Re[2]: Non default POP port ?

2001-08-13 Thread Curtis Campbell

On Friday, August 10, 2001 at 16:40:20GMT +0200 (which was 10:40 AM where I live)
Roelof Otten wrote and made these points on the subject of Non default POP port ?:

Hello Roelof,

AM Have I missed something
RO Yep!

These  are  the  kind of useless answers that infuriate those that are
new  to  the  bat.  A waste of time for both parties involved, and for
each and every subscriber to the list.

Why do you even respond when giving these types of answers?

[ Curtis Campbell | DragonWorks WorldWide | ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0xBD990EDF | Privacy is not just a job, but an...  ]
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Maybe I'm Just Slow

2000-09-23 Thread Curtis Campbell

Either I seem to have missed it, or I didn't understand it, or maybe
I'm just not at speed yet, but I still am stumped by how to set up my
Bat as an auto-responder for things like PGP Public Key, among other

Could someone please whack me with a Bat - Namely a Clue Bat! Please
be gentle.

[ Curtis Campbell | DragonWorks WorldWide | ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0xBD990EDF | Privacy is not just a job, but an...  ]
[ Authorized "The Bat!" Distributor | E-Mail's Never Been Better ]

I survived the launch of Windows 95!
The Bat! - Version 1.46d - S/N 586FD428 - Windows 95.4.0

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Re[2]: Maybe I'm Just Slow

2000-09-23 Thread Curtis Campbell

Hello Tony,
Saturday, September 23, 2000, 12:37:24 PM, you wrote:

TB   Step 1) Create a sub folder off of TB! called Key.
TB   Step 2) Export your Public key as an .asc file to this folder.
TB   Step 3) Create a text file that you want to use as the response to a
TB   key request, PGP sign it and save it as signature.txt in the Key folder.
TB   Step 4) Create a filter that will capture the key request. My filter
TB   captures the string "PGPkeyrequest" in the subject line. In that
TB   filter, under the Actions tab click the little box for "Send Autoreply"
TB   Click on the box next to it to edit the template and enter this text.
TB %PUT="C:\Program Files\The Bat!\KEY\signature.txt"
TB %ATTACHFILE="C:\Program Files\The Bat!\KEY\Curtis Campbell.asc"
TB  Step 5) Create a mailto: in your signature similar to mine below, that
TB  includes the filter trigger as the subject.
TB  Step 6) Create yourself an email with the trigger as the subject. Drag
TB  the message from the outbox to the inbox and refilter the messages. This
TB  should result in a new email, the body of which will be signature.txt
TB  and your key as an attachment.

First, thanks so much for giving me the Short Course, Filters For
Idiots!..  Seems that the learning curve on the filters is a bit
steeper than I expected.

I was making myself more looney than I already was, and it still was
not working.  I think I have it now, thanks to your expert tutelage.

Now if I could just make that global across all of my accounts
painlessly  Yah Right!

[ Curtis Campbell | DragonWorks WorldWide | ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0xBD990EDF | Privacy is not just a job, but an...  ]
[ Authorized "The Bat!" Distributor | E-Mail's Never Been Better ]

Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=Send_PGP_Key

I saw Elvis! Just before they revived me back to life again!
The Bat! - Version 1.46d - S/N 586FD428 - Windows 95.4.0

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Re[3]: buying the Bat on the last day...

2000-09-22 Thread Curtis Campbell

Hash: SHA1

Hello Gerd,
Friday, September 22, 2000, 12:30:43 PM, you wrote:

GE Ooops, I was convinced on the 5th day and paid on the 6th. Something wrong with
GE that g?

Nah..  I was convinced on the first day, and paid on the first
day.  Now that's quick...  Now guess what? Check the sig!

- --
[   Curtis Campbell | DragonWorks WorldWide -   ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0xBD990EDF | Privacy is not just a job, but an...  ]
[ Authorized "The Bat!" Distributor | E-Mail's Never Been Better ]

"I thought it was, sir.   Another error on my part." - McCoy
The Bat! - Version 1.46d - S/N 586FD428 - Windows 95.4.0

Version: PGP 6.5i
Comment: Digitally signed for sender/receiver authentication!


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Re[3]: templates

2000-09-19 Thread Curtis Campbell

Hello Susanne,
Tuesday, September 19, 2000, 8:07:50 PM, you wrote:

S Um, I'm way out of my league with this!

S How do you learn what commands to use and what they mean?

S Maybe I should just use the default ones and stay away from any
S changes.

Perhaps a simple one will do

My Signature line is a template, the complete message template looks
like this.

