Re: Template for Ebay auctions - RegEx? How?

2002-03-14 Thread Allie C Martin

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@ 23:14:17 +0100 [ Wed, 13 Mar 2002], Andreas Schwartmann [AS] wrote
these words of wisdom:
AS I have a question regarding a template for Ebay auctions. Whenever
AS an an auction is finished I receive a message by Ebay telling me
AS about it. I have created an incoming filter for these mails. I also
AS have created a folder template for using when writing a mail to the
AS lucky winner of my auction, including all the details he needs to
AS know, except the auction article itself. Is it possible to extract
AS the information given by Ebay in its endofauction mail about the
AS article and the final bidding and to automatically include this into
AS the template, so I don't always have to manually cut  paste these
AS lines into my mails? Is there some kind of regex syntax I might put
AS into my template? If somebody could help me out with this, I would
AS really appreciate it!

The key to extracting this information is to find a consistent pattern
to it that a regex could reliably detect and extract. We therefore need
an example of the text you wish to extract from the message so that we
can create a matching regex.

- --
  //  \\
 _\\()//_ Allie C Martin
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Re[2]: Template for Ebay auctions - RegEx? How?

2002-03-14 Thread Andreas Schwartmann

Hello, Allie,

on  Thu, 14 Mar 2002 at 03:42:51 GMT -0500 (which was 14.03.2002,
09:42 where I live) you wrote the following lines regarding Template
for Ebay auctions -  RegEx? How?:

ACM The key to extracting this information is to find a consistent pattern
ACM to it that a regex could reliably detect and extract. We therefore need
ACM an example of the text you wish to extract from the message so that we
ACM can create a matching regex.

Thank you, but the people in the general bat user list already helped
me out on this.

Take care,

My ICQ #: 23060752
My homepage:

Blood brothers on a summer's night with a vow to defend.
No retreat, baby, no surrender!

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Template for Ebay auctions - RegEx? How?

2002-03-13 Thread Andreas Schwartmann

Hello, Bat folks,

I have a question regarding a template for Ebay auctions. Whenever an
an auction is finished I receive a message by Ebay telling me about
it. I have created an incoming filter for these mails. I also have
created a folder template for using when writing a mail to the lucky
winner of my auction, including all the details he needs to know,
except the auction article itself. Is it possible to extract the
information given by Ebay in its endofauction mail about the article
and the final bidding and to automatically include this into the
template, so I don't always have to manually cut  paste these lines
into my mails? Is there some kind of regex syntax I might put into my
template? If somebody could help me out with this, I would really
appreciate it!

Take care,

My ICQ#: 23060752
My homepage:

- Mailed with The Bat! 1.54 Beta/47 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 -

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