Address Book Question

2003-03-26 Thread Jim Riccardi, Jr.
Is there an easy way to have all the addresses in all messages in a
folder added to the address book automagically,. by use of a macro or
some other form of voodoo??  Thanx!!


Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

Mail Merge?

2003-03-25 Thread Jim Riccardi, Jr.
Call me braindead, but for the life of me I cannot figure out or find
any mention in the Help file of how to do a mail merge.  Basically, I
have a spreadsheet - or it could be a text file - with a person's email
address, name, and another specific piece of info I need to send to that
individual.  I would like that to be pasted into a general message and
have each message created automagically and POOF!!... email is sent.
I can do this with Outlook but prefer not to for several reasons.
Thanx in advance!!


Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

TBUDL List Message Sorting / Filtering Question

2002-01-03 Thread Jim Riccardi, Jr.

Hi, All!!  OK... can someone tell me an easy way to manually or thru a
filter, move all TBUDL messages to a folder?  The other lists I
subscribe to have something in the SUBJECT field like [listname] so
when I sort my messages by subject, all the messages from each of the
lists are together.  With them, I can ALT-click on the TO field and
grab them all  move them.  I can't do that with TB list messages,
because even the TO field has many different values - the actual value
of [EMAIL PROTECTED] is in  and does not work when I use it
in View / Display / Advanced Filtering / Header / The Recipient's
Name, nor is there an option to use the REPLY-TO field for advancd
filtering.  I vaguely remember asking earlier this year about
having the SUBJECT field modification done here and being told that it wasn't going to 
So now, I want to move all the list messages to a specific folder, but
I don't want an automatic filter to execute - I want to run it
manually - but have not been successful yet.  Moving them manually is
getting too tiresome.  Any help is really appreciated.  Thanx!



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Import Problem

2001-03-28 Thread Jim Riccardi, Jr.

Trying to import messages from Pegasus.  When it works, it works great.  The list of 
folders is complete - except for a bunch that say Name Unavailable, which I am 
confused about.  But the bigger problem is that when I select a folder that is not 
located in C:\PMAIL\MAIL, the folder gets created in TB, but no messages get 
imported.  I have had to physically create new folders in C:\PMAIL\MAIL, move the 
messages into the new folder, and THEN do the import.  But I have t many folders 
to do this for each and every one.  HELP!!  THANX!!

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Re: External Browser????

2001-03-22 Thread Jim Riccardi, Jr.

On 22 Mar 2001, at 14:47, James Senick wrote:

My problem is fixed and I kind of understand how it happened.  My
 html messages were arriving as attached .mv files which normally
 pertain to Miva Script files.  I had recently changed the default
 handler for that extension to another program for editing (EditPlus).
  I simply deleted the extension from Explorer.  Upon a theBat reload,
 html files then showed as message.hts.  The hts extension is yet
 another Miva Script extension (older version I believe).  I can still
 open these files with my preferred program and I normally open them
 from within the editor anyway.  But most importantly, theBat is now
 showing the proper message.html.

Must be nice... even after deleting the WCT entry from the Registry, mine still show 
as message.wct.. but on the positive side, when I double-click it, it shows up 
in Netscape - images and all!!  :))  I still would REALLY like to be able to 
the message in the message list  get to view it, though!!

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Re: External Browser????

2001-03-21 Thread Jim Riccardi, Jr.

 Nononono! Save it with the **WCT** extension to prove the point!

Ohh!! OK!!  Did that...  it fires up Netscap - but with a blank page... dat's 

 JRJ saved it with the .htm extension, double- click thru windows 
 JRJ explorer and voila!! All is well! 

 I know it works as htm - I knew it would (and it's why I said to do 
 it). The point is that .wct is not a launchable extension and saving 
 one externally and trying to launch *that* will prove it. 

 It launches the browser but that's all  :)

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Re: External Browser????

2001-03-21 Thread Jim Riccardi, Jr.

  I went into the Registry and found the entry for WCT files... it was set to fire up
  Netscape but had no file argument at the end so I added the "%1".
 Did you add %1 or "%1"? The last one would bring up the following

Yes, it was the "%1"... Removed it.. Now I get a "Program Not Found" window from 
Windows... Says: Windows cannot find 213E02A7.WCT. This program is needed for 
opening files of type 'WCT (HTML)'. 

