Opening url with non-default browser

2004-05-18 Thread Coyle306
AJ I am pretty sure when I changed my default browser (from IE to Firefox)
AJ my wife complained the following day that I had changed something
AJ again.  Indeed she was getting Firefox launched.

C That was the point of my original message.  I don't want to change the
C default  browser  or  e-mail  client  on  my  system.  I don't want to
C create a different account or identity or whatever in XP.

MW You mean you let other people on your desktop! You let the kids (or the
MW wife) have administrator rights? ! Yuck! :-)

Sure,  I  hide  all  the  illegal  stuff.  I  let 'em drive my car. My
computer,  too, is just a dumb machine that's supposed to make my life

C It would be nice if The Bat let you select a browser.

MW Please no, that's an OS feature...

Yeah, right.   That's  why  I've  got  a  dozen  programs that let me select
outside  editors,  file  viewers,  e-mail programs, sound files, blah,
blah, blah.

Hey Bat authors, how about letting us choose a browser?


Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Opening url with non-default browser

2004-05-17 Thread Coyle306

AJ I am pretty sure when I changed my default browser (from IE to Firefox)
AJ my wife complained the following day that I had changed something
AJ again.  Indeed she was getting Firefox launched.

That was the point of my original message.  I don't want to change the
default  browser  or  e-mail  client  on  my  system.  I don't want to
create a different account or identity or whatever in XP.

It would be nice if The Bat let you select a browser.


Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Opening url with non-default browser

2004-05-16 Thread Coyle306
I  share  my  home  computer with the wife and kids. They use Internet
Explorer  and  Outbreak  Express, the system defaults. I use Opera and
The Bat. Changing the defaults is not an option.

When  I click on a url in the body of a Bat message, I want to open it
in Opera, the non-default browser. If there's a way of setting this, I
can't  find  it.  An  option  to designate a specific browser would be


Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Help me with a filter, please

2003-11-13 Thread Coyle306
CP Recently  I  began  being  plagued  with spam that has this particular
CP feature:  The sender's name is random, but the sender's address is my
CP own email address. I would like to filter and send these emails direct
CP to  the  Trash  folder.

This works for me:

1.  In your new message, reply, and forward templates, create a custom
header  field  such  as  X-Junk and insert any text you want such as
roses are red, violets are blue

2. Set up an incoming filter that sends to trash any message where (1)
the  sender's  address  is  your e-mail address and (2) the kludges do
_not_ contain X-Junk: roses are red, violets are blue.

3.  Spams like this will go right to the dumper.

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Help me with a filter, please

2003-11-13 Thread Coyle306
 Recently  I  began  being  plagued  with spam that has this particular
 feature:  The sender's name is random, but the sender's address is my
 own email address. I would like to filter and send these emails direct
 to  the  Trash  folder.

MM It is best to use POPFile (, or a
MM similar Bayesian classification program, to classify SPAM and NO-SPAM.

I  disagree.  Keep  it  simple.  No  external  program  or  plug-in is
necessary  to solve this particular problem. The simplest and quickest
solution is a filter such as the one in my previous post.

%SETHEADER(X-Junk,roses  are  red,  violets  are  blue)

If  the incoming mail is from your address, but doesn't have the above
in  the  kludges,  use  a filter to send it to trash.  This filter has
been picking off 100% of these spams for me.

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Reply template oddity - any thoughts please?

2003-09-09 Thread Coyle306
AA So far so good - but when he receives a mail from one user and replies
AA using the template above the reply has the word Message before the
AA quoted text. So it would appear like this:

AA MessageHi Fred...blah blah blah...

I've  noticed  the  same  thing  when I reply in plain text to an html
message.   Message  appears  at  the  very  beginning  of the quoted
original message text.

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Over-ride BCC from template

2003-09-06 Thread Coyle306
You  have  to  delete the bcc field immediately before hitting send.
It's annoying.

KK Thanks for the tip. It does work, but clicking in the body isn't
KK enough. I have to actually type a character in the body, then go back
KK up to the header and delete the field there. It's no big deal, just
KK that I was used to doing it differently, with 1.x.

Current version is 2.00 | Using TBUDL information:

Unpredictable filter actions

2003-07-09 Thread Coyle306
SS The [EMAIL PROTECTED] filters ARE before the list filters, as there are specific
SS text phrases such as Ancient Toaist, throbbing erections and
SS Saundanese Arab Method (I think you know the specific spam messages
SS I am talking about!) and the text strings are specific and targeted.

