Re: threading title

2005-07-01 Thread Chris

lee walters @ 2005-Jul-1 6:00:12 PM
"threading title" 

>> Try "View/View threads by/References".

> Yes, tried that but wasn't quite sure about it. What does it mean by
> references?

In the message headers, there is information that links messages to on
another. For example, since this message is a reply to your message,
its In-Reply-To header is [EMAIL PROTECTED] That means
that when you are threading by references, this message will appear as
a reply to your message. Things are a bit more complicated, but that
it the general idea.

> And I still couldn't get it how I had it in previous versions, i.e.
> the most recent e-mail and when you open up the little cross, the
> thread reveals past e-mail from that person. How can I configure it
> to do it like that?

I'm still not entirely sure what you want, but try this:
Thread by sender. Sort by Creation Time, descending. To sort by
Creation Time, click on the Created column.

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Re[2]: threading title

2005-07-01 Thread lee walters

Friday, July 1, 2005, 9:44:12 PM, you wrote:

> lee walters @ 2005-Jul-1 3:37:39 PM
> "threading title" 

>> I always loved the threading in previous versions of The Bat, but
>> now in the latest version it has the name of the sender as a title,
>> and you have to click the little cross to display just *one*
>> message. I would love to get back to the old, prettier and easier
>> way of threading without going back to a previous version. Is this
>> possible and if so how? Thanks.

> Try "View/View threads by/References".

Yes, tried that but wasn't quite sure about it. What does it mean by
references? And I still couldn't get it how I had it in previous versions,
i.e. the most recent e-mail and when you open up the little cross, the thread
reveals past e-mail from that person. How can I configure it to do it like
that? Cheers.

 lee walters // Friday, July 1, 2005

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Re: Strip attachments

2005-07-01 Thread Chris

Jon Polish @ 2005-Jul-1 2:35:09 PM
"Strip attachments" 

> Is there any way The Bat can strip attachments encoded within
> existing messages?

It can be done manually by selecting the attachment and pressing the
delete key. Or, if you don't have the attachment pane showing, click
on the Attachment button, go down to Delete, and select the attachment
you wish to delete.

Quoting when replying to this message is good for your karma.

Using The Bat! v3.5.30 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2.
Accessing a POP3 mailbox.

"I'd love to go out with you, but it's my parakeet's bowling night."

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Current version is 3.5.25 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: threading title

2005-07-01 Thread Chris

lee walters @ 2005-Jul-1 3:37:39 PM
"threading title" 

> I always loved the threading in previous versions of The Bat, but
> now in the latest version it has the name of the sender as a title,
> and you have to click the little cross to display just *one*
> message. I would love to get back to the old, prettier and easier
> way of threading without going back to a previous version. Is this
> possible and if so how? Thanks.

Try "View/View threads by/References".

Quoting when replying to this message is good for your karma.

Using The Bat! v3.5.30 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2.
Accessing a POP3 mailbox.

All people have moments of insanity; some people more often than

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Re: Move to next unread message

2005-07-01 Thread MFPA


On Saturday 25 June 2005 at 10:25:18 AM, in
, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

M>> Perhaps you would be kind enough to support

> Done.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Put knot yore trust inn spel chequers

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

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threading title

2005-07-01 Thread lee walters

I always loved the threading in previous versions of The Bat, but now in the
latest version it has the name of the sender as a title, and you have to
click the little cross to display just *one* message. I would love to get back 
the old, prettier and easier way of threading without going back to a previous
version. Is this possible and if so how? Thanks.

 lee walters  //  Friday, July 1, 2005

Current version is 3.5.25 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Strip attachments

2005-07-01 Thread Jon Polish

I have all attachments encoded with the email (saved within the body
of the message). I would like to archive the text portions of my
messages in a database, so I need to:

1. Strip all attachments from the messages and

2. export them into individual msg files to be imported to my

Is there any way The Bat can strip attachments encoded within existing



Using The Bat! v3.5.36 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1


"The recession started upon my arrival. It could have been — some say February, 
some say March, some speculate maybe earlier it started — but nevertheless, it 
happened as we showed up here. The attacks on our country affected our economy. 
Corporate scandals affected the confidence of people and therefore affected the 
economy. My decision on Iraq, this kind of march to war, affected the economy." 
—George W. Bush, Meet the Press, Feb. 8, 2004

Current version is 3.5.25 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Scheduler question

2005-07-01 Thread Vili
JH> I'm trying to get the Scheduler to create/send an email.  I'd like to
JH> send the same email once a month.  I want to address it to my
JH> secretary and BCC a group of people from my address book.
JH> I've tried it a couple of ways.
JH> I put her address and the group in the "specific address" box and
JH> checked "send secondary addresses as BCC."  When the test email was
JH> generated and saved in my outbox as a draft, only her address showed
JH> up.  No BCC group was generated, even when I hit F9 and looked at the
JH> detailed headers.
JH> I used the Linking function to link to her address in the TO: and the
JH> group in the BCC.  When I did that, I couldn't even get the test email
JH> to generate on schedule.
JH> I tried putting a macro command in the text to BCC to the group, but
JH> that didn't work either.
JH> Is there a way to do this that I'm overlooking?

Try  this:  put YOUR address in the BCC and send it out, even you dont
see your address there. Test it this way. If you get it, it works. BCC
does not show up in the header.


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