And it asks for the location to be entered.. Something still missing here, but I'm 

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Re: External Browser????

2001-03-21 Thread Jim Riccardi, Jr.

  And it asks for the location to be entered.. Something still missing here, but I'm 
 What I meant you to delete was the quotation marks. The %1 may be
 crucial. If you did just that, Netscapes me (what a bad pun).
Quotes only were deleted... the %1 remains... along with my problem!!! :))

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Re: External Browser????

2001-03-21 Thread Jim Riccardi, Jr.

  And it asks for the location to be entered.. Something still missing here, but I'm 
 What I meant you to delete was the quotation marks. The %1 may be
 crucial. If you did just that, Netscapes me (what a bad pun).
Quotes only were deleted... the %1 remains... along with my problem!!! :)) 

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Re: External Browser????

2001-03-20 Thread Jim Riccardi, Jr.

On 20 Mar 2001, at 7:45, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote: 

 Hash: SHA1
 Hi Jim,
 On 20 March 2001 at  22:42:07 -0500 (which was 03:42 where I  live)
 Jim Riccardi, Jr. wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and made these
  Simply double clicking on the HTML attachment icon does that.
 JRJ I get the new window but it doesn't display the images... just
 JRJ boxes with exclamation points inside of a little yellow box.
 The attachment icon can be found to the left of the plain text view of
 the message. It sounds to me like you're double clicking on the
 message in the message list and simply opening the folder view of the
 same message.

Marck - you are right ... that is what I was doing... but I also clicked the 
icon (message.wct) - that DOES fire up my browser but not with the message 
contents - just a blank page (as is set in my browser preferences) - no message, no 
images, nada, zip, zero, zilch!!  :)   And why isn't there a switch or something so 
that - 
like in Pegasus - when I double-click a message in the message list it will prompt me 
to open as text message or via browser??  Just curious!!  I REAY Like TB - but 
there are still some things that are missing for me.  THANX!! 

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Re: External Browser????

2001-03-20 Thread Jim Riccardi, Jr.

On 20 Mar 2001, at 20:04, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 Hi Jim,
 On 20 March 2001 at  14:47:46 -0500 (which was 19:47 where I  live)
 Jim Riccardi, Jr. wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and made these
  The attachment icon can be found to the left of the plain text view
  of the message. It sounds to me like you're double clicking on the
  message in the message list message in the message list and simply
  opening the folder view of the same message.
 JRJ Marck - you are right ... that is what I was doing... but I also
 JRJ clicked the attachment icon (message.wct) -
 .wct? That's not right. What browser are you using? It should be
 .htm or .html.
 JRJ that DOES fire up my browser but not with the messagel contents -
 JRJ just a blank page (as is set in my browser preferences) - no
 JRJ message, no images, nada, zip, zero, zilch!! :)
 That's not TB's fault. That's your browser being incorrectly
 installed - hence the strange .wct extension. The default extension
 for mime/html encoding is .wct instead of .htm or .html. That's not
 right at all.

As far as my browser configuration, I have no idea - except that I have not run into 
other problems with it that I know of - not saying all is well, but I haven't had a 
 What I found in the broswer setup is this...
Extensions of HTML, HTM, SHTML, and WCT are associated with a MIME type of 
"text/html" and are "Handled By: Netscape (internal)".
 JRJ And why isn't there a switch or something so that - like in
 JRJ Pegasus - when I double-click a message in the message list it
 JRJ will prompt me to open as text message or via browser?? Just
 JRJ curious!!
 Because it's not needed. The "double click the attachment" works
 perfectly provided that the host system is correctly set up. Much
 simpler really.