I  have good success putting my spam catcher _after_ filters that look
for  stuff I want to keep and read.

In  other words, pick off the stuff you want to read _first_, route it
to  the  appropriate  folders,  then  run what's left through the spam

This  method  has the added advantage of avoiding a legitimate message
accidentally  getting  treated  as spam. For example, if someone in my
address  book  sends me a message containing the phrase erection of a
new  bridge  over  the  Swatara Creek, it gets filtered to my known
folder,  even  though erection is a word my spam filter, later, will
look  for.  If  the  spam filter is first, this good message would get

Anything that doesn't get picked off by any filter, including the spam
catcher,  I  route  to my unknown folder. The unknown filter comes

Known filter(s)

Spam filter(s)

Unknown filter

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Unexpected Behavior of Known Filter

2003-06-28 Thread Coyle306
 I bcc: myself all the time.  Doesn't everybody?

TF I used to. Namely when I was replying to private mails while I was in
TF the office; when I bcc'ed myself, I could download my replies at home
TF as well. I started this practice when I was still using Netscape Mail,
TF and that client has a nice option: Automatically send a copy of each
TF message to this address: In TB, I have to add the BCC macro to
TF each template. I wish I could activate such a feature on Account
TF level, as I could in Netscape.

TF Any seconders?

Nah. It's pretty easy to add it as a macro in your 3 basic templates.

I bcc: myself because I frequently get into back and forth discussions
and  I  like  seeing  my  messages in the inbox, chronologically, with
every one else's responses.

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Unexpected Behavior of Known Filter

2003-06-27 Thread Coyle306
MW Of course, at this point I suppose I should bring up the question of
MW why your own address is in your address book? If it weren't then the
MW correct filtering event would have occurred...

I bcc: myself all the time.  Doesn't everybody?

I   appreciate  the responses on this subject, and I think I'll follow
the advice to use a normal filter.  Thanks to everybody.

Chris Coyle

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Unexpected Behavior of Known Filter

2003-06-26 Thread Coyle306
I'm  using  1.63  Beta  11  with Windows 98. I have the Known filter
activated,  and  I have it move knowns to a sub-folder of the Inbox,
Inbox\Known.  Otherwise, they go to another sub-folder of the Inbox,
Inbox\Unknown.   Worked   great   until   I   received  a  spam,  in
Inbox\Known, from someone who was definitely not in my address book.

Here are the headers:

Received: from iafitim [] by
  (SMTPD32-6.06) id A81FE8D10056; Wed, 25 Jun 2003 14:21:19 -0400
Subject: Increase your sizelo
X-Priority: 3
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 13:17:48 -0200
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1106
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
X-UIDL: 346621659
Status: U

All  I  could think of was that the spammer's sticking _my_ address in
the  Reply-To:  and/or  the  X-RCPT-TO:  somehow  fooled the Known
filter, since _my_ address was in my address book.

Sure  enough,  when  I  deleted my address from the address book, TB
stopped sending it to Inbox\Known, and put it in Inbox\Unknown.

Seems to me it shouldn't work that way.

Chris Coyle

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Unexpected Behavior of Known Filter

2003-06-26 Thread Coyle306
MM Hmmm ... what should not work which way? It seems to me that if an
MM email  is  received  with a 'from address' that is in your address
MM book  it  should be sent to the 'known' box. Just out of curiosity
MM ... what would you expect to work differently?

No.  That's  my point, it _wasn't_ received with a 'from address' that
was  in  my  address  book. It was received with a 'from address' that
_was not_ in my AB.

Quoting  from  the Sorting Office window: The Known filter allows you
to separate incoming mail by the presence of the _sender's address_ in
your address book (My emphasis)

It  appears to me that the Known filter was not triggering just on the
sender's  address  -  the  From: field - but also on the Reply-To:
and/or   X-RCPT-TO:   field   in  the  spam's header, into which the
spammer had inserted _my address_, which _is_ in my address book.

The  Known  filter  should trigger _only_ on the From: field, not on
any  other  field  in the header, right? Otherwise, a spammer - or any
unknown  - could stick a recipient's address in another header field
and  defeat  the filter (assuming the recipient has his own address in
his AB).

Or,  is  the  Known  filter intended to trigger whenever an address in
one's address book is _anywhere_ in the incoming headers?

Chris Coyle

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information: