Re: Mailbox Import

2000-08-10 Thread Diana Calder

Hello Graham,

Thursday, August 10, 2000, 4:00:09 AM, you wrote:

G> I've just moved over to The Bat! from OE5 and want to import my
G> mailboxes.  Using Tools/Import Messages/Mail Import Wizard, a list of
G> clients to import from comes up, including OE5.  I click on the radio
G> button and TB asks me for the OE folder in which my .DBX files are
G> situated.

G> Going through Microsoft Explorer and even Start/Find, no files with
G> the suffix *.DBX come up.  Anybody know how I should import my OE5
G> info?

G> Your help would be appreciated!

Finding where OE5 hides its files is a pain, but they ARE there. It
varies slightly between versions of Windows, but for WinNT they should
be under

Data\Identities\{some-really-long-number}\Microsoft\Outlook Express

and for Win98 they should be under something like

Data\Identities\{some-really-long-number}\Microsoft\Outlook Express

If you can't find those specific folders, try searching for a folder
named Application Data or one named Outlook Express. But the folders
for OE5 will almost definitely be buried somewhere within the Windows
directory rather than in the Program Files directory.

Diana Calder

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Possible bug(s) with version 1.46d

2000-09-22 Thread Diana Calder

I downloaded and installed 1.46d from the RIT Labs site today. Ack!!
Not good at all. First, it ignored the /LOGIN= and PASSWORD=
parameters on the shortcut that I've been using just fine with 1.45.
Okay, that was really annoying, but not the end of the world. Then it
started up. Well, all of my accounts and folders were present BUT -
each had 0 messages in it (should be anywhere from 2 to 700 in each,
totalling over 1000)!! It picked up a few new messages, including a
couple of TBUDL ones - and promptly dumped them straight into my
Inbox. Ack!! Quick check of the Sorting Office - NO filters, anywhere.
Double ack!! I tried the Ctrl-Shift-Alt-L keyboard shortcut, which
recovered one lost folder (also with 0 messages in it), so at this
point I panicked, exited, reinstalled 1.45 overtop, and POOF!! my
desktop shortcut worked fine, all my messages were back (except the
few that downloaded into 1.46d which are apparently gone forever), and
all my filters were back and working. Anyone else tried 1.46d and had
similar problems? I'm running WinNT 4.0 SP6a and logged in as the
administrator account (always), if that makes any difference in this
instance. Next time, I WILL take the trouble to make a current back-up
of my BAT directory and registry keys before installing an update,
even if it IS a regular (and expected-to-be-reasonably-safe) update,
not a beta...


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Re: Possible bug(s) with version 1.46d

2000-09-22 Thread Diana Calder

Bad form to reply to myself, but there was one other thing that I
noticed and forgot to mention:  the "flag" column was empty (still
there on-screen, but empty) in the message list, and when I
right-clicked to try removing it and putting it back again (this was
before I noticed that all my messages had gone bye-bye), "Flagging"
wasn't listed either as an available column or one in use.

Friday, September 22, 2000, 3:13:02 PM, I wrote:

DC> I downloaded and installed 1.46d from the RIT Labs site today. Ack!!
DC> Not good at all. First, it ignored the /LOGIN= and PASSWORD=
DC> parameters on the shortcut that I've been using just fine with 1.45.
DC> Okay, that was really annoying, but not the end of the world. Then it
DC> started up. Well, all of my accounts and folders were present BUT -
DC> each had 0 messages in it (should be anywhere from 2 to 700 in each,
DC> totalling over 1000)!! It picked up a few new messages, including a
DC> couple of TBUDL ones - and promptly dumped them straight into my
DC> Inbox. Ack!! Quick check of the Sorting Office - NO filters, anywhere.
DC> Double ack!! I tried the Ctrl-Shift-Alt-L keyboard shortcut, which
DC> recovered one lost folder (also with 0 messages in it), so at this
DC> point I panicked, exited, reinstalled 1.45 overtop, and POOF!! my
DC> desktop shortcut worked fine, all my messages were back (except the
DC> few that downloaded into 1.46d which are apparently gone forever), and
DC> all my filters were back and working. Anyone else tried 1.46d and had
DC> similar problems? I'm running WinNT 4.0 SP6a and logged in as the
DC> administrator account (always), if that makes any difference in this
DC> instance. Next time, I WILL take the trouble to make a current back-up
DC> of my BAT directory and registry keys before installing an update,
DC> even if it IS a regular (and expected-to-be-reasonably-safe) update,
DC> not a beta...

DC> Diana

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Re[2]: Possible bug(s) with version 1.46d

2000-09-25 Thread Diana Calder


Saturday, September 23, 2000, 9:04:06 AM, Marek Mikus wrote:

MM> Hello all,
MM> Friday, September 22, 2000, Diana Calder wrote:

>> I downloaded and installed 1.46d from the RIT Labs site today. Ack!!
>> Not good at all. First, it ignored the /LOGIN= and PASSWORD=
>> parameters on the shortcut that I've been using just fine with 1.45.

MM> Do You use parameter _/LOGIN_ ?

MM> for example:

Yes.  In fact, here's the actual shortcut (which does, in fact, work
just fine with 1.45, and has worked with it all along, which makes the
fact that 1.46d ignored it even more confusing):
"E:\Program Files\The Bat!\thebat.exe" /nologo /login;USER=dcalder;PASSWORD=

I'll probably give 1.46d a shot again later in the week when I have
time to play with it some more, but the fact that my mail disappeared
(and no, it wasn't just only showing new messages, the mail was GONE,
only mail received after starting 1.46d showed up at all, in the
folders or in the total counts of messages, but all the folders seemed
to be present) and that all of my filters also vanished was more
upsetting than the problem with the parameters not working.

Diana Calder

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Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2000-09-25 Thread Diana Calder

Hello Jan,

Monday, September 25, 2000, 11:36:42 AM, you wrote:

JR> Hello TBUDL,

JR>  In addition to the strange occurrences listed in my
JR>  earlier "HELP!" msg to the list, I have
JR>  now also discovered that all my quick templates have
JR>  disappeared as well.  What could possibly going on?
JR>  Should I re-install "The Bat!" &  start from scratch?

I can't find the beginning of this thread, but did you by any chance
install version 1.46d of The Bat! over top of a previous version
installation?  If so, I would suggest exporting any messages that you
want to keep that you DO currently have, then re-installing whichever
previous version you were running over top of the 1.46d.  This is what
I did, and all of my missing messages, filters, etc. reappeared (I'm
not sure whether I lost any quick templates or not, as the missing
messages and filters were enough to send me frantically fleeing back
to the previous version, hoping that reinstalling it would magically
rescue all my lost info (it did).  Any messages that I received with
the 1.46d version, however, were lost when I re-installed the 1.45
version.  I still haven't figured out what happened, and don't have
time at the moment to try any experimenting.

Diana Calder

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Re[2]: Editing received messages

2000-11-17 Thread Diana Calder

Friday, November 17, 2000, 12:45:15 PM, Ming-Li wrote:

ML> On Thursday, November 16, 2000, 2:19:16 PM, Marck wrote:

>> There  are  good  reasons  that  an  email client doesn't allow
>> you to change  incoming  mails  easily.  For  instance,  it  is
>> this kind of trivialisation  that  cheapens  email  as  a
>> legitimate  record  of a communication.  I  know  now that any
>> forwarded message from a Calypso user  is  as  unrepresentative
>> as those I already distrust from Becky users. Thanks for the heads
>> up :-).

ML> Several of you have expressed the same thought. I don't agree.

I DO agree - it should be perfectly clear when a message has been edited,
regardless of what the reason for the editing was.

ML> If I forward a message to you and claim it to be exactly the same as
ML> the original, you'll just have to take my word for it, regardless
ML> whether I send it from TB or any other emailer. If you trust me, you
ML> trust me; if you don't, you don't. Changes to the content of email
ML> can be done, no matter what programs one uses.

Sure, it's always possible to change the content of e-mail. It's also
possible to falsify all sorts of info in the headers. That doesn't
necessarily make it a GOOD thing to do, however. But if someone has
forwarded/redirected something to me, I KNOW that it could possibly
have been edited, regardless of what the sender may say/imply.

ML> What if I receive a message full of jokes and I only want to keep
ML> one of them? What if I want to change the subject and put the
ML> original subject in the memo? (I don't have 1600*1200, Allie, :) and
ML> can't afford to show memo in the message list pane.) What if I want
ML> to break a thread that doesn't belong together (despite moderators'
ML> repeated warning, it still happens a lot, doesn't it)?

Here's another option: redirect the message to yourself. This lets you
edit the original message &/or subject, keeps the original sender &
reply-to intact, and keeps the Message-ID intact. No, sorry, it SHOULD
keep the original Message-ID intact (necessary for
newsgroup-moderation, for one thing, which is why I know that Eudora
also has a broken "redirect"/"bounce" but Forte Agent's works
properly), however The Bat! apparently does not keep it intact as I
just tested it out and it changed the Message-ID :( . However, because
redirecting adds the X-Sender header, it is clear that it the message
has passed through someone else's hands and may have been edited. I
don't have "Use local delivery" set up on my system, but I would guess
that probably using that would let you "send" the message without it
actually having to go out to the net and come back again?? And you
could set up a filter on incoming mail (using the X-Sender and your
e-mail address in the kludges) to automatically redirect the message
to your "archiving" folder and mark it as read if you so desired. I
don't know, however, what this would do to the X-References header,
bearing in mind that The Bat! does not correctly preserve the
Message-ID, however it SHOULD keep the X-References header intact so
that if you thread by references, it would not break the thread
(though editing the subject would obviously break the thread if you
thread by Subject).

Best regards,
 Dianamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: External Browser????

2001-03-22 Thread Diana Calder

Thursday, March 22, 2001, 2:20:50 PM, Pete wrote:

PP> Hello Douglas,

PP> Thursday, March 22, 2001, 6:50:16 PM, you wrote:

DH>> I use Opera v 3.62 (version w/ no ads).

DH>> Opera lets you associate it with html (and other graphic) files.
DH>> When I double click on the html icon in TB! the file opens in Opera
DH>> and if I then click on a link, opera takes me there.

DH>> That's all there is to it.

PP> My default browser is Opera 5.02, I have associated it with html etc.
PP> but the html icons in TB! are "message.shtml" and the file refuses to
PP> open with Opera. Instead, a window appears saying that netscape.exe
PP> can't be found... of course it can't...

PP> What to do? I use to have Netscape on my computer but not anymore, and
PP> I surely don't want it back.

Actually, this should be a fairly simple fix even though .shtml is not
one of the filetypes listed in Opera's Preferences. In The Bat!,
right-click one of the .shtml icons and save it to your desktop (do
not change the file extension!). Minimize the bat, then hold down
shift and right-click the saved .shtml file on your desktop. An option
to "Open with..." will be on the menu that appears. Click on "Open
with...". Scroll through the list of programs that appears until you
find "Opera" listed. Select "Opera", then check the box beside "Always
use this program to open this type of file". Then click "OK". That's
it! Opera should now be associated with .shtml files (you will
probably have to close and re-open TB! before it will recognize the
change, or you may even have to reboot your computer (I didn't, but
this may be necessary in some cases)).

Hope this helps...

Best regards,
 Dianamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: Administrator and more

2001-04-17 Thread Diana Calder

Friday, April 13, 2001, 8:27:47 AM, Michal Kozusznik wrote:

MK> How can I use TB! in multiuser mode if:
MK> 1. Administrator user cannot log-in from other windows account then
MK> Admin account was installed?
MK> 2. I can't get working second TB! account
MK> 3. Any user logged in its account can receive mails of other users

In order to get ANY account to work under a different windows account,
just "add" that user account while logged in under that account. If
you use something other than the default file locations, you will have
to point the "new" Admin account to the correct location. Once you've
added the account under another windows account, it will be available.
(Note that re-creating the Admin account under a different windows
account will require logging into TB! with an account that has
add-user privileges, obviously - or re-installing TB! over top of
itself). Hmm, guess that sounds sort of confusing. OK, let's say that,
for example, you created the TB! administrator account "TBAdmin" while
logged into Windows as "Administrator". Now you want to be able to
access the same account while logged into Windows as "Joe". So, log
into Windows as "Joe", then run TB! and add a user account. Name the
user account "TBAdmin" and point the user folders to the same location
as you did the first time around. That's all there is to it! There is
no need to install TB! into multiple folders or anything else - you're
just re-creating the Registry key for that TB! account under another
Windows account (this could probably be done by exporting then
importing the registry keys as well, but unless you need to do it for
a LOT of accounts, it's probably easier to just re-add the TB! user

Best regards,
 Dianamailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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