Cool - if I could only get it to work!!! :))
 JRJ I REAY Like TB - but there are still some things that are
 JRJ missing for me. THANX!!
 I suggest reinstalling your browser. It's not behaving very well at
 all - although reinstallation my not serve to correct the bad file
 associations. You could also try (not as a solution but to test your
 browser) saving the attachment (right click on it and select "Save")
 and trying to launch the saved version from the explorer. Try it with
 various extensions including .html.
OK... I have 3 areas - folder list, message list and preview area.  In the preview 
the message gets displayed.  It has 2 tabs... one is labeled "1" and the other is 
labelled "message.wct".  The tab labelled "1" brings up a split area - right side 
contains the text message... left side has an icon and is labelled "message.wct" also. 
If I right-click on the icon and select the option that says "Save (message.wct)" and 
save it as a file with a .htm extension, then use Windows Explorer to find the file, 
double-click it, it comes up in Netscape the way it should - all graphics, etc.  So 
works... But if I double-click the icon, it fires up Netscape - but nothing appears - 
page... that's it.  If I select the tab that says "message.wct", I can see the message 
the preview pane - but without the images.  

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Re: External Browser????

2001-03-20 Thread Jim Riccardi, Jr.

On 20 Mar 2001, at 20:59, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote: 

 Hash: SHA1
 Hi Jim,
 On 20 March 2001 at  15:35:01 -0500 (which was 20:35 where I  live)
 Jim Riccardi, Jr. wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and made these
 I should have mentioned that TB doesn't have a "message view" window.
 When you double click a message in the message list you are opening a
 *folder* view window. It is a view of the folder with a message list.
 So when you double click on the message in the main window message
 list, it is not an appropriate point at which to offer to launch into
 your browser.
 JRJ ... split area ... left side has an icon and is labelled
 JRJ "message.wct" also. If I right-click on the icon and select the
 JRJ option that says "Save (message.wct)" and save it as a file with
 JRJ a .htm extension, then use Windows Explorer to find the file,
 JRJ double-click it, it comes up in Netscape the way it should - all
 JRJ graphics, etc. So that works... But if I double-click the icon,
 JRJ it fires up Netscape - but nothing appears - blank page... that's
 JRJ it. If I select the tab that says "message.wct", I can see the
 JRJ message in the preview pane - but without the images.
 Now what about the other experiment - the one that proves the point.
 Save the file as message.wct and see if explorer can successfully
 launch it. If explorer can't then there's no way TB can either. It's
 because .wct should *not* be the default text/html MIME type extension
 but, somehow, it is. If you can fix that, it will work exactly as it
 supposed to.
I did that.. it works... it's described above... saved it with the .htm extension, 
click thru windows explorer and voila!! All is well!  

 Can anyone back else me up on what's going on with this installation?
 Any other NetScape users able to confirm/deny the use of .wct? Perhaps
 something else has installed that extension and formed an incorrect
 - --
 Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA / TBTECH
 [ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
 [Any opinions are my own and not those of RIT labs   ]
 TB! v1.52 Beta/1 S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1
 Version: 6.5.8ckt (build 04)
 Comment: PGP Sealed for freshness
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Re: External Browser????

2001-03-20 Thread Jim Riccardi, Jr.

 Nononono! Save it with the **WCT** extension to prove the point!

Ohh!! OK!!  Did that...  it fires up Netscap - but with a blank page... dat's 
all!!  :)
 JRJ saved it with the .htm extension, double- click thru windows
 JRJ explorer and voila!! All is well!
 I know it works as htm - I knew it would (and it's why I said to do
 it). The point is that .wct is not a launchable extension and saving
 one externally and trying to launch *that* will prove it.
It launches the browser but that's all  :)

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External Browser????

2001-03-19 Thread Jim Riccardi, Jr.

Is there a way to fire up an external browser to view HTML as it should be - with 
images, etc.?  If not, are there plans to do so in the future??  Thanx!!

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Re: External Browser????

2001-03-19 Thread Jim Riccardi, Jr.

On 19 Mar 2001, at 22:21, A Curtis Martin wrote:

 On Mon, 19 Mar 2001 22:17:13 -0500, Jim graced us with these comments:
 JRJ Is there a way to fire up an external browser to view HTML as it
 JRJ should be - with images, etc.? If not, are there plans to do so
 JRJ in the future?? Thanx!!
 Simply double clicking on the HTML attachment icon does that.

I get the new window but it doesn't display the images... just boxes with exclamation 
points inside of a little yellow box.


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