Re: I'm getting annoyed...

1999-12-29 Thread Christopher J. Trybowski

Hello Ali,
On Monday, December 27, 1999 you wrote:

> Win9x seems to crash more often when having to use a lot of virtual
> memory and hence do a lot of swapping. A major step towards
> reasonable windows stability and reliability is to add more RAM. I've
> personally noted that win98 systems in my neighborhood are a lot more
> stable than before and this is most likely because the machines today
> come with at least 32MB of memory. In fact 64MB seems to be the
> standard. On top of that win98 is inherently more stable than it's
> predecessors.

Well,  I use Win98 on iP133 with 16MB RAM (FPM!) and 150MB swap (fixed
size). Except that it works slowly sometimes, it's pretty stable :-).

Christopher J. Trybowski 
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- uin:4350719 --- --- pgp-keys: 0xB92EEE69 0x9382700B 
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Using The Bat! 1.38e [reg] under Windows 98 4.10 build 1998.

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Re: I`m getting annoyed...

1999-12-29 Thread Christopher J. Trybowski

Hello Steve,
On Monday, December 27, 1999 you wrote:

> My Linux box could take up to 128Mb and its MB is years old.  It has a
> P5-100 in it that I bought before the PIIs came out.  My workstation, a
> Celeron-400a, has a MB that can accommodate 768Mb.

I  agree,  just wanted to state, that there's no such thing as Celeron
400a. :-)

Christopher J. Trybowski 
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- uin:4350719 --- --- pgp-keys: 0xB92EEE69 0x9382700B 
===( get-pgp-keys: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=send_key )===

Using The Bat! 1.38e [reg] under Windows 98 4.10 build 1998.

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Re[2]: How to suppress the S/N - was - Re[2]: privacy

1999-12-29 Thread tracer

Hello Tony AT Mendina,
On Tue, 28 Dec 1999 14:26:38 -0600 GMT your local time,
which was Wednesday, December 29, 1999, 3:26:38 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Tony AT Mendina wrote:

Tony> I myself am the purveyor of a program that can suppress the serial
Tony> numberMaillita, at

I had a quick look and while I am buzy fixing up 3 computers I did
notice that the guy who wrote it must be Dutch. Plus that its written
in Delphi and isnt compressed, ie you have easy access to quite a few
bits and pieces.

I wouldnt mind having a go through some Ducth contacts to see if its
possible to track down this likely ex-student...
Holland is small enough that if you write a program and it ends up on
websites that someone HAS to know where he is.
If you have any other info about the programmer etc, drop me an email
Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.38e 

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Re: Message ID header: set by the Bat?

1999-12-29 Thread John Sullivan

On Wednesday 29 December 1999 Steve Lamb wrote:
> Tuesday, December 28, 1999, 6:14:39 PM, Sashka wrote:
>> IMHO, Bat doesn't generate them,
> TB! does generate them.  From my last message on this topic:

>> mail server adds them to headers.
> This *can* happen if a message doesn't have a MSGID.

Pretty much all mail servers *will* add a Message-ID header
themselves, *if* the message was received without one already.

>> And this only way it will be only one e-mail or article with same number.

> This is false.  MSGIDs are generally a mixture of random, incremental and
> static data.  If we take the first 4 digits in [EMAIL PROTECTED] as
> random here is how it breaks down.

> 2735 - Random number.  I don't think it is purely random, but there it is.
> 991228 - Today's date.

The date-dependant field should preferably go down to second
resolution. If the 'random' number really is just a 4-digit random number,
then there is a high chance of hitting the same number twice in a day
if you send a lot of messages.

A better strategy is to use a 'watchdog' value which is usually
constant, but will increment in order to ensure uniqueness of the
whole id. This is similar to how GUIDs (numbers which *must* be
globally unique) are generated under Windows. Off the top of my head,
you initially generate a random value for this 'seed', store it in
permanent storage along with the time it was last accessed, and
increment it if i) you send more than 1 message within the timer
resolution you are working to (which is why the message-id should
depend down to second resolution!), ii) if the application crashed/was
restarted and you can't guarantee that the seed state was correctly
saved, iii) If you can't be sure that the system clock has not been
altered since the last time you generated an id. In practice (ii) and
(iii) mean The Bat! would have to increment each time it was started

> - The host "sending" the message.

This is also bad - it ought to be possible to set the message-id
domain independantly of the email address of the account. (Consider
the case where you use some sort of redirection scheme - for example
in a big organisation you might be sending from
[EMAIL PROTECTED], but your incoming email address is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] In this case is a shared resource
(since everyone at mycorp is using it) not specifically owned by you,
or the machine sending the mail.

The standards are pretty clear about this point: the message-id domain
must be a a domain[*] wholly owned by the machine adding the message-id
header. In my case, is fine, since this is *my*
domain and no-one elses, but is definitely bad, as would
be anything like (unless added by hotmail's own
servers!). In cases where you don't have your own FQDN but need to
generate a message-id yourself, a suggested strategy is to prefix your
username onto the message-id domain so for example
would be acceptable. But this requires that this string is
configurable from within The Bat! somehow.

  [*] Actually, "domain" is too strict. There is no requirement that
  the message-id domain part be an actual DNS domain, only that it
  be a string belonging wholly to the host generating the header.
  By convention this has meant a string based around the
  generating host's FQDN.