Hello %OFromFName,

%ODateEn, %OTimeLongEn, you wrote:


[   Curtis Campbell | DragonWorks WorldWide -   ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0xBD990EDF | Privacy is not just a job, but an...  ]
[ Authorized "The Bat!" Distributor | E-Mail's Never Been Better ]

The Bat! - Version %THEBATVERSION - S/N 586FD428 - 

[   Curtis Campbell | DragonWorks WorldWide -   ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0xBD990EDF | Privacy is not just a job, but an...  ]
[ Authorized "The Bat!" Distributor | E-Mail's Never Been Better ]

There's no accounting for peoples tastes.  Mine included!
The Bat! - Version 1.46c - S/N 586FD428 - Windows 95.4.0

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Re[2]: Steve Lamb has left the building

2000-09-17 Thread Curtis Campbell

Hello Nick,
Sunday, September 17, 2000, 7:58:47 PM, you wrote:

ND In Reference to "Steve Lamb has left the building" From Soth:
S There are NO dumb questions
ND Come work with the people I do.  You'll recant that statement quicker
ND than Slick Willy can drop trou.

With the people I work with, that is the truest statement I have read
in quite some time. And in regards to the time element. Dang, that's
fast. For those that care... Yeah ok. My full time job is in DC, so
that statement reminded me of all of the minions going around trying
to come up with an excuse for that after the fact. ROFL

[   Curtis Campbell | DragonWorks WorldWide -   ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0xBD990EDF | Privacy is not just a job, but an...  ]
[ Authorized "The Bat!" Distributor | E-Mail's Never Been Better ]

Being educated doesn't necessarily mean being intelligent.
The Bat! - Version 1.46 - S/N 586FD428 - Windows 95.4.0

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Re[3]: HTML mail

2000-09-15 Thread Curtis Campbell

Hello John,
Friday, September 15, 2000, 5:03:27 AM, you wrote:

JH My other irritation with TB's handling of multiple accounts is that
JH there is no easy button/key combination to collect email from all
JH accounts. I keep collecting from just one in error. perhaps I have
JH missed something here.

Try:  Options /  Define System Hot Keys

And you'll see the way to set that up.


"I'd buy speculation." - Kirk

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Re[2]: HTML mail

2000-09-14 Thread Curtis Campbell

Hello Steve,

Thursday, September 14, 2000, 1:29:02 PM, you wrote:

SL On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 01:22:21AM +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:
 My main argument is always the waste of bandwidth (and that I find
 emails with different fonts and colours offensive or just plain ugly,
 but that's certainly a matter of taste). What other reasons are there?

SL There is no standard set of HTML defined for email clients to support.
SL 2.0, 3.0, 4.0?  XHTML 1.0?  CSS?  XML?  What should they support and what
SL should they /not/ support?

SL There is no standard set for displaying HTML from email, only for the
SL transport of the HTML in MIME.  

You know, that is what I like so much about standards.  I got so many
to choose from.

The programmers of the software that reads " HTML " have not addopted
any standards either.  So the candle has been burning at both ends for
wuite some time now.

Curtis Campbell
PS:  I'm glad to be here, new curmudgeon on the list! Batten down your
hatches and lock up your wives!

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Global Kill File Inquiry

2000-09-14 Thread Curtis Campbell

Ok, since I am new here, and yes, I have looked at the help file, the
FAQ, and somewhere along the line I must be missing the concept or

What is the best way to set up a global kill file?  One that I can add
to once, and it kills globally accross all accounts?  Is it possible?


"A, so you represent Earth's _best_ then?" - Balok
Using The Bat! - Version 1.46 - On A Computer!
I didn't know flying rodents could read mail! - :-)

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Re[2]: Global Kill File Inquiry

2000-09-14 Thread Curtis Campbell

Hello A,
Thursday, September 14, 2000, 7:13:38 PM, you wrote:

ACM As far as I can tell, you cannot do this. Each account has it's own set
ACM of filters. But you have touched on a good point here in that it's very
ACM likely that one would want kill-filters to act globally.
ACM There's no easy way to copy single or multiple filter rules to other
ACM accounts as well. :-( However, it's a feature that has been requested.

Then I guess is it's just a matter of time before we see something
like this.  So I'll bide my time, and pray the next minor revision
number includes it. :-)

In the meantime, I really cant get over how similar some of The Bat!
is to MSGED Of FTSC-001 fame...   Yes I know the roots are there
as well, and I am an old timer too..  1:233/whatever it was.


They were forced to eat Robin's minstrel,and there was much rejoicing.

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