Re: Too many 0 byte batXXX.tmp files under %temp% dir

2003-10-31 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked
 It is correct that they are created by TB on download, as
 a temp file to store information. Are you running a virus
 scanner? If so, you might be finding it's causing locking
 on the file before TB has the ability to delete the file.

Lots of those temp files here as well. Even without a virus
scanner running at all.

I am running a beta though - so maybe it's just that.

Ravi (

Running The Bat! 2.01.7 on Windows XP

Ambivalent? Well, yes and no.

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Dummying up SmartBat

2003-10-30 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked
 Does anyone know of a way to stop SmartBat from inserting
 the time tagline when first opening up?

This is again a workaround - but it's what I use with some

Instead of restarting SmartBat every time, hide and show it
with your favourite hiding/showing utility.

For me it's powerpro.

This way the time only gets inserted if I ever restart TB -
which is like almost never.

Ravi (

Running The Bat! 2.01.7 on Windows XP

Vuja De - the feeling you'll be here again later.

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: TheBat and PowerPro ?

2003-10-30 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked
 Does any of you guys use PowerPro, and if so what special
 commands do you have it setup to perform in The_Bat!

TB has a good hotkey system - so many things I can just tie
to a hotkey natively in TB!.

Compress all folders: I used to be able to do this in one go
with previous versions - but now with the maintenance centre
it's too many keys/clicks -- so PP takes care of that in one

Also, TB has no way to tie hotkeys to move to specific
folders - so PP does that for me too. Quick and useful.

For people who have not used PP and are about to (since it
came up in at least two separate threads) - it's a bit
complicated to use, but like TB! - if you stick with it,
you'll reap substantial rewards.

Ravi (

Running The Bat! 2.01.7 on Windows XP

On the door of a Computer Store: Out for a quick byte.

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Bat! as defauly News Reader

2003-10-29 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked
JP Using Bat!  MyGate to get newsgroups.
JP Any way at all to set Bat! up as default news reader?

If you just want TB to start up, or take focus when you
click on a nntp:// link, then yes - you can do this.

But TB won't be able to do anything that a usual newsreader
does because it just doesn't have the functionality built in
right now.

MyGate would be better able to respond in a sensible way -
but we'll leave that up to Andrew.

The registry keys to play with are:

Setting this to a program that doesn't support sensible nntp
type switches won't make a lot of sense though - at best
you'll get the program to just start.

Ravi (

Running The Bat! 2.01.7 on Windows XP

Lottery: A tax on people who don't understand statistics.

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: any IMAP users here ??

2003-10-28 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked
 So i looked in the TB directory for the server and noticed
 a .tbb (.tbi ?) file that is already over 40 Mb after an
 hour of use !!

Same here. I noticed sometimes when I tried to access my
IMAP inbox that TB would freeze up for about 30 seconds.
Perhaps it had something to do with creating that file.

For the moment, I've switched to POP3. I'll try IMAP again
in the next release or two.

Ravi (

Running The Bat! 2.01.7 on Windows XP

Keyboard not found. Press F1 to continue

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Whats this mean?

2003-10-26 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked
 It reads for my total emails 20 but then next to the 20
 there is a (1) next to it. So it looks like 20 (1)
 under my total emails list. What is this number in
 parentheses for?

That describes the number of emails in subfolders of the
current folder.

Ravi (

Running The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows XP

The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four
Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness.
Think of your three best friends. If they are okay, then its
you. - Jerry Seinfeld

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Account inbox

2003-10-23 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked
MH Is is OK to use subfolders to the inbox?

Totally fine. Just so long as the messages.tbb file of the
inbox isn't very large.

TB treats subfolders of the inbox the same as any other
folder for this purpose.

Ravi (

Running The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows XP

MONEY TALKS ... but all mine ever says is GOODBYE!

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Threading

2003-10-23 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked

 Is there any way to thread messages by two parameters by
 subject and then by refences?

Not presently I believe - though it is an often requested

(Even better by references and then subject.)

