Hello TBUDL,

I'm not very apt in working with IMAP, but this what I understand is
that if I chose to delete a message shown in The Bat, it should be
deleted from Gmail server too - if I have configured it so (which I

Now, what I find interesting, and guess might be important, is when
TB! downloads messages from Gmail, it for each filter I have created
in Gmail, makes separate folder, with the name of the given filter,
and in this folder I can see the messages filtered by this rule.

Those messages I can see both in TB's Inbox, and in the given
mentioned folder. For instance, the messages from TBUDL folder I can
see both inside this folder and inside Inbox.

Then, if I delete some message in TBUDL folder, I notice that it is not
deleted from the Inbox! And vice versa. While, if I change status of a
message in Inbox, eg. to "Read", I see it is changed in "TBUDL" folder
too. Same is with using flags etc.

Then again, if I delete, in TB!, a message that has no a rule assigned
to, it happens with the copy of the message on Gmail www interface
too. And vice versa, which I recon is as it should be. The thing acts
normal, or as expected to. -- The question is: Why is this not the
case with the rest of the messages which are filtered out into those
mentioned folders? ★ More precisely: How could I make that if I delete
such a message from Inbox, it is deleted from related folder too, and
vice versa, and me not being caught in the silly gamboling right and
left from folder to folder and deleting one and the same messages

Thanks much (for stopping the show)!


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