And for most situations: if in doubt, leave it out. If the mailer
doesn't add a message-id header, the transport will. We should have an
*option* to turn off message-id generation in The Bat!

> For a duplicate MSGID to be generated it would have to be from this host,
> on this day, with the same first 4 digits.  That, alone, is a virtual
> impossibility.

Is it? If the number is purely random? If there are no other
constraints on how this number is chosen, I think you'd be surprised
at how often duplicates could happen.

> Now, the mail servers do basically the same thing.  They will use a mix of
> constant and dynamic data to guarentee that the chance of a duplicate is
> virtually impossible to come up with.

Not *virtually* impossible - *actually* impossible. The standards are
quite clear that duplicate message-ids must not occur. (This is
especially important with news, where the whole flood-propagation scheme
relies on unique message-ids, but it also applies to mail messages.)

>   Having the server attach a MSGID to a
> message does not make it any more or less likely of a duplicate.

Well, it *does* if your mailer chooses bad message-ids: most mail
servers choose good ones!

>   In fact, all
> it does is prevent you from doing a search on the MSGID of your own messages
> since they are not a part of your sent-mail.

True, however you could always bcc yourself and save these messages
using a filter rule instead of using the default 'Sent' folder.

you gave me something that i could touch in a world where i'd had too much
something i could feel with my broken 

RE: How to suppress the S/N - was - Re[2]: privacy

1999-12-29 Thread Rob

[re: Maillita]
> I had a quick look and while I am buzy fixing up 3 computers I did
> notice that the guy who wrote it must be Dutch.

yep, i noticed that too. some filenames in the package are Dutch.
also the Maillita homepage was with a Dutch provider (

> I wouldnt mind having a go through some Ducth contacts to see if its
> possible to track down this likely ex-student...

i had a look around and found someone with the same name who studies/studied 
at Wageningen University ... not IT related though, but something 
the info is from 1996 ...

btw ; i contacted the author of X-Ray about english documentation and he said 
he would translate the Russian docs. within the next few days ...
he also asked if someone could proofread them. i could do it, but English is 
not my native language (i'm Dutch), so if any of you is interested ?


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Hello Batties

1999-12-29 Thread lubeldubel

Hello TBUDL,

  Hi, short Question from Austria:

  After migrating to 1.38e I have a strange behaviour when browsing
  through my messages with the space-bar. In the versions before every
  message I read was also marked as read. In 1.38e this somehow
  randomly does not happen. Approximately 5 out of 20 messages are not
  marked as read after browsing. Can anyone confirm this.

  Martin Posch

Best regards,
 lubeldubel  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Hello Batties

1999-12-29 Thread Andreas Rumpenhorst

Hello lubeldubel,  Hamburg/GER, Wednesday, December 29, 1999

in your mail dated Wednesday, December 29, 1999, 16:56,
you whispered something about "Hello Batties":

l>   through my messages with the space-bar. In the versions before every
l>   message I read was also marked as read. In 1.38e this somehow
l>   randomly does not happen. Approximately 5 out of 20 messages are not
l>   marked as read after browsing. Can anyone confirm this.


But I can confirm that if you not read a message long enough (as long as
you told The Bat! in Account/Properties/Options) it won't show the
read-mark! ;-)

Best regards,
 Andreas  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 98 2nd Edition 4.10 Build   A 
with an AMD K6-III 400, 128MB SDRAM

PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=send_key

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Re[2]: How to suppress the S/N - was - Re[2]: privacy

1999-12-29 Thread tracer

Hello Rob,
On Wed, 29 Dec 1999 14:54:17 +0100 GMT your local time,
which was Wednesday, December 29, 1999, 8:54:17 PM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Rob wrote:

Rob> [re: Maillita]
>> I had a quick look and while I am buzy fixing up 3 computers I did
>> notice that the guy who wrote it must be Dutch.

Rob> yep, i noticed that too. some filenames in the package are Dutch.
Rob> also the Maillita homepage was with a Dutch provider (
ok, chopped the rest as I didnt notice you are Dutch as well...
I will look around though!

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.38e 

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Re[2]: How to suppress the S/N - was - Re[2]: privacy

1999-12-29 Thread Tony AT Mendina

Happy to help!


Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said at 7:54 AM on 12/29/1999:
> btw ; i contacted the author of X-Ray about english documentation and he said
> he would translate the Russian docs. within the next few days ...
> he also asked if someone could proofread them. i could do it, but English is 
> not my native language (i'm Dutch), so if any of you is interested ?

Tony AT Mendina "And why do you need to know everything?" 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]"..It's just the way I'm wired." -K.S. Robinson
my stuff at:

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New to the list

1999-12-29 Thread kapo6

Hello People,

  Just wanted to say hi as a new TB user!

Best regards,
 kapo6  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using The Bat! 1.38e under Windows 95 4.0 Build 1212  B

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Re: New to the list

1999-12-29 Thread Mark Aston

Hi kapo6,

Thursday, December 30, 1999, 1:18:20 AM, you wrote:

k> Hello People,

k>   Just wanted to say hi as a new TB user!

  Hi, and welcome! Hope you enjoy TB!

Best regards,

Using The Bat! 1.38e
under Windows 98 4 10 Build 1998

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