Ravi (

Running The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows XP

If it wasnt for C, we would be using BASI, PASAL, LIPPER and

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: AntiVir Plugin ?

2003-10-22 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked
 I've always been suspicious of scanners that feel it's
 necessary to scan outgoing mail. If it didn't catch
 something on the way in, and further, during execution of
 a virus, worm, etc., how could you expect it to catch the
 same thing being sent out from your computer? :-)

Maybe an automatic update was performed just before sending?

It's possible if you get a virus on the early end of it's
cycle - most scanners will take a little while to detect
that particular virus.

I don't do it though, however I think there is some value
(granted, only a little) in scanning outgoing messages.

Ravi (

Running The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows XP

Don't use a big word where a diminutive one will suffice.

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Do not send attachments not working

2003-10-21 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked

 Are you serious... you can really create a filter to call
 a phone number when a new message arrives? Tell me more!

Most likely it's a filter that sends an email out to a

There are several such services around. You send an email to
an address and that gets translated to a text (SMS) message
to one's phone.

Ravi (

Running The Bat! 2.01.3 on Windows XP

Charlie was a Chemist, but Charlie is no more. What Charlie
thought was H20 was H2SO4.

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: %Account and %from

2003-08-14 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked
 Because this *was* the way the account macro worked. In the new
 (upcoming) version, it works as expected because the template
 processor has been rewritten from scratch.

Ok then. Thanks for clearing that up Stefan and Thomas. I'll
consider moving to the beta.

Ravi (

I am. Is reportedly the shortest sentence in the English
language. Could it be that I Do. is the longest sentence?
- George Carlin.

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

%Account and %from

2003-08-14 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked
In my AB Templates, when using the %ACCOUNT macro, why is it
that the %From macro usually has no effect?

Usually in that if the specified account is already selected
- %From takes effect. But if it isn't selected, and the
account must be switched, then %From is ignored.

Can anyone confirm? Or explain?

Ravi (

COMMAND: A suggestion made to a computer.

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: %Account and %from

2003-08-05 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked
 Usually in that if the specified account is already selected
 - %From takes effect. But if it isn't selected, and the
 account must be switched, then %From is ignored.

To clarify what I mean by selected - I mean that the focus
is on that account when I reply or create a new message.

To make this more concrete, here's what I have in my AB
Template for this (TBUDL) address:


But whenever I create a new message, the from address isn't

I've tried reversing the two lines above, and also setting
the %From to nothing before setting it to something.

Ravi (

Some days you're the dog, some days you're the fire

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: %Account and %from

2003-08-05 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked
 It's the order. Swap them round... and also reset From as
 well... so it'd read:

That's what I thought too.


Direct Copy and Paste of this into the template - and it
still didn't work.

Mind you it works for %TO %CC %BCC etc as you described, but
for some reason the reset sticks with %FROM.

 I had a similar issue, and found the account macro would
 always reset everything. Swapping it to that order fixed

I didn't mention it, but I'm running 1.62r. I'm really a bit
confused, because this really should work.

Ravi (

Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate. - Tom

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:


2003-07-29 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked

 Can someone check for me if TB works with Fastmail right now? Protocol
 IMAP. I'm stuck with some kind of issues. Others mailers work. Not TB.

I use it fine - working at the moment.

What kind of problems are you having?

Ravi (

Optimist: Someone who doesnt know all the facts yet..

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information:

Re: The Archive has gone AWOL

2003-05-29 Thread Ravi/Shell-Shocked
 It sure looks that way. If this starts to look permanent
 then we'll have to reconsider using the MailMan built in
 archiving on the host servers - unless anyone knows of any
 other archiving service...

I know of: but I'm not sure if
TBUDL will fit the bill.

Something for the admins to consider: Via,
this list can be made available as a newsgroup.

Traffic isn't too high atm, but sometimes it can be - making
if difficult to keep up.

An added benefit is that gmane also serves as an archive,
with search etc built in.

I've tried the service, and it's pretty good.

Ravi (

If at first you dont succeed, skydiving is not for you.

Current version is 1.62r | Using TBUDL information: