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>> I run a neat little batch file to back-up the registry, (got from
>> someone on this list), and it works great. Last time I re-formatted all
>> I needed to do was double click on it.
>> Will the registry back-up work the same with Win 2K pro? What I mean is
>> will the Win 98 back-up work for the Win 2K Pro OS?
> I'm sure that somebody will correct me, but when I last moved to a new
> box, all that I did was to have The Bat! do a full backup, install on
> the new machine, and do a restore. No registry mucking required, and all
> my templates, filters, etc. came over.

Yup, all that worked for me when I had to reformat. Just
reinstalled The Bat! from scratch, entered my code, and restored
my TBK backup - presto, all my settings and mail back where they

It asks you, when creating the backup, what you want to back up
- - and by default, that includes the account properties and
global options, so basically everything in the registry key
(except possibly your registration code).

It'll probably go smoother that way, anyway, as certain paths,
like your My Documents, will change when you swap to 2K, and
many of the registry keys - surprisingly many - won't be very

I don't think the dictionaries in the spelling checker are saved
either - importantly the user dictionary, but if you backed up
the files, it'll be speller/UserDic.TLX in The Bat!'s program

Don't forget to back up your PGP keyrings too (carefully). It
can be very inconvenient to lose those.

- --



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