Posting on ritlabs forum ?

2003-11-29 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Hello !

I can't find the way to post/reply on The Bat Forum ? I'm registered
but can't post on The Bat! Forum ?
I can post on Public Forum


Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re : Lost french translation

2003-12-09 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Bonjour !
Le 9 décembre 2003 à 14:45:22, vous écriviez :

FD> I have applied the multilingual pack on the 2.02 CE edition, and the
FD> french language has disapparead.
FD> I had an "old" translation pack, all was fine, but I applied the new one
FD> (some items where not translated) (the one of Oct 17 2003).
FD> All langages are present in the "Option/language" except "french".

Previous translator stopped to translate The Bat! in french... I'm
currently working on adding all the new text in french, but it's a
long long work...

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Haute-Vitesse au Quebec   | Des remises sur vos achats ?  |

Current version is 2.02 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re : Lost french translation

2003-12-09 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Bonjour !
Le 9 décembre 2003 à 18:31:23, vous écriviez :

MP> Do you know who is responsible for the french .lng file? Is there a french
MP> The Bat! mailing list?

Seems that I'm !
Don't know if there's  french mailing list, but it's a good idea !

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Haute-Vitesse au Quebec   | Des remises sur vos achats ?  |

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re : Re : Lost french translation

2003-12-10 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Bonjour !
Le 9 décembre 2003 à 16:35:57, vous écriviez :

CF>> Previous translator stopped to translate The Bat! in french... I'm
CF>> currently working on adding all the new text in french, but it's a
CF>> long long work...

FD> Need help ?

Nope, will finish the actual translation by the end of the week


Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Haute-Vitesse au Quebec   | Des remises sur vos achats ?  |

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re : Re : Lost french translation

2003-12-10 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Bonjour !
Le 10 décembre 2003 à 03:16:17, vous écriviez :

CF>> Don't know if there's  french mailing list, but it's a good idea !

FD> There was one, when Malka was the reseller of TB in France. It had
FD> very poor traffic.
FD> Do french-speaking users think it was a good idea creating one ?

We can try... Do you want me to set one ?

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Haute-Vitesse au Quebec   | Des remises sur vos achats ?  |

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

Question mark blinking in 2.02CE

2003-12-11 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Hello !

In 2.02CE on Win XP Pro, the question mark in the upper right corner is sometimes 
when reading non-read messages.
It's very annoying.
Any bug report for this one ?

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Haute-Vitesse au Quebec   | Des remises sur vos achats ?  |

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re : Question mark blinking in 2.02CE

2003-12-11 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Bonjour !
Le 11 décembre 2003 à 17:19:03, vous écriviez :

>> In 2.02CE on Win XP Pro, the question mark in the upper right corner is sometimes 
>> blinking
>> when reading non-read messages.


Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Haute-Vitesse au Quebec   | Des remises sur vos achats ?  |

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

VF refresh and importing

2004-07-29 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Hello !

It seems that automatic VF refresh does not work after importing some
mails ?

Could you confirm it ? Shall I report it ?

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Haute-Vitesse au Quebec   | Des remises sur vos achats ?  |

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:


2004-07-29 Thread Cedric Fontaine

I can read this on the connection windows:

> sending mail messages - 1 messages in queue
> connected to SMTP server
> authenticating (software CRAM-MD5)...
> Server reports error. The response is: authorization failed (#5.7.0)
> authenticating (plain)...
> sending message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and others

That seems ok since the message is sent, BUT SMTP "require secure
(MD5) authentication" check box is not set so why does it try to
authenticate using MD5 before to do plain authentication ?  

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Haute-Vitesse au Quebec   | Des remises sur vos achats ?  |

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Folder color ?

2003-09-08 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Hello !

I'd like to have differents folders colors, in order to differentiate
some of hundred folders I have...
I know about group colors but it's only for message, not for
Is it possible ?

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re : Folder color ?

2003-09-08 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Bonjour !
Le 8 septembre 2003 à 16:16:29, vous écriviez :

M> Hello Cedric,
>> Is it possible ?
M> No, it is not possible. But it would be nice to have.

Can I make a feature request ? I can't find it on Ritlabs new site...

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Why users are receiving my email as a txt file ?

2003-09-09 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Hello !

Since yesterday, when I upgraded from 1.62 to 2.00.6, outlook express
users are now receiving my messages with no text in the main part,
my message in a text file, and my pgp signature in .dat file ?

