Re: txt2html.regexps

2006-09-30 Thread Alexander S. Kunz
Hello Richard Wakeford & everyone else,

on 30-Sep-2006 at 01:20 you (Richard Wakeford) wrote:

> In your example  (and mine on looking at it in the outbox) the "/" are
> still either side of the /italics/ word, even though the word is shown
> in italics. The *bold* and _underline_ work fine though.

Thats intentional. If you render italics in different sizes (to hide the
slashes) there will be rendering errors if there's no whitespace.
Therefore, the slashes are not hidden, only the asterisk and underscore.

Best regards,
 Alexander (

The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is
comprehensible. -- Albert Einstein

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Re: txt2html.regexps

2006-09-30 Thread Alexander S. Kunz
Hello Konrad Szkudlarczyk & everyone else,

thanks for posting the information to TBUDL, and thanks for the fixes
you applied - its really really nice now. Even the "ascii art"
signatures look good now. All in these few cryptic lines of regular
expressions. This is a complete miracle to me! :-)

on 30-Sep-2006 at 00:15 you (Konrad Szkudlarczyk) wrote:

> Copy this four lines to the text file called "txt2html.regexps" (not
> "txt2html.regexps.txt"!), place that file in main TB's! directory,
> turn on smileys and admire.

For those who want to pick the original file,

Best regards,
 Alexander (

"Truth does not demand belief. Scientists do not join hands every
Sunday, singing, 'Yes, gravity is real! I will have faith! I will be
strong! I believe in my heart that what goes up, up, up must come
down, down, down. Amen!' If they did, we would think they were pretty
insecure about it." - Dan Barker

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Re: txt2html.regexps

2006-09-30 Thread Richard Wakeford
Hello Alexander,

On Sat, 30 Sep 2006 you wrote in 

ASK> Thats intentional. If you render italics in different sizes (to hide the
ASK> slashes) there will be rendering errors if there's no whitespace.
ASK> Therefore, the slashes are not hidden, only the asterisk and underscore.

Well /Italics/ were shown perfectly well without the slashes when I used
AMEOL a few years ago :-(


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Holiday in France:   

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Re: txt2html.regexps

2006-09-30 Thread Konrad Szkudlarczyk
Hello, Peter. On the thirtieth September 2006 You wrote:

>> This  is  kind  of neat. One problem, I see bold correctly and also
>> underlined, but I see italics with the slashes before and after.

Stuart, look at my reply to Richard.

> Neat  indeed.  And  available  for almost a year now, judging by the
> post date on

> Ok, what I did:
> -  grab thefilefrom
> -  added the lines Konrad posted to the end of the file

You are mixed two files, each of them making a serious changes in
message. txt2html.regexps should be created very carefully.

But - maybe You found a bug in my idea. Please, send Your file
txt2html.regexps. My ambition is to create text styles steady as rock.

Konrad Szkudlarczyk

Dziewczyny Paryza >>> 

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