Re: Help with removing old email addresses

2011-08-25 Thread . . . listen2reason . . . - Musaic . Net

> Where do I go to select the addresses?  They appear as choices when I'm 
> typing in the
> To: line. I can arrow up and down the choices, but the delete key doesn't do 
> anything.
> Sorry for being so dense.

  No problem - if you don't get it to work, then it's cumbersome. :) But the 
  works here on my machine (using version 4.2.42). When I start typing, TheBat! 
  what's in history (the recent addresses). If there are entries I know I won't 
need I
  just arrow down to the ones I want to erase - and pressing the Delete-button 
  my wish. To me it's as easy as that.

  So I am not sure how to suggest anything different or a more "correct" way to 
do it.
  ...listen2reason... - Musaic.Net 

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Mod: Top posting (was: sending messages to this mailing list)

2011-07-10 Thread . . . listen2reason . . . - Musaic . Net

> I really do not like reading the SAME text over and over
> again which is what happens if the NEW text is not first

  Adrian, ponder on this:

  How much text is needed in the quote?
  All? As little as possible? As relevant as possible?
  Why quote all instead of what is relevant?

  Myself, I never quote anything until a quote is relevant.
  Doing so don't bother me a second. My bonus is people get
  to read a message that is presented in decent order.

> I guess I will unsubscribe.

  It's a free option - just keep in mind that opening a mail
  using a statement as such sounds like you hope we should
  feel that a miss on target?

  Do you realise you appear a bit obstinate and ignorant? If
  you don't, it doesn't mean you aren't. It might mean you
  just don't realize it.

  ...listen2reason... - Musaic.Net 

Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: [TBUDL] Backing up the registry entry via batch file

2010-11-14 Thread . . . listen2reason . . . - Musaic . Net

> That reminds me is the backup function in The Bat! functioning
> properly? The last time I used it all I got was errors

  I run a rather complex TB-setup with several POP'ed accounts and
  lots of folders.

  I have used it for years - always Full Backup. In the years I have
  used TB I have used the Backup-function to roll back and roll out
  from old to new PCs - with no problems. I haven't done any Partial
  Backups, though, and can't comment on that.

  ...listen2reason... - Musaic.Net 

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: [TBUDL] Gmail and TB, virus checking problem

2008-07-18 Thread . . . listen2reason . . . - Musaic . Net

> I haven't encountered a virus problem with gmail yet, but you might
> try AVG (there's a free version available).

  I would say: Don't do that - the AVG 8 plug-in is buggy and messages
  (or rather, the *task* of outgoing and incoming messages) might just
  hang at any rate. I have seen this error quite a lot and has disabled
  the plug-in altogether. As for outgoing messages, TB just waits for
  forever - status message saying "Logging on to server". Other messages
  for the same account may relay just fine - it is just the very task
  that is stuck. The situation is fixed and your messages is "resent"
  the next time you *start* TB. /EXIT and /SMARTEXIT won't work when
  this is happening - if you use TB unattended TB won't send these
  messages for as long as YOU haven't fixed this manually by aborting
  the task in CC and then restart TB. As for incoming messages, things
  are a bit more serious as TB receives an RSET command/status message
  from the server and will from then on NOT check mail for the *account*
  that is stuck.

  So the result is highly annoying for outgoing messages as you might
  not be aware that a message (task) is hanging. For incoming messages,
  you may not receive anything until you restart TB - that's more than
  annoying. The latter situation would likely make you a bit suspicious
  realizing mail is not being received. But as there are timnes where
  you want to let your machine receive and handle "stuff" unattended,
  you might come home from a weekend off with your family on Sunday,
  and find that TB hasn't downloaded mail since Friday; two hours after
  you left for that family weekend holiday...

  As I have been saying in a previous posting, TB should be much less
  forgivable to Time Outs. TB should auto-reset hanging CC-tasks if no
  response is seen after a preset time (Preferences or Properties).

  Additionally, a /FORCEEXIT macro should be created: Feeding TB with
  that command would do exactly that - it's similar to when you want
  to exit TB, but will have to wait for TB to finish its CC-tasks and
  then gracefully exit (OR not exit if TB was not finishing its tasks.)
  only that /FORCEEXIT would press that "OK (exit now!)"-button for you
  and abort orderly all and any tasks and simply exit.

  I don't see none of these whishes to be hard to add or fix - in fact,
  I strongly recommend Ritlabs to add and fix ASAP.

  ...listen2reason... - Musaic.Net <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: [TBUDL] Access Violation at address 007E979F in module 'thebat.exe'. Read of address 00000004.

2008-07-12 Thread . . . listen2reason . . . - Musaic . Net

>  Help -> Feedback -> bugreport

  Thanks - I have created two reports. One is the AV-error,
  the other is the problem with lack of Time Out for outgoing
  messages in CC.

  ...listen2reason... - Musaic.Net <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: [TBUDL] Problems logging onto SMTP-server

2008-07-12 Thread . . . listen2reason . . . - Musaic . Net

  Well, here I am again - replying to my own message:

> Is anyone having trouble with TB hanging on logging onto the
> SMTP-server? (Not TB per se but the *task* in CC.) I had the
> problem with TB 3.99.29 - the problem continues with 4.00.24.
> The SMTP-server TB connects to is installed on the very PC
> that TB is on - that installation has not been tampered with
> for over a year now - the problem with TB has been there for
> some few months.
> TB says: "Logging on to the server" - if I am lucky, TB will
> not get stuck with that task. But quite so often the task is
> just forever waiting (for days if you're not restarting TB).
> TB has apparently NO Time Out protection that aborts and
> possibly retries from start. When it gets stuck it just says
> "Logging on to the server" - and that's it.
> Any clues?
> Thanks!

  I have investigated a bit more - and have found the reason
  to the problem - unfortunately, I haven't found a fix...or
  ...I have a fix, but it is no way a nice one...anyway:

 (I will be referring to

  TB:  TheBat - email client
  MEP: Mail Express Professional - SMTP-server
  CC:  TB's Connection Centre)

  NOTE: TB and MEP are resident on the same machine - hence,
  the times should be corresponding very well UNLESS one of the
  applications has its time completely freaked up. Which we
  cannot assume, really...

  Failing (stuck) message 1: 
  At time 12:43:21 the message had been stuck for 04:05:00.
  So TB attempted access at 08:38:21.

  Failing (stuck) message 2:
  At time 12:42:40 the message had been stuck for 04:00:00.
  So TB attempted access at 08:42:40.

  Time elapse is courtesy of TB's own CC.

  Let's look up the "Received from email client" log from MEP:

  20080712 08:38:23 0 New request from
  20080712 08:38:23 0 New request from
  20080712 08:38:23 0 [LocalUser1][Use CRAM-MD5 Authentication.
  20080712 08:38:23 0 Authenticated - LocalUser1
  20080712 08:38:23 0 [LocalUser2][Use CRAM-MD5 Authentication.
  20080712 08:38:23 0 Authenticated - LocalUser2
  20080712 08:38:23 0 [LocalUser2]Mail From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  20080712 08:38:23 0 [LocalUser2]RCPT TO: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  20080712 08:38:23 0 [LocalUser2]RCPT TO: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  20080712 08:38:23 0 [LocalUser2]Email Received. [Message-ID: _
  20080712 08:38:23 0 Connection is close.
  20080712 08:38:42 0 Connection is close.
  20080712 08:42:41 0 New request from
  20080712 08:42:41 0 [LocalUser1][Use CRAM-MD5 Authentication.
  20080712 08:42:41 0 Authenticated - LocalUser1
  20080712 08:43:00 0 Connection is close.
  20080712 08:43:19 0 Connection is close.
  Apparently, something is happening between the mail client and
  the server. Then I looked up TB's own log (account.log) - and
  found something very interesting at the times 08:38:21 and
  !12.07.2008, 08:38:21: ANTIVIRUS - The anti-virus has reported _
 an error, the object cannot be checked _
 for viruses
  !12.07.2008, 08:42:40: ANTIVIRUS - The anti-virus has reported _
 an error, the object cannot be checked _
 for viruses
  The Anti Virus that is running on the machine is AVG 8.0.138
  (updated on a daily basis). And it strucks me...the problem
  started happening after AVG was installed. So...
  It is already fair to say the email server is innocent - the
  installation hasn't been tampered with for a long time - and it
  is running properly. However, one can also conclude the problem
  to be in between TB and AVG.
  I was actually surprised AVG was working on outgoing messages
  as I have disabled this capability. Wondering if there was
  something I had been doing wrongly I checked the programs
  settings - and yes, it was disabled. Or was it? From the AVG
  Overview hovering E-Mail it says "Active". All well. But:
  Looking at the "Description of selected component" it says
  "E-mail Scanner scans incoming and outgoing e-mail" and "E-mail
  Scanner is active". One has to wonder if that line "scans
  incoming and outgoing e-mail" is descriptive or if it is showing
  some Status for the component, as well. Clicking on the component
  brings up the dialog box for said component. From there it is
  revealed that, yes, "Scan outgoing messages" is unchecked
  (disabled). So why is AVG interfering? It is configured to
  IGNORE checking outgoing mail, yet it seemingly does check these
  messages (and fail on some occasions creating stuck messages with
  !12.07.2008, 08:38:21: ANTIVIRUS - The anti-virus has reported _
 an error, the object cannot be checked _
 for viruses
  !12.07.2008, 08:42:40: ANTIVIRUS - The anti-virus has reported _
 an error, the object cannot be checked _
 for viruses
  Apparently, TB indeed receives a response fr