It does work perfectly with the 1.62... Is it a bug ?

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Mail source and on-screen different ?

2003-09-10 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Bonjour !

  For the second time, I discovered that the text showing in source
  message and what I have on-screen is different.
  The bat is printing "recomrecommencer" and the source message shows
  "recommencer" which is the right word from the mail.
  Now if I toggle from this message to another and then come back to
  the message, I still have the error.
  But now, if I toggle to another folder and come back to the one with
  the "bad" message, The Bat does print "recommencer". And then in the
  same folder if I go to another message and come back it does print
  Here is a print screen (on top from the source message and down
  message view)

  Does anybody report this bug ?

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Current version is 2.00 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Searching in messages

2003-10-15 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Hello !

Is it me or is there a problem in search function ?
If I look for CTI in subject in different folders, it returns a lot
of non accurate answers... Is it the same for you (using The Bat!
2.01). Is the search string too short ?

Also, if I want to search in a folder and all sub-folders I have to
check them all or is there a faster way to do it ?

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Mark as junk in rules ?

2003-10-15 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Hello !

Is there a way to automatically Mark as junk a mail using a rule ?
I'm reporting spam via a specific rule and would like also to mark it
as junk in order to fil my bayesian filter...

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re : Searching in messages

2003-10-15 Thread Cedric Fontaine

>> Also, if I want to search in a folder and all sub-folders I have to
>> check them all or is there a faster way to do it ?
> use right mouse click for opening Pop-up menu with options for
> selecting/unselecting folders and accounts.

Great, that's what I was looking for... Thanks

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re : Searching in messages

2003-10-15 Thread Cedric Fontaine

Bonjour !

Le 15 octobre 2003 à 16:55:30, vous écriviez :

> It seems to be working fine here.

Yes, in fact, it seems that it's the advanced option which doesn't
work. If i select "case sensitive", I got the same answer... Is there
something special to do to make it works ?

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re : Mark as junk in rules ?

2003-10-15 Thread Cedric Fontaine

A> I suspect that since the Bayesian filter learns, you may not want it
A> learning stuff that you have other means of detecting. All I think you
A> will do is make it try to duplicate the work done elsewhere, and it
A> will be filled with words it does not really need or want to know
A> about.

That's a good reflexion... I'm not good enough with Bayesian filter to
know what's the good solution... But not marking SPAM as Junk will
also fill the filter with bad data ? Am I wrong ?

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Current version is 2.01 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Unable to install French language interface

2003-10-24 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Hello !

I'm unable to install french interface. When I install the
international pack, I check install multilanguage interface and also
french spell checker.
Then I launch The Bat 2.01.3 and it doesn't offer french in
options/language... Why ?

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re : Unable to install French language interface

2003-10-24 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Bonjour !
Le 24 octobre 2003 à 14:43:07, vous écriviez :

RO> Hallo Cedric,

RO> This isn't an answer that really helps you, but it is because there is
RO> no French interface, there's only a French dictionary for the spell
RO> checker.

Why ? Last time I downloaded the intpack there was a french
interface... Did they remove it ?

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re : Re : Unable to install French language interface

2003-10-25 Thread Cedric Fontaine

Bonjour !

Le 25 octobre 2003 à 02:24:58, vous écriviez :

RO> Hallo Cedric,

RO> Since the software is changing, the strings for the interface are
RO> changing too. As the foreign interface are maintained by volunteers,
RO> it's possible that Ritlabs only keeps those interfaces that are still
RO> being maintained.

Who shall I contact to maintain the french interface?

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

New release soon ?

2003-11-21 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Hello !

It seems that a long awaiting feature for me has been introduced in
2.01.46 (folders colors like color group for
mail messages) and I'm wondering when a new release will be available
with this new feature

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Macro for PGP sign and crypt

2002-12-06 Thread Cedric Fontaine
Hello !

I've just read the howto about The Bat and PGP. It's a
great job and thanks to him, I'm almost set... Now, I looking for some
more informations about macros and PGP.

I mean, in the howto, it says that there is a way with macro to crypt
or sign a mail message automatically...

Is there a tutorial about that ? I don't know how can I do that... In
fact I want to sign only some messages to some special dest. Is is
possible ?

Cedric - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(DH/DSS)PGP-key Server ID: 0xBDD6E604

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information: