattern 2
  ^   ^ |   |  |   |  subpattern 3
^   ^  |   |  subpattern 4
   ^   ^  subpattern 5

The subpatterns 2, 3, 4 and 5 match .*?, which stands for zero or more
occurrences (*) of any character (.), but don't be greedy (?), so it
matches only as much as really needed (it matches everything up to the
next newline).

So, the RegExp looks for Name: at the beginning of a line (that's the
meaning of ^) followed by subpattern 2, the actual name of the
customer. The other subpatterns are the same.

Now, with all this in mind, we should be able to tweak the RegExp a
little bit. First, we don't need the (?s) option, . never matches a
newline in our RegExp. Second, we don't need subpattern 1, it is never
used. And third, we add \s+ (stands for one or more (+) whitespace
characters (\s)) between the field names and the subpatterns for the
actual values. This way, we only get the needed values in the
subpatterns, without leading tabs or spaces:

%Subpatt=1, %Subpatt=2, %Subpatt=3, %Subpatt=4

This relies on your example given in the first post. You might have to
add a : after the Amount, depending on the format your messages have
(I guess it was a typo that you left out the colon in your example after
Amount, you'd have to add it then if I'm right).

I think one could even make the .* of the subpatterns greedy (leaving
out the ?) because the . now wouldn't match a newline, so the
subpattern would stop at the end of a line, but I didn't test it.



The Bat! 1.60c on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 
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Re[3]: Need macro

2002-03-20 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Han's,
On Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 23:03:15 [GMT +0700], you wrote:

Hs   ok. ok. no problem, many thanks Peter and Allie... :(

Well, I think you misunderstood. Peter wanted to help you. And so do
others who read this list.

But you should give us a bit more information. TB can do a lot of
things, but it can't give us the ability to read your mind.


The Bat! 1.54 RC/1 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 
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Re: Activation of International Pack

2002-02-27 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Alexis,
On Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 20:18:40 [GMT +0100], you wrote:

LG But the file needs to have the same name as the executable. So, if
LG you have a TheBat_Beta44.exe, you need a TheBat_Beta44.lng.

AH   It's not exactly correct.
AH  TheBat.LNC of 1.54 and TheBat.LNC of 1.53 have not a identical
AH  structure. Consequently  : some elements are not translated, if
AH  lng file are build from an old LNC.
AH  But since 1.54 all 1.54beta have a TheBat.LNG compatibles.

Correct, but I wasn't speaking about incompatibilities of .lng files
between 1.53 and 1.54 Beta. I am well aware of this fact.

What I was trying to say was that TB will only find its language file if
the filenames only differ in the extension. You could name your TB
executable foo.exe, it would still find the language file, *but only* if
the name is foo.lng (and bar.lng would _not_ work).

You could also use betas and stable releases together in one
installation, if you name the stable release, for example,
TheBat_153t.exe, the corresponding language file TheBat_153t.lng and
leave the betas as thebat.exe and thebat.lng. (The latter will save you
the renaming every time a new beta appears.)


The Bat! 1.54 Beta/44 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 
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Re: AV plugins

2002-01-21 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Gary,
On Monday, January 21, 2002 at 15:18:06 [GMT -0600], you wrote:

 I have Kaspersky's AV, and on their website, they make mention that it
 will plug-in to TB!. However, it will not plug in to TB! although
 there is a spot for it.

Strange, it worked over here. I tried it with KAV 4 Pro, and it worked
together with TB! seamlessly.

I'm using NAV, though, I just wanted to see what was possible with KAV
and its integration into TB!


The Bat! 1.54 Beta/30 on Windows NT 5.1 Build 2600 
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Re: A useful macro that I thought I'd share.

2001-11-19 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Januk,
On Monday, November 19, 2001 at 00:38:32 [GMT -0800], you wrote:

 Problem is you're trying to use the wrong syntax for the X-Mailer or
 User-Agent choice.  The square brackets mark a list of characters you
 want to choose from.  In this context, the '-' character indicates a
 range of characters.  Since 'X' is after 'M' and 'r' is after 'A',
 you are specifying invalid ranges.  To correct it, you must use
 something like:


Ah, I see. I thought of [] as a possibility to group several
alternatives without defining a subpattern.


The Bat! 1.54/10 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2
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Re: A useful macro that I thought I'd share.

2001-11-19 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Januk,
On Monday, November 19, 2001 at 00:38:32 [GMT -0800], you wrote:

 2.  That means the final corrected version should be:


Unfortunately, that doesn't work either... (see above). If I try only
the RegExp in a QT, both subpattern 1 and 2 are returned empty. And the
message definitely contains X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.54/10). And even
subpattern 0 is empty. (???)

Maybe I should intensify my studies on regular expressions. :-)


The Bat! 1.54/10 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2
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Re: A useful macro that I thought I'd share.

2001-11-18 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Allie,
On Monday, November 19, 2001 at 20:06:07 [GMT -0500], you wrote:

ACM Very similar to Januk's but it's missing the %Subpatt macro so it
ACM doesn't work.

H, interesting, you're right. It seems it was a bit late last

Anyway, I just tried to track down the mistake in my logic and I just
seem to be unable to see the point. IIRC, %SETPATTREGEXP defines a
pattern and %REGEXPMATCH will return the first matched subpattern.

But if I test the following QT (in a reply, of course) it outputs an
error *** Error: range out of order in character class ***

,-  [ QT test ]
| %SETPATTREGEXP=(?m-s)^[X-Mailer|User-Agent]\:.*(Bat!|Becky|Gnus).*$

What's wrong with my approach here?


The Bat! 1.54/10 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 2
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Re: AOL and The Bat

2001-03-27 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Thomas,
On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, at 01:57:36 +0800 you wrote:

 This no work.

To be honest, I didn't expect it to work, but it could give some
hints what problem Alexander is facing. I expected some protocol
trouble and this was the easiest way to check it.


The Bat! 1.52 Beta/1 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1
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Re: AOL and The Bat

2001-03-26 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Alexander,
On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, at 02:54:24 +0600 you wrote:

 Anybody works with AOL servers with The Bat? And are there some
 additional problems (download mail from AOL account)?

AFAIK, it's not possible, but that's not TB!'s fault. IIRC AOL
doesn't publish the addresses of their pop and smtp servers. "For
security reasons" as they like to put it themselves.


The Bat! 1.52 Beta/1 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1
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Re: %language macro in tandem with NMT

2001-02-05 Thread Lars Geiger

Hi Arjan,
On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, at 19:39:15 +0100 you wrote:

AV I am still trying :( to figure out why TB! 'hangs' after
AV using the %language macro in a 'new message template' (it's
AV the first macro I have in use). So, a look into my 'spell
AV Checker' settings find out the option "Automatic Checking"
AV (Ctrl+F4) was set enabled (this is the way it should be for
AV Just-In-Time Spell Checking, right?). Now, I think this
AV option, if set enabled in tandem with %language macro in a
AV 'NMT', might cause my 'TB! hangs' problem.

Not confirmed here. I'm using %LANGUAGE="BR" in my templates for
the various mailing lists (as English isn't my native language)
*and* I have 'Automatic Checking' enabled but I don't have any
delays here.

AV Because when the option "Automatic Checking" is disabled, TB!
AV runs fine (even in tandem with the %language macro).

See above.


The Bat! 1.49c on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1
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