Access Violation at address 007E979F in module 'thebat.exe'. Read of address 00000004.

2008-07-12 Thread . . . listen2reason . . . - Musaic . Net


  I have a repeating error popping up in TB 4.0.24:

 "Access Violation at address 007E979F in module 'thebat.exe'.
  Read of address 0004."

  Where to should I direct my inquiry?

  ...listen2reason... - Musaic.Net <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Problems logging onto SMTP-server

2008-07-11 Thread . . . listen2reason . . . - Musaic . Net


  Is anyone having trouble with TB hanging on logging onto the
  SMTP-server? (Not TB per se but the *task* in CC.) I had the
  problem with TB 3.99.29 - the problem continues with 4.00.24.

  The SMTP-server TB connects to is installed on the very PC
  that TB is on - that installation has not been tampered with
  for over a year now - the problem with TB has been there for
  some few months.

  TB says: "Logging on to the server" - if I am lucky, TB will
  not get stuck with that task. But quite so often the task is
  just forever waiting (for days if you're not restarting TB).
  TB has apparently NO Time Out protection that aborts and
  possibly retries from start. When it gets stuck it just says
  "Logging on to the server" - and that's it.

  Any clues?


  ...listen2reason... - Musaic.Net <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:


2008-07-07 Thread . . . listen2reason . . . - Musaic . Net


  I am running TB (3.99.29) unattended on a laptop running Windows
  XP SP2 (periodically patched thru Windows Update). In a normal
  scenario, TB might run for several hours (sometimes even for days)
  with no attention from a human. The days-in-between apparently are
  during weekends etc. where a family might travel somewhere... :)

  Lately - the last few months - I have come to realize that TB is
  sometimes heving trouble logging on to an outgoing mail server on
  the same laptop. The server has been running quite flawlessly for
  a very long time with no updates that might induce malfunction due
  to a introduced bug. In fact, it is TB that has been updated. Yes,
  it is true that my version 3.99.29 isn't the very latest one. I
  have not taken the time to debug (whatever I can debug) the reason
  why TB hangs on connecting to the mail server. Hopefully, I will
  be able to find something. As for the meantime...

  I want to ask whether there is a possibility to add a Time Out
  protection to TB, interupting the *outgoing* connection? Currently,
  TB just hangs waiting for attention from a human. Using the /EXIT
  and /SMARTEXIT macroes won't help. Manually closing TB and then
  restarting it fixes the problem - the mail is sent as it should.

  In addition, it would be helpful with a /FORCEEXIT macro. My idea
  for it would be to be able to simply force TB in ANY situation to
  abort everything properly and exit (unconditionally exit of TB).
  Another macro; /RESTART could do the same and simply restart TB.

 (Personally I have created an Agent to look after TB (whether it is
  running etc.) so that my system is not falling over and TB is gone
  dead and nothing happens. My Agent restarts TB *IF* appropriate for
  the situation, but when I can't take down TB (/EXIT) - what good is
  it? (Apparently, my Agent has a Reboot solution...but since there
  is no "external" way of knowing whether TB is stuck or not, I will
  have to tell my Agent to restart at time intervals (once a day etc.)
  and not because of a stuck connection. So another question would
  be: Is there a way to peek Windows to find whether TB is stuck. I
  know of one "hairy" way that could have worked: Set TB to display
  Connection Centre only when in use, then if the Agent finds no
  Window Handle saying the CC is "running" then one can qualify that
  as being "No Inbound/Outbound connections running", thus assuming
  everything is fine. Problem is, as soon as you have displayed CC
  just once, the Windows Handle is kept (active) and there seems to
  be no way of knowing whether it is really displaying or not. (I
  might be wrong as I haven't investigated thorougly the conditions
  of TB versus then Windows Handles once TB has displayed CC.))

  ...listen2reason... - Musaic.Net <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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