
On 16-01-2011 05:49, you wrote in
> In other words, when mail is received by your third-party mail host,
> such as GoDaddy.com or 1and1.com, it stays in your account on your mail
> host's server?


> Do you ever download it to your computer so that you
> "own" a copy?

I always do this. It's called Full Synchronization in TB. Does not work
currently in the 5.x series - hence I am using the 4.x series.

> Do you trust your mail host to never lose your e-mail, even if it is 5 or 10
> years' old?

Yes. But I also back up old mail to my HDD and my NAS.

> Is it possible to have IMAP and still download a copy to your computer?

Yes. See above.

> If you have set up a whole bunch of folders for your mail, do you have
> to do the same for your phone?

On my phone I can easily set it up with the same folders as on the server.

> Aren't the folders located on the computer?

They are on the server. They may be mirrored on the computer but only if I set
it up.

> Or, is it that when you read mail from your phone, you just have to wade
> through everything and not have folders?

That would depend on the mail client on the phone. K9 mail for Android lets see
all mail in one folder (aggregated) or lets you browse the messages in each

<greeting> Best regards </greeting>  
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author>
<thebat version> Pro </thebat version> <extras> MyGate, RSS </extras>
<env.> 4 IMAP (Courier) & 1 IMAP (Fastmail), 1 POP3 MyGate, 350K+ msgs. </env.>
<os> Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6002 Service Pack 2 </os>

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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